- 23 June 2022 : Denton police killed a man this morning. His "crime" was a mental health crisis. DPD's sentence was incarceration, isolation, and death.
- 9 June 2022 : Who you callin progressive tho 🤔
- 6 June 2022 : They’re right here pic.twitter.com/gdALperpTo
- 5 June 2022 : Where are the kids? They’re in the video. Where is the “I am a Fascist, not a Nazi?†Not in this clip. It was a long day. pic.twitter.com/6F5fqAgJnK
- 5 June 2022 : pic.twitter.com/aRumK0D3Mf
- 5 June 2022 : pic.twitter.com/tDFLu65UeV
- 5 June 2022 : pic.twitter.com/dxYbgLUh7B
- 5 June 2022 : We didn’t even take video, we were too busy protecting a family. The family being chased is clearly visible in the beginning and end of the video. pic.twitter.com/KLzIlPfo3L
- 5 June 2022 : In real life, video only catches parts and glimpses. You should have been there if you expect to have some perfect view of everything that happened. pic.twitter.com/lV87bLekvY
- 4 June 2022 : Liberation or else https://twitter.com/savetranstexans/status/1533158266024480768
- 27 May 2022 : @antifaintl @SRA_DFW @cbjbgc @hotjbgc @ctjbgc @rijbgc @gmjbgc @PugetSoundJBGC @LABlackCoyote @DentonLeft @Vegas_JBGC @TMJBGC @SteelCityJBGC @IWW_GDC @IWW_IWOC @ntxiww @dfwGDC
- 27 May 2022 : If you're keeping score Alex Rosen is now one wig & one megaphone poorer. We should be able to build a full replica by fall. https://twitter.com/stevanzetti/status/1530241016736907264 pic.twitter.com/FhzdGOyhJn
- 26 May 2022 : A racist white man murdered 13 Black folks in Buffalo hoping to further incite national violence from the mechanism of gun control and the state is tripping over the bodies of 19 children to grant his wish.
- 23 May 2022 : ICYMI Tomorrow (Tuesday), Jaynie is hosting a meeting at King of Glory Lutheran church. Please show up in solidarity with the unhoused communities she continues to displace. https://twitter.com/EFJBGC/status/1524965865535545356 pic.twitter.com/SbR7WnABV2
- 21 May 2022 : RT @soapstohn: Is anybody near gateway park missing a blue heeler(?) mix. He has no id tag on its collar no microchip and has on a flea col…
- 9 May 2022 : RT @BubbleBreakBS: Real bleak look at the future ahead and how to fight it. We’re all tired. But we have years of fighting ahead. We know w…
- 4 May 2022 : Proud Boys- 0 Humanity Everywhere- 1 pic.twitter.com/saifMuQcVU
- 3 May 2022 : Civic Garden 5PM Grassy Knoll 5:30PM Today pic.twitter.com/e0eEpCHjY4
- 24 April 2022 : Sunday gunday pic.twitter.com/ddRw4QTdlQ
- 19 April 2022 : Regardless of the nuances of the "law", there is no basis for these tools being an exclusionary basis for unsheltered survival. The differentiation harbored by the city is a disparity between the rights of housed folks & unhoused folks. pic.twitter.com/p7oy9s4zR8
- 19 April 2022 : For transparencies sake, @CityOfDallas representatives have clarified their reasoning for sweeping the Valley View encampment without notice as labeling machetes used to maintain the camp & a bb gun as "weapons." This leaves some sinking questions yet to be clarified. pic.twitter.com/7uXTMhtyRu
- 15 April 2022 : 🚨 action item🚨 Please let Angela know that weaponizing police against our neighbors for nimby gains is fucked. Klattenhoff@sbcglobal.net
- 15 April 2022 : On the surface this is a fluff piece for a self described "fascist". The troubling & insidious story is how many trans students @McGeeReports before completely omitting their experiences. https://twitter.com/McGeeReports/status/1514673587256442888
- 12 April 2022 : It's a great day to remind everyone that @JuiceLand busted union organizing efforts in Dallas with scab labor. Employees organized around rampant claims of sexism, disproportionate pay gaps/scheduling disparities between Black & Brown employees comparatively to white employees. pic.twitter.com/pfHTdnJzfh
- 10 April 2022 : Incredible how many "researchers" have made a living off of being Patreon cops pic.twitter.com/EhePsFGJ4Y
- 9 April 2022 : Submit to our ViOleNcE or be DeStrOyeD Jack. pic.twitter.com/dyH98KDcnj
- 9 April 2022 : Imagine this is the starting lineup to your "war"... https://twitter.com/IGD_News/status/1512847583441346560 pic.twitter.com/rlB8fMOCjk
- 9 April 2022 : Please reach out if you work with/for a verifiable bail fund in the RGV. https://www.valleycentral.com/news/local-news/starr-county-woman-arrested-for-self-induced-abortion/
- 6 April 2022 : https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/4/6/hold-burkina-faso-sankara-trial
- 3 April 2022 : @PMSPunkMedicSe1
- 2 April 2022 : Watch this space for an event announcement in a couple of days. pic.twitter.com/5ncaDjM24J
- 1 April 2022 : The @Springfield_IL has placed Aaron Nichols, the rabidly antisemitic & racist cop on unpaid leave. https://twitter.com/AnonCommieStan/status/1509711827076370432 pic.twitter.com/spz5BVIvXX
- 22 March 2022 : Sure, but more referring to the electoral politics charade.
- 21 March 2022 : The past month has seen an uptick in patriot front propaganda. Many members live in the area and the neo nzi group is based out of Haslet. Members typically wear khaki and patches affixed with fasces and 13 star flags. pic.twitter.com/i7SRNp8qOl
- 21 March 2022 : @CollinYDs
- 20 March 2022 : Enjoy a very grainy potato photo of him at UNT. Rider had the same mask. pic.twitter.com/RMHP3QvKbx
- 14 March 2022 : What were the tattoos?
- 14 March 2022 : Good night white pride. pic.twitter.com/plFuSiLlzx
- 10 March 2022 : Arm trans kids.
- 7 March 2022 : Might be cold in Dallas but it's HOT in McLennan county https://twitter.com/hotjbgc/status/1500180295345188868
- 3 March 2022 : @DfwAntifa @AntifaDFW @trashpandaAFA @chadloder @IGD_News @dallas_protest @anonuntsquirrel @untglad @SocialSapphics @unt
- 3 March 2022 : The attempt to befriend Alex Stein was cringy. pic.twitter.com/jUYtTJLWrR
- 3 March 2022 : People on campus have reported and are continuing to report no such police presence, only the normal campus police. Please remember to only spread verified information; use the salute method. pic.twitter.com/jDUZTlGXCU
- 2 March 2022 : People on campus have reported and are continuing to report no such police presence, only the normal campus police.
- 2 March 2022 : If you're receiving a warning about state police on campus it is not true, and hasn't been true all day. pic.twitter.com/BYEoQcOgMd
- 2 March 2022 : TODAY 7pm. https://twitter.com/anonuntsquirrel/status/1498433137629667328
- 27 February 2022 : Have it on good authority that Jason Lee Van Dyke doesn't know what's nice here. pic.twitter.com/QTJLFq03jO
- 27 February 2022 : Joint range day with @cbjbgc in the cold rain & mud. Train like your life depends on it. pic.twitter.com/yoEkmPNlUJ
- 26 February 2022 : @Pegasusafa was suspended by @TwitterSafety for keeping our community safe while Andy N*o reply guys are still openly threatening to mass murder Antifascists. https://twitter.com/RoseCityAntifa/status/1497282042505031680
- 25 February 2022 : I think this is supposed to be a dunk. pic.twitter.com/pj5mX21oKv
- 25 February 2022 : If someone is centering themselves as a leader of a grift Klan, you should definitely block them. pic.twitter.com/HqdYrQBTtz
- 24 February 2022 : https://twitter.com/EFJBGC/status/1496629188475998208?t=aWTLpPc-dBAIDr1wxjJaAA&s=19
- 24 February 2022 : Charge it to the lord
- 24 February 2022 : Check on your people. Homies have been working tirelessly to get heaters & firewood out to folx trying to ride it out, but there is still space to go if needed. pic.twitter.com/DR5i6HmpCu
- 23 February 2022 : Context https://twitter.com/EFJBGC/status/1494826716979736584?t=V_bjnViBiH8C1ktVRd3QjQ&s=19 pic.twitter.com/hHcO8b7hal
- 23 February 2022 : UNT Wednesday 3/2 Same time, same place. If your mad at the state terror against our trans friends & children, support them as we fight for their right to simply exist unencumbered by discrimination by fascist aligned campus groups. pic.twitter.com/VBrlD2QdXJ
- 23 February 2022 : Rescheduled for next Wednesday 3/2 same time same place.
- 23 February 2022 : 🚨Protest Postponed🚨 UNT campus has closed due to weather. The Young Conservatives will be forced to reschedule todays hate rally, watch this space for updates. Use this time to regroup, plan, and strategize. Stay warm y'all, take care of each other. We're all we've got. pic.twitter.com/2rTITWFzus
- 23 February 2022 : Today. Show up. pic.twitter.com/UHr1r2K3PG
- 23 February 2022 : 🚨UNT protest location has moved🚨 CC @anonuntsquirrel pic.twitter.com/cieyZ8GjKS
- 22 February 2022 : 🚨Event has moved.🚨 https://twitter.com/anonuntsquirrel/status/1496253416036839424?t=BeOw4ERsolx9kkSHoX9yww&s=19
- 22 February 2022 : 💯
- 22 February 2022 : The tea https://twitter.com/anonuntsquirrel/status/1495150727840337924?t=iN7sUtljfehjTZwxckkvQw&s=19
- 22 February 2022 : Coward
- 22 February 2022 : Per our reporting you're under suspicion for being a fuck. pic.twitter.com/TI6qKL7eEt
- 21 February 2022 : ðŸ€
- 20 February 2022 : Absolutely the fuck not pic.twitter.com/wKc963RdOj
- 20 February 2022 : Things are looking up when there's an officer down https://twitter.com/IntelPointAlert/status/1495238067455725569 pic.twitter.com/bbxcs4nnkh
- 20 February 2022 : With friends like these who needs enemies. pic.twitter.com/QDjtorLzD4
- 20 February 2022 : RT @MidYlf: Solidarity and love for Portland tonight.
