- 24 September 2021 : I thought I was in the clear.
- 24 September 2021 : I’m losing my absolute grip right now. Feeling some serious self-destruction coming on. Hitting snag after snag with this housing shit is tearing me apart. If I kill myself then none of it matters.
- 13 September 2021 : no. it's the wet ass pussy.
- 19 August 2021 : RT @ChristopherJM: Active bomb threat in DC.
- 3 August 2021 : Now I’m drunk so buckle up, babes. It’s about to get messy on main.
- 3 August 2021 : Breathe. Plant your feet on the floor. Breathe. Drink.
- 30 July 2021 : I’m fine now.
- 30 July 2021 : CTRL+ALT+DELETE myself
- 30 July 2021 : I’m out of fucking cigarettes
- 30 July 2021 : Listening to old voicemails that I saved because I’m not ready to let go of loved ones who have left me. I’m angry I’m here and you aren’t.
- 30 July 2021 : Goddamn. grief is the worst pain. Today is so fucked. I just want to be held.
- 30 July 2021 : Thinking of all the ways I’m about to fuck up the best things to happen to me lately and pouring one for my dead comrades because fucking hell it could have been me but it was them instead.
- 28 July 2021 : It’s painful when my moods shift. It’s like watching a storm move in. Except I feel it. In my head. I’m cold and my spine hurts.
- 26 July 2021 : We all need to be playing very close attention to Peter fucking Thiel. https://twitter.com/karmaonesixone/status/1419800707889254406
- 26 July 2021 : Who has a contact at PayPal?
- 16 July 2021 : It is our duty to fight for freedom It is our duty to win We must love each other and support each other We have nothing to lose but our chains.
- 16 July 2021 : But you, me, and tomorrow hold hands and make vows that struggle will multiply The hacksaw has two blades. We are pregnant with freedom We are a conspiracy.
- 16 July 2021 : Love - Assata Shakur Love is a contraband in Hell, cause love is acid that eats away at bars. pic.twitter.com/tzhOiCeCbE
- 11 July 2021 : I thought Chinese food would make me feel better. Turns out I was wrong and I still wish I was dead.
- 9 July 2021 : I really hate to do this. It fucks w my pride and my head and it makes me physically ill to have to ask but this shit is about to be expensive. My cash app is $sadgirltears and if you’re able to help me out, it would mean a lot. https://twitter.com/gothbotalice/status/1413576292537098241
- 4 July 2021 : Choking on all the boots. https://twitter.com/sheriffmesacolo/status/1411795749541580800
- 2 July 2021 : Yeah okay. I see what it is. I am not for this bullshit.
- 27 June 2021 : 🖤
- 8 June 2021 : Lmfao. https://twitter.com/messimx10i/status/1402248521697402882
- 8 June 2021 : I feel frantic this morning.
- 6 June 2021 : I don’t mention her often but my dog went to the emergency vet the other night and tho she seems to be fine now it forced me to have to think about the fact that she will (likely) die before me and that is a miserable, miserable, painful thought.
- 5 June 2021 : I think this Gemini season the thing I need to practice most is the act of letting people go. Sometimes it comes so easily. Other times it’s quite painful. Grief consumes me.
- 5 June 2021 : I saw this but I’m on mobile and it’s paywalled. Hadn’t gotten a chance to read it yet. Thanks for the link.
- 2 June 2021 : WOW. https://twitter.com/lunacial/status/1399925435832614920
- 1 June 2021 : i wake up everyday during Pride Month and choose violence because of this. https://twitter.com/therecount/status/1399736115880501254
- 26 May 2021 : My SI is so bad lately I have started praying that I won’t wake up. During the day I give myself little tasks to put time and space between myself and death, but at night I pray it’s fucking over. This is hell and I just want it to be over.
- 16 May 2021 : Updating now. Thank you, Karma. 🖤
- 13 May 2021 : no fucking words. https://twitter.com/LikeAndBlock/status/1392640160655945729
- 13 May 2021 : i'm really about to subtweet one of y'all's mutuals not my mutual tho this person is YOUR problem universe, grant me the serenity
- 13 May 2021 : these present feelings are shameful. i want to cut them out of me.
- 11 May 2021 : red wine is fucking gross. send tweet.
- 5 May 2021 : We love this column and take great care to cover the most important activity coming from the far-right. If you'd like to support us, consider a monthly or one time donation by following this link. 🖤🴠https://liberapay.com/thisweekinfascism/
- 5 May 2021 : There is power in bearing witness. There is power in vulnerability. I love you. I’m tired. I don’t want to do this anymore. My heart is broken. It is no ones fault but my own.