- 19 February 2022 : 🚨 Alerta 🚨 Dallas, clear your schedule March 1st. Details to come. pic.twitter.com/qTJUSlLwKd
- 19 February 2022 : It's always a good day to punch a bigot. https://twitter.com/surfcursedbolby/status/1495153949401362436
- 19 February 2022 : 💯
- 18 February 2022 : @PegasusAFA @anonuntsquirrel @DfwAntifa @UntDemocrats @untglad @UntYdsa @DentonTeaTimes @StandUnt
- 18 February 2022 : After various ignored appeals, petitions to @UNTPrez @UNTsocial , bigots are still allowed to organize freely on campus. This is the culmination of the tactics of ignoring their presence and protecting ones right to speech that's deadly to marginalized folx. No more. pic.twitter.com/O5AATruASy
- 18 February 2022 : @UNTsocial will not care until the right to be a bigot they're grandstanding culminates in violence. https://twitter.com/BubbleBreakBS/status/1450634206669852677?t=YMVZapNhCtbgXUNdpTvAfQ&s=19
- 17 February 2022 : @cbjbgc @LABlackCoyote @gmjbgc @PugetSoundJBGC @baystatejbgc @YPTActual @Vegas_JBGC @YPTActual @ArmYourFriends @SteelCityJBGC @SRA_DFW @CorpusSra
- 14 February 2022 : Yes you should block the guy that was very scared of toothbrushes and soap. https://twitter.com/115_Grains/status/1492646069230092292
- 3 February 2022 : pic.twitter.com/BAaJhaHSw2
- 2 February 2022 : If you have something to contribute, please see here. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeW6ULr6HAbr1Gfiix_A6N3G1n-xymaSwhqfNey85kl1J-J7w/viewform
- 28 January 2022 : Hey kids, militant solidarity works. pic.twitter.com/peLTgvHBYS
- 28 January 2022 : If you know anything about dudebro from Young Americans for Liberty, DMs are open. pic.twitter.com/izUNvaxHm9
- 28 January 2022 : Hey UNT! In the future, shutting out everyone's favorite lib grifter supreme would be dope. If you don't want your face being broadcast straight to the fedbois, it's best to stay away from this person. pic.twitter.com/QiyCyiLAmM
- 24 January 2022 : Free Palestine. pic.twitter.com/zsgcCTHWVw
- 23 January 2022 : Tomorrow, show up. Bring a friend. pic.twitter.com/6ignczVsNT
- 20 January 2022 : @PegasusAFA @trashpandaAFA @IGD_News @cbjbgc @LCRWnews @RuthlessWe @DfwAntifa @chadloder @HueyPNewtonGun @WhiteRoseAFA @AntifaGarfield @karmaonesixone
- 27 December 2021 : Nah, it's not that complex. You blocked them because they disagreed with you.
- 27 December 2021 : Challenging your analysis isn't the basis for bad faith acting.
- 27 December 2021 : So is blocking
- 15 December 2021 : @dlmvmt @PegasusAFA @cbjbgc @SRA_DFW @FNBDallas @sunrisemvmtdtx @DallasVoice @seizethewhiskey @PeteFreedman @DfwAntifa @InSolidarityDFW
- 15 December 2021 : For the safety of our community, Robert has no place here. Please let TC know once more that the action is in his hands. https://dallascityhall.com/government/citymanager/Pages/City-Manager.aspx
- 13 December 2021 : **** your local proud boy. https://twitter.com/BlkHmmrTimes/status/1470457436083572742 pic.twitter.com/pUeHpiywXJ
- 5 December 2021 : When you've spent a considerable amount of years tracking and studying a group and some braindead checkmark mfer just sends a tweet. https://twitter.com/DineshDSouza/status/1467339277688262657
- 4 December 2021 : Patriot Front is doing what they do best; pop-up spur of the moment actions to avoid getting stomped out in a direct confrontation. #defenddc https://twitter.com/dcylf/status/1467259574839230466
- 4 December 2021 : @seizethewhiskey @DSA_NorthTexas @dsantxafrosoc It's a very simple question with a simple answer. https://t.co/UUOlQjkdFo
- 24 November 2021 : Fuck Nzis. https://twitter.com/PegasusAFA/status/1298742128567345154
- 20 November 2021 : Anyways like follow subscribe buy a shirt
- 20 November 2021 : With Lance is Kaden Lopez. https://twitter.com/EFJBGC/status/1462174821077426177 pic.twitter.com/ftBxuP84qo
- 17 November 2021 : Check your DM's
- 17 November 2021 : Check your DM'z
- 14 November 2021 : Christina "hep a is responsible for the surge of homeless people" Crossley is a liar. https://twitter.com/stevenmonacelli/status/1460021450497212427
- 13 November 2021 : @PegasusAFA @trashpandaAFA @AntifaGarfield @SteelCityJBGC @PghAutonomy @karmaonesixone @DownTheBastards @BatCity_Antifa @DfwAntifa @KitOConnell @stevanzetti @DeConfederate @IGD_News @LCRWnews @oaklanduprising
- 12 November 2021 : https://twitter.com/stevanzetti/status/1458960234240688129?t=w9ER3RvV5HDwJrh-kQfuQg&s=19
- 1 November 2021 : Today was a whirlwind of amazing. Big thanks to all from @NTRR4yall , @SRA_DFW , @FNBDallas , @dlmvmt , & feed the revolution that made it possible. pic.twitter.com/mYc8O6EIpD
- 30 October 2021 : New pantry just dropped off Malcolm X courtesy of @CreatorsDontDie . pic.twitter.com/MQCoG6WWtl
- 29 October 2021 : @KeepDallasSafe is allegedly meeting with @CityOfDallas tomorrow to discuss how to dehumanize homeless people. Let the city know billionaire shadow money has no place lobbying decisions with paid actors in our community. https://twitter.com/EFJBGC/status/1453385419257700357
- 29 October 2021 : A successful serving with @SRA_DFW outfitting the North Dallas folx with propane, and cool weather items. pic.twitter.com/BjL41xGCiJ
- 22 October 2021 : @BrookPropHTX this sign means nothing. Paying Arlington cops to enforce property rights won't change that. pic.twitter.com/cXaR9Jljxe
- 21 October 2021 : Moreover, destroy ICE, let the refugees in and sink Patriots for America to the bottom of the Gulf. @trashpandaAFA @PegasusAFA @IwriteOK @KarmaOneSixOne @IGD_News @LCRWnews @AntifaGarfield @stevanzetti @CorpusSra @SRA_DFW
- 20 October 2021 : Don't misgender @kelly_neidert . Her pronouns are was/were.
- 20 October 2021 : Yes.
- 20 October 2021 : RT @BubbleBreakBS: "What is Wrong With Christian Fascism?" "I am Radicalizing the Youth and You Can Do Nothing About it." "You Better Be Ni…
- 19 October 2021 : @PegasusAFA @trashpandaAFA @SRA_DFW @DfwAntifa @DentonTeaTimes @DentonLeft @CooperationdTX @RuthlessWe @IGD_News @cbjbgc @DFWmutualaid @KarmaOneSixOne @dallas_protest
- 19 October 2021 : pic.twitter.com/t3m9VvxIwG
- 19 October 2021 : Nah she made quite a few threats when her night fell apart.
- 19 October 2021 : What? No BIPoC folx were silenced at all during the protest.
- 19 October 2021 : That's fair
- 19 October 2021 : Gonna be honest you lost me at liberal. I mean in terms of listening to POC and especially POC uterus-havers who today was directed at, you're completely right. We listened and followed the lead of those that were actually there.
- 19 October 2021 : We've abandoned good faith I see. Night kid.
- 19 October 2021 : Making a lot of assumptions about who's doing the shouting for someone who wasn't there
- 19 October 2021 : Punching those straw men hard tonight
- 19 October 2021 : "they're going to spin it" is a pretty shit excuse to let people be antisemitic in public.
- 19 October 2021 : When mainstream nzis co-opt student groups to platform their message of misogyny, hate, bigotry, we'll be there to stop it, as was done tonight. If the fascism-understanders want to help feed some people, that would be nice too.
- 19 October 2021 : Have to be honest, the majority of our work is through the scope for community improvement, and the liberals signing in to criticize and shield fascists are strangers that we haven't seen take any participatory role in that.
- 19 October 2021 : A crucial fundamental component of mutual aid is antifascism. Meeting those who seek to kill and eliminate marginalized groups in their space is the only surefire way to disrupt their organizing. pic.twitter.com/aQw8ppqj4g
- 19 October 2021 : We get it, you weren't there to see the actual nzi not be able to get a word in. Get back to textbank activism.
- 19 October 2021 : Counterpoint : disrupting fascists (self admitted tonight) is in fact a good thing. I would advise shutting up. https://twitter.com/brylenmackk/status/1450250463794929671
- 18 October 2021 : Decent humans showing up to the vigil to ruin a budding nzi's scholarship/day/life. https://twitter.com/kelly_neidert/status/1449957922151272448 pic.twitter.com/PQKLp51rKU
- 15 October 2021 : @PegasusAFA @trashpandaAFA @cbjbgc @DfwAntifa
- 13 October 2021 : Imagine wanting to die over something as stupid as a shot. https://twitter.com/michiganPDL/status/1448398534819164162 pic.twitter.com/RXNS7oLr6f
- 8 October 2021 : This criteria disqualifies the majority of history textbooks. https://twitter.com/Mike_Hixenbaugh/status/1446455299569823755
- 7 October 2021 : @CityOfDallas does not care about unsheltered people. The wills of developers always outweighs the life or death struggle of existing. Let @AdamBazaldua know that sweeps are state sanctioned violence. https://twitter.com/stevanzetti/status/1446159103873671170 pic.twitter.com/s5ZpQH7TlM
- 6 October 2021 : Not even a little. pic.twitter.com/tyksPKXMnR
- 6 October 2021 : No, eradicating poverty and the social constricts that manufacture "crime" is the answer.
- 4 October 2021 : Satanic Panic bumble "christians" at it again https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1444869650219737089
- 4 October 2021 : Maybe we could have a chat around her paying a slave wage and still not being able to make payroll. pic.twitter.com/lz39talYz1
- 4 October 2021 : She turned off comments and then deleted the post after calling her out a third time. pic.twitter.com/F0GplASE4g
- 3 October 2021 : Send donations to $EFJBGC or we will accept items onsite. Feel free to join! @NTRR4yall @SRA_DFW @stevanzetti @FNBDallas @DFWmutualaid @DFWTenants @DfwAntifa @dlmvmt
- 28 September 2021 : @NPR is state propaganda. Always has been. https://twitter.com/ScottHech/status/1442865362417061889
- 25 September 2021 : It is odd that the cops and local paper cited threats of white supremacist violence as the reasoning for the barricades when the rally was taking place out of town. No matter. https://twitter.com/newsjournal/status/1441802197616918534?s=19
- 21 September 2021 : https://twitter.com/BashingFash/status/1440369022873206791?s=19
- 13 September 2021 : Thinking of our friends in @CorpusSra & @HoustonSRA today. If you have any spare change, send it to @SRA_DFW 's hurricane relief fund via $SRADFW . Donations are being utilized for the direct needs of the communities impacted. pic.twitter.com/qzr9nasJEH
- 12 September 2021 : Sara's a ðŸ€. pic.twitter.com/OyhN6dUxiV
- 12 September 2021 : Here's a better idea Bosko, how's about you shut the fuck up? pic.twitter.com/45qv1iKg2Y
- 4 September 2021 : pic.twitter.com/ADXIIzKc5W
- 3 September 2021 : xoxo
- 29 August 2021 : https://twitter.com/KAMRLocal4News/status/1431778653227077633 pic.twitter.com/fyFuY05um6
- 13 August 2021 : @NTRR4yall @PMSPunkMedicSe1 @DallasMedics @SRA_DFW @DallasHouseless @pdhouselessaid @protestmomdfw @ctjbgc @Vegas_JBGC @rijbgc @westLA_sra @SanDiegoSRA @PugetSoundJBGC @SteelCityJBGC @FNBDallas
- 13 August 2021 : @ghudspeth1 's concern with introducing a judicial mandate on masks is that permitless carry begins in 18 days and this "introduces guns to an emotional situation." Wut. pic.twitter.com/LzL31m139r
- 10 August 2021 : @DentonLeft @CooperationdTX @DentonMedic @debfordenton @trashpandaAFA @dentondiversity @DentonCountyDSA @DentonTenants @DentonBailFund @OUTReachDenton @indivisibleDNTN
- 5 August 2021 : FB, Tweeter, YT, & Twitch all deleted at once. 100% a cop or an op.
- 5 August 2021 : Gusano say what
- 3 August 2021 : Test. React if you see this.
- 2 August 2021 : @FNBDallas provides weekly meals every single week at Camp Rhonda and additional meals at other encampments when necessary. If you have the means, please consider supporting them with some funds. pic.twitter.com/6JJ9M125jl
- 30 July 2021 : Cc @pdhouselessaid @feedtheppldfw @twattisphere @protestmomdfw @SRA_DFW https://twitter.com/medickimw/status/1421167372073852930
- 30 July 2021 : https://twitter.com/VICENews/status/1421097555451129860?s=19
- 30 July 2021 : So brave, such valiant pic.twitter.com/z0GBB9T0Ib
- 26 July 2021 : A second name popped up at their "event" the 15th. The domain listed is now parked. pic.twitter.com/6H7wcxZUNP
- 26 July 2021 : If this is it, so be it. https://twitter.com/TxStormChasers/status/1419483792209850370
- 23 July 2021 : Computer, enhance pic.twitter.com/gqwJfaUqHf
- 17 July 2021 : The guy is writing essays defending a Nazi. https://davidrovics.blogspot.com/2021/07/the-campaign-against-me.html?m=1
- 15 July 2021 : I just need y'all to know that @TraptOfficiaI is REALLY upset and commenting on parodies of their butt rock one hit wonder on TikTok. What a great time to be alive. pic.twitter.com/E2Ul4A7Kbh
- 13 July 2021 : Stout cancelled his Paris rally because no one was going to show up.
- 12 July 2021 : https://twitter.com/GoodPoliticGuy/status/1414395614251700227?s=19
- 12 July 2021 : pic.twitter.com/wX164gQQL5
- 12 July 2021 : Eat my whole ass https://twitter.com/marcorubio/status/1414433092627013633 pic.twitter.com/X4laT4D45r
- 12 July 2021 : Based
- 10 July 2021 : @PenskeMoving , the preferred transport of white supremacists. https://twitter.com/EFJBGC/status/1413956221212762113 pic.twitter.com/SOEjCYIs68
- 8 July 2021 : Patriot Front dropped a couple hundred stickers in about fifty cities in the last couple days. They must be sad they got their ass beat. Better red than khaki. pic.twitter.com/rtv1qTUG6L
- 8 July 2021 : Better red than khaki. pic.twitter.com/5bLkPRTNkY
- 7 July 2021 : @TwitterSupport free @joethewobbly
- 7 July 2021 : @trashpandaAFA @PegasusAFA @jewan0n @AntifaGarfield @ShermanMarching @KarmaOneSixOne @SRA_DFW @DfwAntifa @antiracistsouth
- 7 July 2021 : gRaPhIc dEsIgN iS mY pAsSioN pic.twitter.com/OWsXB4DIlN
- 7 July 2021 : Plenty of names that never need to see the light of day again. pic.twitter.com/UyAVt5gFqX
- 7 July 2021 : The Aryan Freedom Network is a group intending to coalesce various ethnonationalist and Klan-adjacent organizations into using their website as a platform to share blogs/forums. pic.twitter.com/x1wtMQZEPu
- 7 July 2021 : 🚨The Aryan Freedom Network is planning a white unity rally in Longview in September. 🚨 https://twitter.com/jewan0n/status/1412606837690617860 pic.twitter.com/d1Vh58atdW
- 5 July 2021 : pic.twitter.com/8wBExETSuG
- 4 July 2021 : Hello Keiran. https://twitter.com/NYCAntifa/status/1238656841317572609 pic.twitter.com/dLc7ZhvXpp
- 4 July 2021 : We get it, you vape https://twitter.com/EricGilde/status/1411515388718878725
- 3 July 2021 : If you're calling a plate carrier a military uniform and refusing to identify a standoff, you have a bright future at ABC. https://twitter.com/lilsarg/status/1411365458633183233
- 3 July 2021 : Cops lie https://twitter.com/shannonrwatts/status/1411332469962555395
- 2 July 2021 : This has been brought up so to be clear: "Democratic organizations" refers to the people actively trying to dissuade accountability for Mat and not people from within those spaces that have been victimized by Mat.
- 2 July 2021 : The Elm Fork is one foot above flood stage with more rain incoming tonight. https://twitter.com/EFJBGC/status/1401930311957688327 pic.twitter.com/YnaelfEnXO
- 2 July 2021 : Thank you fracking overlords for our bonus earthquakes.
- 1 July 2021 : For a year, Daniel Perry was allowed to continue his employment in the Army uninterrupted. Nobodies holding their breath for "justice" now. https://twitter.com/PegasusAFA/status/1293021274692878339?s=19
- 1 July 2021 : https://twitter.com/chadloder/status/1376749806865969156?s=19
- 1 July 2021 : The head of the Police Association mocked Garrett days before pigs brutalized a memorial gathering in his memory. https://twitter.com/cbsaustin/status/1410707710815899653 pic.twitter.com/NxuyUN7dA0
- 1 July 2021 : Dentonites, if you have been affected or abused by Mat Pruneda and would like to discuss what transpired or how your coming forward were swept under the rug by the Denton County Democratic organizations, drop us a line at efjbgc@protonmail.com. We can guarantee complete anonymity pic.twitter.com/XOUFjYxY1h
- 1 July 2021 : There was never such thing as a licensed gun in Texas. You're just making things up now to pander. pic.twitter.com/rYtcydSRCr
- 1 July 2021 : Why do we have mutuals with this trash trying to both-sides hate groups? https://twitter.com/jrod8003/status/1409312057653092357 pic.twitter.com/a9XmR7gw5c
- 29 June 2021 : https://twitter.com/johncryan/status/1409710367597416449 pic.twitter.com/dh4GAS56jC
- 28 June 2021 : Ok Mark. pic.twitter.com/fIT0XNRFUb
- 28 June 2021 : @fnb_tacoma @PortlandSRA @PugetSoundJBGC @SocialistRA @PDXActionMedics @seattleYLF @SingleSparkSEA @fnbseattle
- 25 June 2021 : Oh damn what was the officer involved in?
- 23 June 2021 : Help save flamingos by loading Elon Musk into a large cannon and jettisoning him into the thermosphere. https://twitter.com/DallasZoo/status/1407724160831430659
- 23 June 2021 : **correction** the land in Burnett belongs to Marks godmother, not his father. She thinks he's an asshole and wants to be left out of his stupidity.
- 22 June 2021 : We protect us. @PegasusAFA @screwstonafc @trashpandaAFA @defendourhoodz @StopSweepsATX @unitedhoodmvmt @atx_sra @KarmaOneSixOne @dallas_protest @protestmomdfw @AntifaGarfield @IGD_News @HueyClub @NTRR4yall
- 20 June 2021 : RT @shinyslowqueen: At the #juneteenthday caravan in Fort Worth with the @SRA_DFW. Incredible turnout! https://t.co/DyWwxAovMv
- 20 June 2021 : *Cackles in deep religious trauma*
- 20 June 2021 : Wait until this mfer hears about mass transit.
- 19 June 2021 : Siq gap
- 19 June 2021 : You know you're not required to tweet right?
- 19 June 2021 : Let these orphan tweets stand as a monument to my dumbassery.
- 19 June 2021 : Only one enemy around here. pic.twitter.com/s6xs7MzkBm
- 19 June 2021 : One is @IronFrontUSA , one is a Neo-Nazi group. pic.twitter.com/AtsOHzWmc1
- 18 June 2021 : I don't think you understand what violent means in this context.