- 28 April 2021 : daddy.
- 23 April 2021 : This is absolutely horrifying. Major content warning: Violence, Death, Racism https://twitter.com/shomelessunion/status/1385454309672833024
- 22 April 2021 : ****SHOT SOMEONE, we'll see if he survives.
- 22 April 2021 : Colorado Springs police killed someone today. https://twitter.com/kktv11news/status/1385242893300817925
- 21 April 2021 : Makiyah Bryant was 15 fucking years old.
- 20 April 2021 : I woke up in a fucked up, foul-ass, mean-ass mood, I don’t fucking feel good & I don’t have any fucking patience for anyone’s bullshit today - especially men. So don’t fucking try me unless you wanna get your lil feelins hurt. I hate this day so much. I’m going back to bed.
- 20 April 2021 : Fucking hell.
- 20 April 2021 : sometimes what a victim wants is their abuser removed from the community. sometimes what an abuser wants is physical retribution. these are also valid and appropriate forms of justice outside of a carceral system. suggested reading: https://www.sproutdistro.com/catalog/zines/accountability-consent/accounting-for-ourselves
- 16 April 2021 : whoever that beautiful person was just speaking to @UR_Ninja on peace police, revolutionary energy, and the importance of military action - WOAH. YES. THANK YOU.
- 16 April 2021 : a protester recalls Travis Jordan's death for @UR_Ninja . A welfare check was called. MPD disregarded their own Wellness Check policy, and shot Travis 7 fucking times, killing him.
- 16 April 2021 : the speaker in Austin TX right now is absolutely gutting. speaking to Trayvon Martin: "would you have fallen in love like i did?" Fucking hell.
- 15 April 2021 : BADASS speaker in Los Angeles right now: "what do you do for your mental health?" "i'm a part of the abolitionist movement."
- 15 April 2021 : BLESS.🖤🴠(that wink tho, omg) https://twitter.com/therealssgjoker/status/1382529085646143489
- 13 April 2021 : I turn my anger inward.
- 9 April 2021 : I have concerns about Huntington Beach because it’s a hotbed for some of the most violent neo-Nazis in the country. I guess we’ll have to just wait and see.
- 7 April 2021 : Wear Your Voice curated a list of the many pieces we published over the past few years which are fitting reads for https://www.wearyourvoicemag.com/sexual-assault-awareness-month-reading-list/
- 4 April 2021 : Searching desperately for the motivation to get out of bed. Kind of concerned my legs will give out if I try to stand up.
- 3 April 2021 : I put on my heels and danced on the pole for a little bit tonight. I miss being in my body.
- 3 April 2021 : Who else wanna fuck me up while you still can?
- 31 March 2021 : RT @nayillak: https://t.co/UI2SJW7k1X
- 28 March 2021 : Watch me fuck up what little I have left.
- 27 March 2021 : Can’t wait to show off all my new self-harm scars this summer. 🙃
- 26 March 2021 : i feel a lot of things right now. some of them are good feelings. the good feelings scare me. i think i am most familiar with painful feelings. the good stuff is unusual and makes me think my body is trying to warning me about something.
- 24 March 2021 : I didn’t diagnose her. You’re girl Talia did. Don’t fucking play w me. BLOCKED.
- 23 March 2021 : White men get away with anything. 11 National Guard Soldiers transporting vaccines held at gunpoint in West Texas, suspect arrested https://www.wafb.com/2021/03/22/national-guard-soldiers-transporting-vaccines-held-gunpoint-west-texas-suspect-arrested/
- 18 March 2021 : Women’s http://law.org
- 17 March 2021 : is it too early to start drinking?
- 17 March 2021 : Sometimes I look in the mirror and don’t recognize myself. My tattoos help remind me who I am.
- 16 March 2021 : some of y'all have the really palatable, precious, privileged skillsets and i think it's really fucking cute. my skillsets scare people.
- 14 March 2021 : Sucker love is heaven sent You pucker up, our passion's spent My heart's a tart, your body's rent My body's broken, yours is bent Carve your name into my arm Instead of stressed, I lie here charmed 'Cause there's nothing else to do Every me and every you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7GBjYamWmo
- 14 March 2021 : mood: i don't want to talk i wanna be in your mouth
- 13 March 2021 : People like me don’t get better.
- 13 March 2021 : Rolling panic attacks. Who’s up?
- 13 March 2021 : i'm seeing some shit that don't sit right with me.
- 12 March 2021 : No it’s just a hella knockoff brand
- 12 March 2021 : https://www.depressioncomix.com/posts/458/
- 10 March 2021 : OMG https://twitter.com/extinctdaemon/status/1369693316544102403
- 10 March 2021 : My incredible co-author @anarchloe161 and I truly love this work. If you love our column as much as we do and are interested in finding other ways to support us, please check out our Liberapay and consider becoming a monthly donor. https://liberapay.com/thisweekinfascism/
- 2 March 2021 : cw: blood there is something hypnotic about watching blood and water circle a hungry drain
- 1 March 2021 : Today I am trying to be a very good girl. 🖤 pic.twitter.com/1DlrO9JZTx
- 1 March 2021 : RT @Riot_Muffin: Tweets such as the one below are a great example of why not to trust these celeb antifa journos. Misinfo like this causes…
- 27 February 2021 : i am the antifa slut your beloved pillow guy warned you about. and if you think these tweets are fierce, you should see what this mouth do. 🖤💋 pic.twitter.com/LZ0NbjplY0
- 27 February 2021 : She was a grifting bitch and she hustled so many fucking people. I hope her next 6 homes burn to the fucking ground. https://twitter.com/abshaww/status/1365476966518775808
- 26 February 2021 : for real, this is good. it's a delicious moment. we don't get enough delicious moments. but we got this. "you can't take it back now." snitch boy. https://twitter.com/AntifascistF12/status/1365163625627983873
- 26 February 2021 : OMFGGGGGGG BRUH. 3 minutes 44 seconds. i can't. https://twitter.com/AC360/status/1365114891548385286
- 24 February 2021 : RT @COSAntiFascists: Jill Gaebler @jillgallard is a transphobic bigot on Colorado Springs City Council. https://t.co/90aU2bgDMQ https://t.c…
- 23 February 2021 : i having wild flashbacks right now. i'm watching myself be scared.
- 23 February 2021 : fuck
- 23 February 2021 : i do often wonder who are more dangerous: neo-Nazis who take time to read Turner, Evola, Mason, etc. or those who do not but are brought into the movement and radicalized in other ways.
- 22 February 2021 : who has copies of Robert Rundo's podcast?
- 21 February 2021 : Daddy
- 19 February 2021 : i'm glad she's out. https://twitter.com/ELLEmagazine/status/1362029331653005315
- 12 February 2021 : Can’t sleep. Anxiety has me up thinking about every bad thing I’ve ever done. It’s a long list and I’m able to recall every tiny detail. Guess I can feel again. And the feeling we’re working with? Shame.
- 8 February 2021 : Kirby told me when we fell in love hard & fast that our love, queer love was the most beautiful & that it didn’t have to make sense to anyone else. Our love was authentic & powerful. When my time on this earth is over, I’m running full speed toward you too.
- 7 February 2021 : Maybe I’m just moody because I ran out of panic cigarettes.
- 7 February 2021 : But if I’m being really honest, it’s not enough. Perhaps I’m not doing enough. It’s possible that my contributions to this work is just not enough & that I could do better, be more impactful, do more. I don’t really know what the answer is. I know I’m not alone in this feeling.
- 7 February 2021 : I just feel like...I’m trying to not lose complete faith in everything. I don’t want to be a nihilist. I want to grip hope & savor the precious, beautiful moments. But goddamn the universe is testing my ability to remain faithful to radical work. It helps to hear of others’ work.
- 3 February 2021 : If I close my DMs, will folks who have already been in my DMs be able to continue to message me if I haven’t blocked them?
- 3 February 2021 : No one hears me But I am screaming for us all
- 3 February 2021 : I scream so loud glass bursts from building windows Showering me with Glittering fragments Slice my arms and face Tiny ruby droplets cascade off cheekbones and lips and chin They drip from my fingertips until I clench my angry, bloody fists
- 3 February 2021 : I am a sponge I soak up the pain of everyone around me Everyone I touch, see, hear agony and rage and sadness - I absorb it all I carry it inside me
- 3 February 2021 : Sometimes when I close my eyes I imagine myself standing alone surrounded by towering giants Skyscrapers I am disoriented with headache Lost and dizzy A desperate panic pounds behind my eyes Everything hurts
- 1 February 2021 : Bruh it’s got a fucking dog on it. You’re a fucking loser. https://twitter.com/jonkay/status/1355906705918455808
- 19 January 2021 : to all y'all in this photo, this is fucking absurd and every single one of you is a clown. this is clown shit. https://twitter.com/hannahgais/status/1351388745963098113
- 12 January 2021 : I desperately wish I had any amount of control over my pathetic little life. Today the tremor in my hand went from a minor and annoying inconvenience to me not being able to write. My body is breaking down. I am alone and I am scared.