- 18 June 2021 : William went so far as to send a cease and desist for Deb blocking him on Facebook. Just. Lol. pic.twitter.com/ckAP4Ykifl
- 18 June 2021 : This isn't the first time William Freeman has been allowed to spew stupid shit, unfortunately. He seems to have a vendetta against @debfordenton , whom he described as "an agent of the southern poverty law center" whatever the fuck that means. pic.twitter.com/Ggaq31i5LY
- 17 June 2021 : pic.twitter.com/kRIadGlUqi
- 17 June 2021 : The most oppressed class of *checks notes* property owners
- 17 June 2021 : @dallas_protest
- 17 June 2021 : Thank you so much for writing this.
- 16 June 2021 : 💜💜
- 15 June 2021 : 🚨Tonight in Denton 🚨 https://twitter.com/OUTReachDenton/status/1403566621130735617
- 15 June 2021 : Settings > Account > username
- 15 June 2021 : @DfwAntifa @HueyClub @PegasusAFA @trashpandaAFA @KarmaOneSixOne @SRA_DFW @DallasHouseless
- 14 June 2021 : @SRA_DFW @DAMNComrades @HoustonSRA @HoustonTenants @DFWTenants @DentonLeft @CooperationdTX @DentonTenants @DentonMedic @DallasMedics @NTRR4yall @feedtheppldfw @HueyClub @HueyPNewtonGun @dallas_protest
- 14 June 2021 : Here is a list of some good items to have on hand. This list is far from comprehensive, but will get a lot of the job done. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1QGVSVRMSBHGY/?ref_=lol_ov_le
- 14 June 2021 : @PUCTX voted to lift the moratorium on utility disconnections while temperatures are consistently cresting 90 degrees. If you are behind on utility payments, you can be disconnected on or after June 18th.
- 14 June 2021 : For context, an EIGHTH noose was recently found. https://twitter.com/ctjbgc/status/1402638440307568640?s=19
- 12 June 2021 : @DentonBailFund @DentonLeft @NTRR4yall @DentonCountyDSA @CooperationdTX @AlisonforDenton @debfordenton
- 5 June 2021 : What'd they do with the other 272,000,000 dollars?
- 3 June 2021 : pic.twitter.com/tKHDmiG2pE
- 2 June 2021 : @Resist_Diaries are international non-combative volunteers reporting from Rojava. https://youtu.be/3l_GrfDhqIk
- 1 June 2021 : Oof. Gross. https://twitter.com/EFJBGC/status/1399841400397647876?s=19
- 29 May 2021 : This is bad. https://twitter.com/IREHR/status/1398363289692692484
- 25 May 2021 : @JuiceLand is using scabs to break a strike. https://twitter.com/EaterDallas/status/1397210626536222728 pic.twitter.com/EcQkVrCLNz
- 24 May 2021 : In an incredible display of cancel culture and censorship @LewisvilleISD suspended a teacher for approving a yearbook design with a black fist that says "I can't breathe". https://bit.ly/3vd6P4J
- 19 May 2021 : A cleansing of the timeline. https://livinghistory.as.ucsb.edu/2020/07/20/bank-of-america-burning/ https://twitter.com/Artsy_Marxist/status/1394836336721514499
- 18 May 2021 : based https://twitter.com/westLA_sra/status/1394355987956461568
- 11 May 2021 : A statement to indicted AG @KenPaxtonTX on behalf of the John Brown Gun Club. pic.twitter.com/MpwersDNaR
- 10 May 2021 : S/o @QOrigins @PegasusAFA @DfwAntifa @trashpandaAFA
- 10 May 2021 : Don't forget about the dementors
- 9 May 2021 : @JackPosobiec care to make a correction? Your lemmings are still selling lies about your week-late propaganda blitz. https://twitter.com/Chrisp1776/status/1391113098199592960 pic.twitter.com/2pH03QFqp5
- 9 May 2021 : Enhance https://twitter.com/Chrisp1776/status/1391113098199592960 pic.twitter.com/F6MY6YqV7k
- 4 May 2021 : 👀 https://twitter.com/dallas_protest/status/1389627803893698562
- 3 May 2021 : Read this. The pigs allowed David Godber to swing on protestors and leave without interfering because the pigs only purpose is to uphold white supremacists. https://twitter.com/MarvinDScottIII/status/1389215176805822473
- 3 May 2021 : pic.twitter.com/sKbwJ1kDKL
- 3 May 2021 : Yes
- 3 May 2021 : Not interested in virtue signaling pissing matches. Consider why you felt the need to interject.
- 2 May 2021 : What a rad day y'all. Thanks to all that helped make it possible. @DentonLeft @NTRR4yall @CooperationdTX pic.twitter.com/ZPEXXqkKs1
- 29 April 2021 : I directly refuted your point, you just didn't like the answer.
- 28 April 2021 : The doors also have electronic fobs rather than keys. It's extremely difficult to enter a door that's not yours.
- 28 April 2021 : Friday! https://twitter.com/DentonTenants/status/1387474060527931392
- 25 April 2021 : RT @IAF__FAI: Check out these stencils to spray around town: https://t.co/OXvDmzDi4Y
- 23 April 2021 : Okay this is rad. @ForgotWeapons https://shop.forgottenweapons.com/products/heat-tactical-vest
- 23 April 2021 : @AFLCIO this you? https://twitter.com/Chicago_IWW/status/1382837458291802114
- 22 April 2021 : https://twitter.com/JohnRossomando/status/1385032235326361602 pic.twitter.com/YwDfno5e2D
- 15 April 2021 : Low cost medic supplies Low cost medic supplies Low cost medic supplies Low cost medic supplies Low cost medic supplies â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸ https://twitter.com/FafoDefense/status/1382743310310199301
- 15 April 2021 : Wut in the name of libralizm. @RuthlessWe imposter. pic.twitter.com/NAADdoyyvp
- 15 April 2021 : Nope. Good luck tho! https://twitter.com/daijahmystique/status/1382415165186924544
- 14 April 2021 : Rando Gab Nazi only defends community defense when it harms Black people. Must be a day that ends in Y. https://twitter.com/KBoomhauer/status/1382167870935760898 pic.twitter.com/kYccoquOBQ
- 14 April 2021 : Turn off the Breitbart and go outside https://twitter.com/BryonJonesl/status/1382214192170561538 pic.twitter.com/Ko8biIwExz
- 14 April 2021 : ...Beto? Lol.
- 12 April 2021 : That's actually Kevin Whitts car. pic.twitter.com/2pP9hyysjw
- 11 April 2021 : Droves huh. pic.twitter.com/wGoCETYTTj
- 10 April 2021 : How it started. /. How it's going Welcome to the internet. https://twitter.com/FPhoenix161/status/1380929240850309122 pic.twitter.com/gZklFQlPAP
- 10 April 2021 : The megaphone is a cop. The journalist is a cop. The livestreamer is a cop. The "researcher" is absolutely a cop. Abusers get fukt. Twitter clout wielding enablers get fukt. Log off.
- 8 April 2021 : Out of 3215 ballots? No worries.
- 4 April 2021 : Hold up tho pic.twitter.com/OfZmrcFIac
- 3 April 2021 : Hey Clay! Has your dad passed away? I'm interested in pissing on his grave.
- 3 April 2021 : ABAB https://twitter.com/stephensemler/status/1378104678328713218
- 25 March 2021 : If Joe was already "president" it would have "rained" "allegedly".
- 25 March 2021 : 🚨Skywarn spotters reporting wall cloud at Justin Road/35. Highland Village, Copper Canyon take cover now. 🚨 https://twitter.com/NWSFortWorth/status/1374913462514589699
- 22 March 2021 : Y'allidarity pt 2 https://twitter.com/rifle_mi/status/1372906433315024898
- 22 March 2021 : Biden's prisons for children. https://twitter.com/dallas_protest/status/1374027262014619652
- 21 March 2021 : ALL democrats. I'm old enough to remember when @ForHD65 tried to cover up being racist scum. Eat shit, bigot. https://twitter.com/Phoenix_SRA/status/1368014409746944000 pic.twitter.com/qqaSLISyxJ
- 18 March 2021 : https://texasantifa.noblogs.org/inside-patriot-front-thomas-rousseau-grapevine-texas/
- 17 March 2021 : Gets worse. To be continued.
- 16 March 2021 : https://www.crosstimbersgazette.com/2020/10/08/argyle-intermediate-school-to-close-due-to-covid-19/
- 16 March 2021 : The correlation between this and the amount of school-wide quarantine closures Argyle has had this year is too damn high. https://twitter.com/MarshallKReid/status/1371634279009153025
- 13 March 2021 : This takes an immense amount of bravery. Mad respect to the staff https://twitter.com/ugh__natalie/status/1370796882746826757
- 12 March 2021 : RT @protestmomdfw: Update. Please come out as early as possible if you can. Pioneer Plaza. 8am 7am 6am
- 10 March 2021 : You're describing capitalism. This is an exploiter free zone, that goes for your ideals in defense of your husband.
- 9 March 2021 : NOW @DTXStopsEvictns pic.twitter.com/FmP5XDzHfS
- 6 March 2021 : #Denton This is tomorrow! https://twitter.com/EFJBGC/status/1367519716349272064
- 4 March 2021 : That's a misrepresentation of what they said.
- 2 March 2021 : H a u l t......
- 2 March 2021 : https://twitter.com/Incogneato6000/status/1366813381185970176?s=19
- 2 March 2021 : 100%
- 2 March 2021 : Separating people from their wallets for liberal grifts is not a crime, but people deserve to know what their money is propagating. Tell Mr. 'problem solver' we've we've got a problem. Stop grandstanding abusive bigots. https://twitter.com/stevanzetti/status/1366561324298358785
- 28 February 2021 : Not our purview to question victims. The fact that the overarching response is "prove it" is telling in itself. https://twitter.com/WTTSDFW/status/1366098987804225544
- 28 February 2021 : Full circle to the original point. We believe the abused. (this includes the video last night).