- 10 January 2021 : RT @CVAgainstFash: 🚩ðŸ´CORVALLIS COMMUNITY ALERTðŸ´ðŸš© Meet local Nazis Ben Baker and Bartholomew Degeneffe who are both employed at the Philoma…
- 9 January 2021 : RT @AnarchoFoxx: This series of messages by Tiegen has already been shared around but I wanted to anyway. I believe that he and the UADF, a…
- 9 January 2021 : oh there was definitely manson on their. can't believe i left him out. lol.
- 30 December 2020 : Full Moon Tarot Spread Cannons - Backwards (Official Video) https://youtu.be/btKFaixXjDQ pic.twitter.com/gjufQuSVMU
- 29 December 2020 : RT @smolprairiedog: This affidavit on the neo-nazi power grid attack plot is wild. This kid really got interviewed by feds, told his nazi p…
- 28 December 2020 : "i don't want to lose my mind that's why i keep you so close"
- 28 December 2020 : just want to shout out all my comrades who have helped me get through this year. y'all are the real MVP's. thank you for the solidarity. nothing but love for you. 🖤ðŸ´
- 26 December 2020 : beautiful. 🖤🴠https://twitter.com/Emily_Lykos/status/1342909286410821633
- 24 December 2020 : Plz stop legitimizing these frauds caping as antifascists.
- 22 December 2020 : Ok so what’s the policy on sliding into DMs of comrades I’d love to meet IRL? Just roll the dice and shoot my shot or...?
- 22 December 2020 : Happy Winter Solstice. pic.twitter.com/ENBKmg2mH3
- 22 December 2020 : not really embarrassing since i completely understand the cycle of power and control but still not my strongest, finest moment.
- 22 December 2020 : begged him to take me back. https://twitter.com/literElly/status/1340856683988398081
- 20 December 2020 : "i'm not your enemy."
- 20 December 2020 : 1, 2 we’re coming for you...
- 15 December 2020 : Louie Huey is a grifting ass clown. https://twitter.com/cosantifascists/status/1338710323046465536
- 15 December 2020 : I came into this world alone and I’ll die alone. Period.
- 13 December 2020 : These are in Palisade. pic.twitter.com/LzGnlO1tds
- 13 December 2020 : These are in Vail. pic.twitter.com/4wdO1rMrfG
- 13 December 2020 : These are at Red Rocks Community College pic.twitter.com/pg45y1PgM0
- 13 December 2020 : Okay Colorado Comrades, Patriot Front losers have put up stickers all over the state. Please, let's locate them and take that trash down! These are in Arvada. pic.twitter.com/mFyLvHh4iC
- 9 December 2020 : I just published an essay to my medium account if you're bored. Anarchist Self-Care & Collective Healing https://link.medium.com/FzDjYE3q5bb
- 9 December 2020 : Another call for support! https://twitter.com/popmobpdx/status/1336481582035607553
- 9 December 2020 : Holy fucking shit! PDX shows up for the Kinney family! 200+ people strong! Check out the sweet barricade. 🖤 https://twitter.com/pdxzane/status/1336474020745637888
- 5 December 2020 : Sometimes you read the cards. Sometimes the cards read you. pic.twitter.com/j0C2Aitc4Q
- 4 December 2020 : Working & staying busy helps w the pain.
- 4 December 2020 : Also one of screams.
- 4 December 2020 : The world we live in is one of whispers.
- 3 December 2020 : in other news, i have spent the last two hour researching bolt cutters. someone help me.
- 3 December 2020 : thankful for the whisper network that helps us warn each other of dangerous men in leftist spaces. for some of us, whispers are all we have. assholes might call it gossip but gossip keeps us safe and is a mechanism of survival when folks cape this hard for their predatory faves.
- 3 December 2020 : which one of you anarcho-daddies wants to get me bolt cutters for xmas?
- 2 December 2020 : our xmas tree is adventure time themed 🖤ðŸ¤ðŸ’œ
- 2 December 2020 : jfc https://twitter.com/chadloder/status/1334019680281915392
- 1 December 2020 : one time a boy made me a mix w/ aphex twin, grimes and amy winehouse on it knowing full good and well it would speak to my soul. and then had the audacity to call me psycho.
- 30 November 2020 : Thank you to my comrades who have been a constant, enduring support for me over the last two months. I’m so lucky to have you in my life!! 🖤
- 30 November 2020 : FUCK PETE RICKETTS. https://twitter.com/coldbrewedtool/status/1333223311925530627
- 29 November 2020 : baby, did you forget to take your meds? pic.twitter.com/KsFXPcR1zE
- 26 November 2020 : Decided to hang my targets from the first time I shot my gun so when I wake up I remember just who the fuck I am. pic.twitter.com/zRlVOumqxh
- 25 November 2020 : i hope it was all worth it.
- 19 November 2020 : Feelin myself so here’s some #antifabooty for your viewing pleasure. 🖤🴠pic.twitter.com/ZLjs0KD1NZ
- 18 November 2020 : Everyone once in a while neo-Nazi Chris Hood of NSC-131 slides into my mentions. As of late, he's been showing up IRL to intimidate houseless people. https://t.co/i2xzt7Npi0
- 17 November 2020 : Jenni Rivera - No Llega El Olvido https://youtu.be/2axZczJz-qg
- 12 November 2020 : Ughhh https://twitter.com/mathewi/status/1327011709039431680
- 12 November 2020 : i don't trust anyone anymore.
- 10 November 2020 : who out here is good at patreon? i need some halp.
- 8 November 2020 : i wonder if Patriot Front hired a photographer to capture their little stunt in Philly yesterday or if they just stole the photos from photojournalists.
- 24 October 2020 : The days get short and the nights get longer When the storm comes maybe I’ll get stronger You make me weak inside You make me weak Maya Jane Coles - Weak (Official Video) https://youtu.be/2qQb25KvdfY via @YouTube
- 22 October 2020 : YO! Do not send any tips about neo-Nazi activity to anyone besides vetted crews. That includes folks who write books or editorials or whatever. Trust your comrades. Trust the folks that been doing this shit. NYTimes reviews don’t mean shit in this antifascist struggle.
- 21 October 2020 : Please help my Comrade, Rhedda. They are an anti-fascist activist in Colorado, is being prosecuted on trumped-up charges and is asking for help to donate to their legal defense fund and spread the word. We need to hold each other down. Legal Defense Fund https://www.gofundme.com/f/wkhh4-legal-defense-fund?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet
- 20 October 2020 : This guy is clearly someone who is fine with whipping his dick out whenever he feels like it.
- 19 October 2020 : Bruh. https://twitter.com/gayesthaunter/status/1317876111532064774
- 17 October 2020 : The days get short and the nights get longer. Maya Jane Coles - Weak (Official Video) https://youtu.be/2qQb25KvdfY
- 17 October 2020 : I got way too many feels. Kiiara - Feels (Official Video) https://youtu.be/6US7RN74D0k
- 14 October 2020 : This person goes by Grim Kardashian or Expensive Spencer. They posted Fancy's ID, gave her government name to clients, made memes of her nudes & posted them to IG, and doctored screen shots to take down a harm reduction group run by sex workers. THEY ARE NOT SAFE TO BE AROUND.
- 14 October 2020 : Alerta SLC Sex Workers! @SWOPSLC is having an event that is being moderated by a person who doxxed my friend/comrade/sister Fancy. They posted photos of Fancy's ID on twitter. They are NOT SAFE to be around. https://twitter.com/TheOnlyFancyB/status/1316389656863354884
- 13 October 2020 : Saw some shit today that made me rage cry. These lil wannabe leftists using terms like ‘cuck’ and ‘rape’ for things that don’t have anything to do with kink or assault and I’m fuming. And these big leftist accounts cape for them. It’s gross.
- 9 October 2020 : Using a violent and traumatic life experience 20.48 million people have been subjected to in the past 22 years as an analogy is a touch problematic regardless of its intent or target. Do better.
- 8 October 2020 : 🖤â¤ï¸ https://twitter.com/shoot_the_glass/status/1314060103125889024
- 6 October 2020 : 4/ Jade Schwarting aka Flatiron Views lives in Boulder, Colorado, works as a freelance PR and Brand Strategist, and is a leading member of the anti-homeless group Safer Boulder. Leaked chats show her egging on more hateful members of the group. https://saferleaks.noblogs.org/post/2020/09/20/jade-schwarting-aka-flatiron-views/
- 3 October 2020 : pic.twitter.com/lcQyAM4KMj
- 3 October 2020 : Excuse me, what? pic.twitter.com/4bFCM5ppnG
- 2 October 2020 : You’re the only one who knows my favorite color is powder blue. Cruel Youth - Mr. Watson [OFFICIAL VIDEO] https://youtu.be/bqUZn0gWLk4
- 25 September 2020 : i don't even like sports but this nuggets/lakers shit is WILD.