- 28 February 2021 : There's a long history of liberals opposing revolutionary rhetoric for incrementalism that marginalizes their allies. pic.twitter.com/12Qv3rZUfK
- 22 February 2021 : You can contact the pig sty here to demand the racist pigs be terminated and barred from future employment. pic.twitter.com/0BIAN6muay
- 22 February 2021 : @PlanoPoliceDept arrested and charged a Black man for the crime of walking down the street during a snowstorm. Yu can contact the district pigs at 972-548-4323 to demand they drop the charges. https://www.facebook.com/PlanoTexasPoliceDepartment/videos/252445259709034/ https://twitter.com/dallas_protest/status/1363870089628377089 pic.twitter.com/M1QTDEcBwK
- 20 February 2021 : We're not going anywhere, Johnny. We protect us. @PegasusAFA @HueyPNewtonGun @HueyClub @missmadamesatan @DTXStopsEvictns @IwriteOK @stevanzetti @protestmomdfw @PSLDFW @trashpandaAFA @SRA_DFW @DfwAntifa @DFWmutualaid
- 20 February 2021 : Action item 🚨 To "be the change", Johnny can affirm his resolve to not be like every other land developer in Dallas by not reclaiming the use of vacant space for predatory gains. Let him know your support for our Rhonda community neighbors. https://www.facebook.com/dfwprojectsdotcom pic.twitter.com/0BHoPzXvrh
- 20 February 2021 : Rather than informing organizers and residents, Johnny chose to post on Facebook and propogate the @feedtheppldfw storm relief fund that had been dispursing funds daily to aid displaced North Texans citing it as a fund designed to put CR residents in hotels (a lie). pic.twitter.com/blElF3D3Tq
- 20 February 2021 : @DTXStopsEvictns organized a comfort event to acclimate and supply residents back to camp after being displaced. The day before this event is to take place, council candidate Johnny removed stop the sweeps signs amd announces intent to evict residents within four days. pic.twitter.com/bV0bSqZQOl
- 20 February 2021 : DALLAS CR needs your help to settle back into some safe semblance of comfort and normalcy. https://twitter.com/DTXStopsEvictns/status/1363150143827021830
- 19 February 2021 : We've helped everyone of every walk of life this past week. The one group we've snubbed and always will is the class traitor. Any tool of the racist state deserves no quarter. ACAB includes your uncle with no water and power shivering alone. https://twitter.com/trashpandaAFA/status/1362863382538420236
- 19 February 2021 : From @EmmaGoldmanSOS https://twitter.com/nikoCSFB/status/1362248499132207104 pic.twitter.com/CtNyaBMlBM
- 19 February 2021 : #Marinaforguillotine https://twitter.com/Marina_Sirtis/status/1362532004919607298
- 19 February 2021 : No one needs to die tonight. Let's all unify as one set of eyes and ears to get everyone to warmth and safety and through this night.
- 18 February 2021 : Which location? Do you need an alternate water source?
- 17 February 2021 : pic.twitter.com/Vz5gmIWZ6b
- 17 February 2021 : You picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue stevie-boi.
- 16 February 2021 : Thank you immensely @itsa_talia . @DTXStopsEvictns , @DallasSSunday , @feedtheppldfw , @CooperationdTX are all also out doing amazing work.
- 12 February 2021 : Feliz birth @AdamBazaldua pic.twitter.com/kZ4Q3kwm73
- 12 February 2021 : Just here for the ratio.
- 11 February 2021 : @cityofdentontx is dead set on killing unhoused folx. The only 24 hour warming center is the police station. Shelter should be provided during the coldest hours of the night through the winter weather event to prevent unnecessary deaths. pic.twitter.com/NNbpYKHnAF
- 11 February 2021 : Greg Taylor https://twitter.com/RebellionBaby/status/1359682422556692482 pic.twitter.com/eYLR47aK3q
- 9 February 2021 : Bless your heart. https://twitter.com/WallOfMoms/status/1359023110754758660
- 9 February 2021 : Glorious PC Carbine
- 5 February 2021 : Starting to think @AdamBazaldua ’s silence is an indication that he supports violence on his districts unhoused population. Reinstate the memorandum immediately. https://twitter.com/psldfw/status/1357542985433575427 pic.twitter.com/mdroK5t4p1
- 5 February 2021 : Completely unrelated, but Cara is up for re-election in May.
- 3 February 2021 : Furthermore we demand that @JudgeClayJ follows CDC regulations immediately reinstate the declaration halting all sweeps countywide with no expiry. pic.twitter.com/nswNd20ri6
- 3 February 2021 : Furthermore we demand that @JudgeClayJ follows CDC regulations immediately reinstate the declaration halting all sweeps countywide with no expiry. pic.twitter.com/baBmsHjUSg
- 31 January 2021 : @PegasusAFA @DTXStopsEvictns @protest_mom_dfw @feedtheppldfw @DallasMedics @DfwAntifa @trashpandaAFA
- 29 January 2021 : pic.twitter.com/j4tp9onDYm
- 25 January 2021 : Reactionary liberals like @LivingBlueTX trying to get all out asses smoked. pic.twitter.com/8d9ViNkloq
- 25 January 2021 : pic.twitter.com/fmfwN8UYLS
- 23 January 2021 : Just looks like a Friday. https://twitter.com/hiraethresists/status/1352711978356191241
- 22 January 2021 : Moist
- 22 January 2021 : Y’all I can’t even. @PegasusAFA @trashpandaAFA pic.twitter.com/zSRget01Sm
- 22 January 2021 : Okay. Winner of most creative way to subvert a block is: pic.twitter.com/BNw6GlbVIw
- 20 January 2021 : You know you’re not required to post, right? You could just simply delete your account.
- 15 January 2021 : @PegasusAFA @trashpandaAFA @DentonLeft @dallas_protest @AidDenton @DfwAntifa @SRA_DFW @AntifaDFW
- 15 January 2021 : There’s no louder gatekeeper of American policy than non-Americans. Funny innit @LeftyScumbag .
- 15 January 2021 : There’s no louder critique of Americans than non-Americans. Funny innit @LeftyScumbag .
- 14 January 2021 : https://www.kwtx.com/2021/01/13/i-told-you-dont-use-a-gun-video-shows-moments-leading-up-to-and-following-deadly-local-police-shooting/?fbclid=IwAR1v40bIsoqqkLANfBdKl1MQr9_XCBb48R5S_7RK6DBsvLHMjbwFcpFaHN4
- 14 January 2021 : Reynaldo Contreras pic.twitter.com/CrkQAFyfVm
- 13 January 2021 : Better deescalation than every cop. https://twitter.com/davenewworld_2/status/1349019123813117955
- 12 January 2021 : Rest in piss https://twitter.com/tmjbgc/status/1349015257205899266?s=21 https://twitter.com/texasobserver/status/1348819488863449088
- 10 January 2021 : Sgt camo raided the sportsman’s guide clearance section
- 8 January 2021 : Confused? Angry? Join @NTXSocialistAlt in solidarity & Stand up against our common enemy of forward momentum of the human race. pic.twitter.com/RXBUcWNaAK
- 8 January 2021 : Anti-American Texans. A thread:
- 5 January 2021 : Same. https://twitter.com/ruckcohlchez/status/1346279014160191488 pic.twitter.com/u3koCm1M5M
- 5 January 2021 : We’ve had Latinx comrades chased out of Decatur for having a picnic at the park. Wise/Montague Counties are a safe haven for ethnonationalists for now. But, not for long.
- 5 January 2021 : We’ve had Latinx comrades chased out of Decatur for having a picnic at the park. Wise/Montague Counties are a safe haven for ethnonationalists.
- 4 January 2021 : Congrats on enabling fascism.
- 3 January 2021 : https://twitter.com/ingrahamangle/status/1345493502835220480 pic.twitter.com/qnafaCFF8n
- 27 December 2020 : Right libertarian “to each their means†ideologies are antithetical to Black liberation They just replace one tyrant for another.
- 27 December 2020 : Boots are horrible at intel gathering and it shows. It’s far more desirable to watch these reactionaries exterminate themselves from the woods. https://twitter.com/joshuabailey184/status/1342956524650561539
- 26 December 2020 : That sub has no more info than a person saying they’re banned. What happened?
- 25 December 2020 : White checks propagandizing terrorism already. https://twitter.com/amuse/status/1342522105905221632
- 25 December 2020 : With love from deep behind enemy lines pic.twitter.com/RfCwQ7ej5O
- 23 December 2020 : A couple centuries late Bubs. pic.twitter.com/OBkNRjfi5I
- 21 December 2020 : Regardless of our difference in motive, everyday the Oregon state legislature works in fear is a good day. https://twitter.com/abigaildollins/status/1341096086325219328
- 21 December 2020 : Oregon compensating landlords instead of direct tenant payments is a cause we can get angry behind. https://twitter.com/abigaildollins/status/1341096086325219328
- 20 December 2020 : Bye Felicia https://twitter.com/shelleyluther/status/1340094441433034754
- 14 December 2020 : Sounds like that was far from the intention. https://twitter.com/starlitsanctity/status/1338323220500537344?s=21
- 12 December 2020 : CW* difficult to watch https://twitter.com/attorneycrump/status/1337625519228071937
- 12 December 2020 : Joshua was murdered in 2013 by police, but we now know the name of his murderer. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/Police-release-name-of-Black-man-killed-by-La-15795704.php
- 11 December 2020 : That @SRA_DFW looked a lot better.
- 6 December 2020 : Reach out to UPC on IG for more details. pic.twitter.com/x8yktY0vxm
- 30 November 2020 : One bite at a time
- 30 November 2020 : Bless your heart. https://twitter.com/joeycamp2020/status/1333295243106586624 pic.twitter.com/QBiq1xiINm
- 29 November 2020 : Is it those ecofash satanist nerds with the compound out East?
- 27 November 2020 : Can someone give a breakdown of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict or somewhere to find information without an implicit Western bias?
- 25 November 2020 : No one: Not a soul: @rickyschroder13 : hey have you heard I’m moving to Parler?
- 23 November 2020 : Turkeys are antifa. https://twitter.com/tedcruz/status/1330360255449100294 pic.twitter.com/MTJR3kkqd5
- 22 November 2020 : Tactical coffee is stupid as fuck. https://twitter.com/antifashgordon/status/1330551745580154881
- 22 November 2020 : Antifa signed everyone up for a time life CD subscription https://twitter.com/antifascistf12/status/1330563182142906368
- 22 November 2020 : So valiant @mishtal. So brave. https://t.co/UzCDCNjui1
- 22 November 2020 : @StopAntisemites is run by David Collier, a far-right ethnonationalist who masquerades as an antiracist activist to smear Palestinian rights advocates. David is a radical Zionist sympathizer.
- 22 November 2020 : Viva Christie. Don’t negotiate with terrorists. https://twitter.com/stopantisemites/status/1330603559935741954
- 22 November 2020 : Release the Kraken https://twitter.com/antifascistf12/status/1330404039486566401
- 21 November 2020 : Post-Thanksgiving numbers are going to be catastrophic. https://twitter.com/judgeclayj/status/1330249617871675398
- 21 November 2020 : Mass shooter and domestic terrorist Kyle Rittenhouse posted $2 million bail today.
- 16 November 2020 : There is no difference between the domestic terrorists of the Piss Boys and the radical ethnonationalist terrorists responsible for Oklahoma City. https://twitter.com/cassywearsheels/status/1327793441049243652
- 16 November 2020 : We protect us. Cry harder Trev. â„ï¸ https://twitter.com/trashpandaafa/status/1328396134893621249
- 15 November 2020 : Have you done your civic duty and reviewed Trevor Turnbows business? https://g.co/kgs/rnktaA https://twitter.com/trashpandaafa/status/1327838768854949889
- 15 November 2020 : Have you reviewed Trevor yet? https://g.co/kgs/j4yHBJ https://twitter.com/bokononsprophet/status/1327842499323260928
- 15 November 2020 : He is currently wanting me to sign a waiver and box him. 😂
- 14 November 2020 : https://twitter.com/heresysquad/status/1327480039818940421?s=21
- 14 November 2020 : Boycotting fascism. https://twitter.com/besf0rt/status/1327265629800435714
- 13 November 2020 : How it started - How it’s going https://twitter.com/trashpandaafa/status/1326952224719769600 pic.twitter.com/oNZm4LV9CT
- 12 November 2020 : Pedophile Nazis aren’t welcome in Denton County. https://twitter.com/trashpandaafa/status/1326952189034688518
- 11 November 2020 : https://twitter.com/thedemocrats/status/1326324014202179587 pic.twitter.com/QKLo5jAnPW
- 11 November 2020 : Yes please. https://twitter.com/joshuapotash/status/1326348475529895936
- 7 November 2020 : https://twitter.com/fileunderfikshn/status/1325098168397279235 pic.twitter.com/YEJbzLNCBR
- 7 November 2020 : Conservatives are racist. https://twitter.com/fileunderfikshn/status/1325098168397279235
- 6 November 2020 : Who... pic.twitter.com/JLxcR7RtWm
- 6 November 2020 : Hey, fuck you. https://twitter.com/markacruzthedad/status/1324564028581011458
- 6 November 2020 : https://twitter.com/seizethewhiskey/status/1324569926233972736 pic.twitter.com/dZTrKACyPk
- 6 November 2020 : *FNH has entered the chat* https://twitter.com/tmjbgc/status/1324525193985863682
- 5 November 2020 : https://twitter.com/nickmartin/status/1324249197881614336?s=21
- 5 November 2020 : If this was a Black Lives Matter protest they would have been gassed and beaten already. https://twitter.com/azgop/status/1324206873969483777
- 4 November 2020 : How’s your Facebook page, bitch? @ThisIsTexasFF *cackles in RGV* pic.twitter.com/m4WCIP6FJU
- 4 November 2020 : How’s your Facebook page, bitch. https://twitter.com/thisistexasff/status/1323826445379162113
- 4 November 2020 : No one is questioning your “staminaâ€. You’re still crying about running a shitty oligarch four years later. Electoral plutocrats won’t save you. https://twitter.com/alt_uscis/status/1323846798444810242
- 4 November 2020 : What’s wrong with dick sucking? Are you adding homophobia to the resume?
- 4 November 2020 : What a shit take.
- 3 November 2020 : Stay home. https://twitter.com/heathrobertsdtx/status/1323745739831414784 pic.twitter.com/ol1IzILsM6
- 3 November 2020 : Protests don’t need hosts.
- 3 November 2020 : 1312 https://twitter.com/southlakedps/status/1323656876417032195 pic.twitter.com/Hv8E2QFMvf
- 3 November 2020 : LOVE to see it. https://twitter.com/antifascistf12/status/1323474287861399554
- 3 November 2020 : USBC aspiring terrorists are not welcome in North Texas. Wyatt has been a smear of shit riding shotgun with area Q organizers for awhile. https://twitter.com/twilightzoneafa/status/1323442199695118336
- 2 November 2020 : Have you heard the good news? He has risen. https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1322978858610565120 pic.twitter.com/3IIAoBJt8y
- 2 November 2020 : https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/jm5r2k/irrefutable_proof_that_domestic_terrorists/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf
- 2 November 2020 : 🎻 pic.twitter.com/u7EfNV4ZF3
- 1 November 2020 : MAGA drags the interstate will be on zello tomorrow if you’d like to have some fun. https://twitter.com/protest_mom_dfw/status/1322712154529812480 pic.twitter.com/c5pBNyBDUU
- 1 November 2020 : Happy spooky day, cats & kittens. pic.twitter.com/5c6gescmKR
- 1 November 2020 : pic.twitter.com/xAABlca68f
- 31 October 2020 : pic.twitter.com/HHzoKB0DsA
- 31 October 2020 : We’re activating the Lake Lewisville, Ray Roberts, and Grapevine reserve Antifa navies. Charlie don’t surf. https://twitter.com/expressnews/status/1320806839274119170 pic.twitter.com/ExApodDMp3
- 31 October 2020 : Idk what a neo-Marxist is, but if that’s what it takes to dethrone god and ‘promote homosexuality’, we’re your huckleberry @Carrollisd . https://twitter.com/southlakearc/status/1322332824419053576 pic.twitter.com/hqSKCqS5nf
- 31 October 2020 : Everyday seems like a better day to take to the woods. https://twitter.com/ericcervini/status/1322336226792321025
- 30 October 2020 : Keep an eye out for the area Neo Nazis. https://twitter.com/trashpandaafa/status/1313302042522333184
- 30 October 2020 : Plenty of these parades scheduled for this weekend. They’re primarily derived of elderly idealogues but keep in mind this groups last event spawned the Buccees cheap shot. pic.twitter.com/a7l3ph8IZo
- 30 October 2020 : https://twitter.com/shomaristone/status/1322182751987077122 pic.twitter.com/p3RmVlbvyl
- 30 October 2020 : Alternative headline: local journalist teases providing kill lists to ethnonationalist terrorists. https://twitter.com/cjingalls/status/1321873679265886208
- 30 October 2020 : *fascism liked this* https://twitter.com/cjingalls/status/1321873679265886208 pic.twitter.com/cSw7GxT1r6
- 30 October 2020 : People are beaten in the streets daily, homes and livelihoods stripped away, children being gassed, forced sterilization, families separated by state mandate. The white ivory tower wants to project the fascist threat as inflated. https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1319638981156417537
- 27 October 2020 : No shit. https://twitter.com/dentonrc/status/1321225162545459201 pic.twitter.com/ywn5KVWBl7
- 27 October 2020 : We have plenty of green monster and four-cylinder mustangs on hand to distract them. https://twitter.com/lcrwnews/status/1321140193135480833
- 23 October 2020 : Jimmy Madden is a trash Nazi, not in the pejorative sense, in the ethnonationalist insurrection sense. Reed is scum propagating and platforming National socialist ideology with the safe space methodology. When one person sits down at the table with one Nazi, you have two Nazis. https://twitter.com/trashpandaafa/status/1319773189032103937
- 23 October 2020 : Give the bigots a proper send off into bankruptcy tomorrow. pic.twitter.com/LK81YfaYSn
- 23 October 2020 : Another Texan booger-boi down. Sleep tight in stripes. pic.twitter.com/hMCdGasPe1
- 23 October 2020 : Come and take it. @realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/xR63M9JTbk
- 23 October 2020 : New evidence emerges that the ‘silent’ majority won’t shut the fuck up. https://twitter.com/straightt1/status/1319430680011509762
- 22 October 2020 : @seizethewhiskey @PegasusAFA @DfwAntifa @DAMNComrades
- 22 October 2020 : Homophobes aren’t welcome in Dallas. pic.twitter.com/oLmwiMWfTD
- 22 October 2020 : In a startling discovery FBI director claims Anarcho-Biden graffiti a disinformation campaign ordered by Luxembourg intelligence. pic.twitter.com/xFKd6f8jfR
- 18 October 2020 : Qanon in four years. https://twitter.com/thatacegal/status/1317123568958902273
- 16 October 2020 : You already know what tomorrow is. @PugetSoundJBGC @SteelCityJBGC @MidMoJBGC pic.twitter.com/gxm5YTdmxU
- 14 October 2020 : It’s been forty three days since Michael Reinoehl was assassinated by federal agents.
- 13 October 2020 : Based on a few reports, a few voters in Denton County were refused a certified write-in list. So FYI, your sheriff candidates name is spelled Freyja Odinsdottir. Wrote it on your arm, jot it on some paper, do what you need to do.
- 11 October 2020 : This is a great case study for the long term effects of decades of defunded education. https://twitter.com/americaenatione/status/1315157860284760064
- 8 October 2020 : Radical left uses comrade fly. It’s super effective. ☠pic.twitter.com/0QnnjEUHsW
- 5 October 2020 : ACAB includes prosecutors. https://twitter.com/kyoag/status/1313103470556315653
- 28 September 2020 : I recommend The Good Lord Bird. pic.twitter.com/kkI5YMX9Rd
- 27 September 2020 : Bullshit. pic.twitter.com/sKHoPp96Ih
- 26 September 2020 : Someone’s lonely. pic.twitter.com/SJ4e2LiMrM
- 25 September 2020 : Reminder: If your protest is police sanctioned, it’s not a protest. It’s a parade. https://twitter.com/escissorhands71/status/1306950884803440640
- 25 September 2020 : We were aware of that; just wondering where this angry lady came from.
- 25 September 2020 : “Toasted†in C minor
- 23 September 2020 : pic.twitter.com/Gn3LmUOENH
- 22 September 2020 : Jason West is another employee of the Coppell @bicyclesplus with some questionable views. pic.twitter.com/welQv8KKac
- 21 September 2020 : Here is the loser with James Fields, shortly before James murdered Heather Heyer. pic.twitter.com/XEj51rliIf
- 20 September 2020 : Old man flexing on a $50 hi point. https://twitter.com/jht6_harold/status/1307482169355333633
- 16 September 2020 : The only path open for police reform is self defense. https://twitter.com/heckyessica/status/1305900538739949568
- 16 September 2020 : @PegasusAFA @DfwAntifa @AntiFashGordon
- 14 September 2020 : Come and take it. https://twitter.com/joebiden/status/1305300227721703424
- 13 September 2020 : Tater tots Scrambled eggs Hot sausage Cheddar cheese Bell pepper Onion Bake at 350 for an hour Thank us later.
- 13 September 2020 : Hey FBI wiretap, play another one bites the dust pic.twitter.com/dw4s86UrCN
- 6 September 2020 : Negative, ask watchmen
- 5 September 2020 : @BrandonStraka is an outside agitator. https://twitter.com/dallaspd/status/1302373271518744577
- 5 September 2020 : Are we sure he isn’t a cop? He sprayed the shit out of the arresting cop and seemed to help.
- 5 September 2020 : Call to action: Multiple organizers from Pro Gainesville reporting targeted harassment and stalking on the part of Gainesville PD claiming they will arrest them at tomorrow’s march for any infraction they can find. Support the event tomorrow at six @ Cooke County Courthouse. https://twitter.com/efjbgc/status/1301339770136788993 pic.twitter.com/JiRTwOubhW
- 4 September 2020 : We have it on good authority most of @DixieProle hasn’t seen That Thing You Do. pic.twitter.com/CZen2MQXLx
- 3 September 2020 : Infighting is stupid and counterproductive. There’s one event worth being at Saturday. https://twitter.com/nextgenaction/status/1301553278854090754 pic.twitter.com/Bl0Jkq6Jg5
- 2 September 2020 : At least the COPD gang is breaking. pic.twitter.com/YsTvbPOEL5
- 2 September 2020 : GPB has issued warrants for three Pro Gainesville organizers. Stand in solidarity with the organizers. pic.twitter.com/isubsqAdiX
- 2 September 2020 : You’ve earned it.
- 1 September 2020 : They’re going to use RICO to suppress #BLM . This is fascism, and not in that kitschy way the word is used daily. Literal authoritarian slide. https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/acting-dhs-chief-says-feds-are-working-on-arresting-blm-leaders
- 31 August 2020 : CW racial slur* Last night, a local DFW family was targeted for their chalk BLM message and their fence was defaced with a hateful message. If you can, donate to the fence replacement. https://gf.me/u/yvh8ra pic.twitter.com/jXrklcnaqg
- 31 August 2020 : Johns a Nazi, but you knew that. pic.twitter.com/ASQLeZ2Lhw
- 30 August 2020 : They’re salivating at their murder fantasies playing out. pic.twitter.com/acDR4obx5M
- 30 August 2020 : I see civil war is trending full of fascist apologists again. pic.twitter.com/sWty9cBtV1
- 30 August 2020 : Imagine having to stare at these crooked ass chiclets half the day. https://twitter.com/daxmorgan/status/1299827187613396995 pic.twitter.com/rJKA57DYuU
- 29 August 2020 : D i s b u r s e lol. This tweet has been declared an unlawful assembly. https://twitter.com/raleighpolice/status/1299523720994861062
- 28 August 2020 : Oops you believed propaganda. pic.twitter.com/bz6e7mktdk
- 28 August 2020 : There is a god and he is good. https://twitter.com/anoncatanoncat/status/1299214487619276802
- 28 August 2020 : I’m calling bullshit. https://twitter.com/metroplexsocial/status/1299150216826966017 pic.twitter.com/oc7c8lZDbE
- 27 August 2020 : https://twitter.com/mrbillybounce/status/1298806231939809280 pic.twitter.com/r0VeuDqpAc
- 27 August 2020 : @PegasusAFA @AntiFashGordon @anoncatanoncat @DfwAntifa
- 27 August 2020 : Terrorists organizing in plain sight. pic.twitter.com/wltYaPrGoL
- 27 August 2020 : The OBU?
- 26 August 2020 : Abolish police. https://twitter.com/mollyjongfast/status/1298710512243322883
- 24 August 2020 : @KenoshaPolice just lynched another black man. CW: police shooting pic.twitter.com/BFbQisVwu0
- 24 August 2020 : Hey Alexa, play which side are you on https://twitter.com/fbi/status/1297623002364944385
- 24 August 2020 : Lol. pic.twitter.com/OWSlLz4oBz
- 23 August 2020 : @PegasusAFA @seizethewhiskey @AntiFashGordon @IdentifyDixie @DfwAntifa @AntifaDFW @SRA_DFW @NotMySonDFW @dallas_protest @DallasProtest1 @dfwchange @TXStreetMedics @HFFADFW
- 22 August 2020 : Oath keeper last seen with Jessica joy.
- 22 August 2020 : Hey Denton, you know him? This woman-beater needs to go through some things. @seizethewhiskey @PegasusAFA pic.twitter.com/ZuhSatW084
- 22 August 2020 : Seven positive cases so far and school hasn’t begun. @SouthlakeARC https://twitter.com/carrollisd/status/1296880188790386689
- 22 August 2020 : Weird Al Ancap said he was done tweeting and hasn’t shut up since https://twitter.com/styx666official/status/1296897216288821259
- 22 August 2020 : Some of y’all didn’t live somewhere where you got your mail once a week and it shows.
- 22 August 2020 : Liberals usher in fascism in a business class seat. https://twitter.com/alyssa_milano/status/1296940022386454528
- 21 August 2020 : Red scare Propagandizing 19/20th century cultural norms in a vacuum while disregarding American policies that imprisoned homosexuals is peak liberalism. #nocomradeunder1k put way too many of these wannabe radical centrists in my follows. https://twitter.com/jacklamothe5/status/1296532918504914951
- 21 August 2020 : pic.twitter.com/0Md9EMoDic
- 20 August 2020 : Gun culture “influencers†are one of the most toxic spaces that disenfranchise any who don’t fit the mold of right wing ideologue propagandist. https://twitter.com/nutnfancy/status/1276628948634370048 pic.twitter.com/uu2HBqwkNz
- 20 August 2020 : Your optics on backwards. Your hands say you have little training. Soy gives me the runs. ☠https://twitter.com/mtgreenee/status/1295133891364257792
- 19 August 2020 : Come on Nathaniel, threatening people over economic ideologies? @Flexjet must be so proud. pic.twitter.com/yQgcXxVwDM
- 18 August 2020 : Patriot front back at work in the Magnolia neighborhood in Fort Worth gathering Asian owned businesses. https://twitter.com/skyw00kie/status/1290324122220855298 pic.twitter.com/szjLPLT2xC
- 18 August 2020 : DallasforChange is in need of Canopies, if you have an extra, reach out. They’re a great organization on the frontlines of feeding those in need among many other things and it’s hot out there. pic.twitter.com/rtnYRlh7cQ
- 16 August 2020 : Ben is a @SocialistRA member and lifelong 1a/2a advocate. @SRA_DFW @AntifaDFW @PegasusAFA
- 16 August 2020 : On August 1st, Ben was arrested by Austin PD after standing on a sidewalk at a vigil for Garrett Foster. Ben has been released but has a long legal battle ahead after being charged with two bullshit felonies. Please consider donating to his legal defense. https://www.gofundme.com/f/exercising-rights-shouldn039t-cost-your-freedom pic.twitter.com/FU7PKXCo5U
- 15 August 2020 : Terrorists like Chad are stockpiling. Are you? #ComradesAssembleTX #NoComradesUnder1k #NoComradeLeftBehind pic.twitter.com/GVqkv3J8d2
- 15 August 2020 : pic.twitter.com/T5tgLPlASx
- 14 August 2020 : Direct actiongets the goods. Agitate, educate, organize. #GeneralStrike
- 13 August 2020 : 40 million people now risk eviction, 28 million are unemployed, and the senate is on recess until after Labor Day. The state cannot and will not protect you. Stop cloaking your entire persona in electoral politics designed to make you all aspiring feudalists. Protect each other.
- 11 August 2020 : #DefundThePolice pic.twitter.com/YI7rWukx9x
- 11 August 2020 : Last seen in Denton County. If found contact The Watchmen pic.twitter.com/H5bcSe0q6g
- 10 August 2020 : RT @CVAgainstFash: Hey friends! Let’s talk about Rural Nexion, a neo-Nazi compound located in Alba, TX. https://t.co/mcjsyL2f3K https://t…
- 10 August 2020 : Bye Felicia https://twitter.com/styx666official/status/1292795511699800067
- 9 August 2020 : Black lives matter is not a political statement. @Whataburger https://www.star-telegram.com/news/local/fort-worth/article244747562.html
- 9 August 2020 : @DfwAntifa @AntifaDFW @DentonMedic @PegasusAFA @AntifaGarfield @DallasProtest1 @AntiFashGordon
- 9 August 2020 : 2/ Amanda claims to have a LE background but has had plenty of runins with the law. Controller records from one of her multiple names tracks her to co-ownership of a pest control company even though she claims to be a state trooper. S/o to Hoods off Denton for the screengrabs. pic.twitter.com/0bhel3i0Fe
- 9 August 2020 : 1/ Meet Amanda, an organizer for the upcoming Blue lives matter rally in Denton. Amanda has multiple aliases but spends a great deal of tome on neighborhood groups defending her right to use the N word, ironically from an alternate account. pic.twitter.com/ukGbJvzfz4
- 8 August 2020 : No justice, no peace. #VivaZapata pic.twitter.com/mcvgRD1Bj5
- 8 August 2020 : Also water is wet.
- 8 August 2020 : You’re conflating like they’re different. Clearly you’re not seeing who’s showing up to BLM protests.
- 8 August 2020 : Tell that to the fuzz boo.
- 7 August 2020 : Anyone going to Weatherford this weekend should be vigilant. Plenty of Threepers & Militiamen spreading lies about “antifa bussesâ€. Park, walk, and march in groups and be cognizant of/follow organizers lead. Stay safe https://twitter.com/nickmartin/status/1291796338175176705
- 7 August 2020 : If the defunded education system can indoctrinate kids about Washington’s tree chopping habits, @TeenVogue can teach the difference between private and personal property. https://twitter.com/teenvogue/status/1288996556868378624
- 7 August 2020 : It’s not exactly hard deplatforming fascists but it is rewarding. The bonus is they do the work for you. #NoComeradesUnder1k #nocomradesleftbehind pic.twitter.com/xOgSk43Lvr
- 7 August 2020 : So, about friends of Shelley @MetroplexSocial
- 6 August 2020 : @PegasusAFA @NotMySonDFW @DfwAntifa @AntifaDFW @SRA_DFW @DallasProtest1 @dallas_protest @IrisThatsCreepy
- 6 August 2020 : 4/ The Boogaloo are a hate group who will bring any situation to a boiling point and turn on any allieship when it’s the most opportunistic play. The Hawaiin shirts are not your friends. pic.twitter.com/Xi1Tc4lzJ5
- 6 August 2020 : 3/ Contrary to the FB pages claim, Philip has been on the FBI’s radar since selling illegal steroids to a UC in early 2019. His indictment is in no way related to his 2020 activities. pic.twitter.com/76BX1uCt6I
- 6 August 2020 : 2/ Philip Archibald is an anti-masker who has made appearances with Shelly Luther, led the Armed protest at Crash-N-Burn tattoo, and organized the ‘armed reopening’ in Odessa that nearly turned into a shootout. pic.twitter.com/z5KCDl0gK0
- 6 August 2020 : 1/ The Boogaloo are attempting to co-opt a Black Lives Matter protest Saturday in Dallas. A FB page is claiming to be organizing a march to the FBI office in support of a local anti-mask leader whom they claim was arrested for his participation in lockdown and BLM protests, a lie pic.twitter.com/mEEMYvogsJ
- 6 August 2020 : pic.twitter.com/ZHLGxwubEF
- 6 August 2020 : pic.twitter.com/jCTrbIrfaD
- 6 August 2020 : The whole family is just a treat. https://twitter.com/pegasusafa/status/1290731475336335360 pic.twitter.com/AeF00tGIc9
- 6 August 2020 : Signal boost @ASPCA @PegasusAFA @AntifaDFW @AntifaDFW @enough_fw @NotMySonDFW FTW animal services :817-392-1234
- 6 August 2020 : 2/ refused entry and towed the vehicle with the dog inside. The police showed on riot gear with launchers and batons after an evening of peaceful picketing in solidarity with the terminates employee. @MayorBetsyPrice give us the fucking dog.
- 6 August 2020 : Urgent* @fortworthpd just towed a vehicle blocking the entrance to the @Whataburger who fired an employee for wearing a BLM mask. The vehicle had a dog inside and protestors offered to move it multiple times and begged to remove the dog but police in riot gear, many without masks pic.twitter.com/aGLNL7CGqK
- 6 August 2020 : The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing you American politics is anything but the wealth-hoarding vs the wealth aspiring. #NoComradesUnder1k pic.twitter.com/VMFdrHEdbS
- 5 August 2020 : Thomas has been at work in Lewisville. @seizethewhiskey @PegasusAFA @DfwAntifa @AntifaDFW @SRA_DFW https://twitter.com/skyw00kie/status/1290324122220855298 pic.twitter.com/WiCTfDzyE2
- 4 August 2020 : Don’t think this needs editorializing. pic.twitter.com/gn4KsuUGyY
- 4 August 2020 : @DfwAntifa @PegasusAFA @AntiFashGordon @AntifaGarfield @dallas_protest @InSolidarityDFW @AntifascistF12 @BlackMastAntifa @AntifaDFW @antifa
- 4 August 2020 : 3/ Kevin is networking as fast as he can to bring a crowd in opposition of Dallas Against White Supremacy which he claims is a “Marxist†organization while listing his event as “not child friendly†Kevin seems to holistically wish for violence to further his virtue signaling. pic.twitter.com/bRrcr5gcLd
- 4 August 2020 : 2/ ..delegate, Kevin has been a loud, thought obscure, voice in Dallas for a short while. He claims to be a full time activist in his begging for funds but in actuality is a hairdresser. pic.twitter.com/RckBtKGUlo
- 4 August 2020 : 1/ Meet Kevin Whitt. Kevin is a conservative antimask podcaster who claims to be a “delivered homosexual†and opposes Black lives matter protests in Dallas vehemently. Kevin has planned a counter-protest to combat the Dallas Against white supremacy event Sunday. As a @GOP .. pic.twitter.com/2DcImz1J4d
- 4 August 2020 : 1/ Meet Kevin Whitt. Kevin is a conservative antimask podcaster who claims to be a “delivered homosexual†and opposes Black lives matter protests in Dallas vehemently. Kevin has planned a counter-protest to combat the Dallas Against white supremacy event Sunday. pic.twitter.com/PAMylKoBuy
- 3 August 2020 : I’d wager they’re the ones wheatpasting in Deep Ellum and the northern burbs too. pic.twitter.com/8hcczqX93z
- 3 August 2020 : RT @seizethewhiskey: P*triot Fr*nt arrested in Weatherford for putting "antifa" stickers around the town
- 2 August 2020 : A one sided presentation when two sides exist. Encouraging a reliance on the state for protection is just as toxic as the Boogaloo terrorists. WE keep us safe. https://twitter.com/keepgoing_tx/status/1289732771368202240 pic.twitter.com/ZnymHZCuj8
- 28 July 2020 : @drkapinos @Southlake_CC @VisitSouthlake @Dallas_Observer @BenjaminPDixon @enough_fw @NotMySonDFW @PegasusAFA
- 28 July 2020 : 4/Victor has latched onto the SRO aspect of the 21 page demands letter from @SouthlakeARC and his response on all other points are suspiciously absent. Victor is proving to work for the slavemaster in an effort to preserve the status quo. How many union PACs are in his pocket? pic.twitter.com/HsEVUInz22
- 28 July 2020 : 3/ Victor has a history of weaponizing any and all BIPoC voices he can to sway an anecdotal agenda. @CityofSouthlake in itself is a case study in planned segregation of income wealth inequality between the wealth holding and the wealth aspiring. pic.twitter.com/N5qkcCHU03
- 28 July 2020 : 2/ Rather than challenge opposition with factual basis in good faith, Victor has continued to utilize his pulpit to falsely opine his potential future constituents as representatives of the @SouthlakeARC glamorizing comments about nationalist flags as anti SRO rhetoric. pic.twitter.com/2W8lKP1MiO
- 28 July 2020 : 1/ Victor Avilla ( @VicSurvivor11 ) is tying up a DDC position to flex his LEO union contributors agenda while running for council. The SRO program reinforces the justice system’s use of excessive force, racial bias, and the school-to-prison-pipeline free from training guidelines. pic.twitter.com/65Jy1HNDCO
- 27 July 2020 : So far all I’ve learned is Q bitch can’t spell. pic.twitter.com/CPkfmYsjg9
- 27 July 2020 : capitalism is feudalism in a designer trenchcoat
- 27 July 2020 : @AntifaGarfield @PegasusAFA @IdentifyDixie @AntiFashGordon @AntiFashGordon @getsthegoods @COSAntiFascists @F12_Antifascist @DfwAntifa
- 27 July 2020 : 3/ Eric is the quintessential East Texas #maga Klan who perpetuates and romanticizes the lost cause myth. pic.twitter.com/8WUYtfNwNq
- 27 July 2020 : 1/ This is John Artmire. John goes by Eric and he’s going to go through some things. He decided to counter protest a black lives matter march in Tyler and could not refrain from choking a protestor. This is not infrequent behavior based on his previous family violence arrest pic.twitter.com/L8gXhXTMb2
- 27 July 2020 : Sorry it got juicier. Give me until tomorrow
- 27 July 2020 : @IdentifyDixie @PegasusAFA @DfwAntifa @AntiFashGordon @BenjaminPDixon
- 27 July 2020 : Meet Eric. Eric’s gonna go through some things. Eric is the poster child of the #maga klan in Tyler Texas. pic.twitter.com/t6Y1TCgjGW
- 26 July 2020 : A lot of disinformation out there from right wing fronts today. Garrett’s safety was still on. #AustinShooting #AustinProtest
- 26 July 2020 : Every adult American should be able to own an AK-47 (or gun of their choice) to defend themselves against the weapons of tyranny.
- 26 July 2020 : It’s time to bring the Three Percenters of Parker County to light. There is a reward being offered for the identity of this abomination. #weatherfordprotest @PegasusAFA @DfwAntifa @IdentifyDixie @AntiFashGordon @BenjaminPDixon pic.twitter.com/Xv3cAyfDql
- 25 July 2020 : Signal boost @dsantxrj @DSA_NorthTexas @SRA_DFW @PegasusAFA @dallas_protest @DfwAntifa
- 25 July 2020 : A summation. Requests to assist Dallas protest groups are arriving in droves. Contact if you would like to be the difference in resistance. pic.twitter.com/ibjJQnPNPo
- 24 July 2020 : Knowing who is going and the locale, this march is going to be lit. Stay safe #blm #dallaswontrest #dallasprotest pic.twitter.com/4T1Y1Yc9nj
- 24 July 2020 : Signal boost @iww @ntxiww @PSLDFW @PugetSoundJBGC @NotMySonDFW @stevanzetti @foodnotbombs @SRA_DFW
- 23 July 2020 : City hall is the place to be Saturday. #dallaswontrest #dallasprotests pic.twitter.com/uJ6FYt4Dm6
- 20 July 2020 : Definitely #KeepTexasRed pic.twitter.com/KZexbRlQiI
- 14 July 2020 : 231 years ago today Governor de Launay surrendered the Bastille, and ultimately his head, to the people of Paris. Happy pic.twitter.com/8qt6N0JMeQ
- 9 July 2020 : @CityOfDallas “Finalâ€. This is a problem.
- 7 July 2020 : Never forget the day @DallasPD executed a suspect extrajudicially with a robot. All jobs matter #DallasStrong #AbolishThePolice pic.twitter.com/3yvEwAdnDF
- 6 July 2020 : @AntiFashGordon @PegasusAFA @COSAntiFascists @NYCAntifa @antifa
- 6 July 2020 : Eat shit fashy pic.twitter.com/4juxh82eAc