- 21 September 2020 : zendaya is having a well-deserved, good night.
- 19 September 2020 : My heart breaks for people now who can't access abortion. And I know it's about to get so much worse.
- 19 September 2020 : Every single day I am alive is blessing. My heart breaks for ppl in my position. For ppl who, in the coming years, for whatever reason, can’t be a parent but also won’t be able to safely access abortion.
- 19 September 2020 : I am furious and enraged and scared. Abortion is about to go back to back-alley treatments. I’m 32 years old. Without legal, accessible abortion I’d have an 18 yr old, a 12 yr old and a 9 yr old. I’m chronically suicidal & have no business being a mother.
- 19 September 2020 : She could have gracefully bowed out under Obama. Now look at this mess.
- 17 September 2020 : https://twitter.com/AntiFashGordon/status/1305912836753895424
- 17 September 2020 : Philadelphia Comrades! This Saturday at noon, we’ll be meeting up at Clark Park to counter the Proud Boys rally at 1:00. Come out to join us! And if you can’t join us, please share the call on social media. The more folks on our side, the safer we’ll all be. 🖤ðŸ´ðŸ’‹ pic.twitter.com/mkBLkaiYp2
- 14 September 2020 : PLEASE, if you have the capacity to donate to Erika, please help out. ACAB. Relocation & Damages from Excessive Force https://www.gofundme.com/f/relocation-amp-damages-from-excessive-force?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet
- 11 September 2020 : RT @kellyywardd: CV Vitolo-Haddad is also being held accountable for their actions by @Newsweek. Let's keep this momentum and accountabilit…
- 11 September 2020 : Denver Police MURDERED this man last night. Rest in Power, Antonio. ACAB. https://twitter.com/wallofmomsden/status/1304234061649584129
- 30 August 2020 : Omg Portland. https://twitter.com/iwriteok/status/1299919932302401538
- 29 August 2020 : A comrade sent me the following videos from Washington and Colfax. @DenverPolice are tear gassing protesters right now. pic.twitter.com/CdPlkiw88N
- 29 August 2020 : Goddamn. This is heartbreaking. https://twitter.com/ap/status/1299531180702863360
- 28 August 2020 : Y’all. Someone come collect this clown. https://twitter.com/shoot_the_glass/status/1299472930389155840
- 9 August 2020 : 🖤🴠pic.twitter.com/Ep9gEzY8pY
- 6 August 2020 : RT @catarchy161: I truly appreciate how our community shows care for and protects one another. It's stuff like that that makes me remember…
- 5 August 2020 : Augustus Invictus is a monster and Florida is fucked. https://twitter.com/nickmartin/status/1291067057144918017
- 27 July 2020 : RT @infinite_scream: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH
- 23 July 2020 : RT @161EUG: HOW DOES IT FEEL, BINCH? #portlandprotests
- 21 July 2020 : RT @lilsarg: The man who killed a federal judge’s son and shot her husband was a type that many women on the internet have been yelling abo…
- 14 July 2020 : Yes.
- 6 July 2020 : Hey @ABQJournal This is how you report on the far-right. Take some fucking notes. Antifascist researchers like @abq161 spent countless, tireless, UNPAID hours on this. Y’all need to collect yourselves and DO BETTER. We got too much to lose for y’all to keep fucking around. https://twitter.com/antifashgordon/status/1280135211376947200
- 5 July 2020 : ALERTA! ALERTA! https://twitter.com/NoCoCMAD/status/1279837536777469952
- 4 July 2020 : ABSOLUTE SOLIDARITY W STONE MOUNTAIN, GA 🖤🴠https://twitter.com/naomiruta/status/1279506948334006272
- 30 June 2020 : RT @elisabeth: Thank god. Antifa is often the only protection between us and the brutal, ruthless, violent agitators—cops.
- 18 June 2020 : RT @erinacorbett: also uhhh an awkward reminder to journalists who talk to fascists as sources to uhhh make sure they’re not your friends o…
- 18 June 2020 : RT @MNUnitedAF: For today's #Minnesota Proud Boys leaked vetting videos- we'd like to introduce you to one of the ringleaders of the local…
- 16 June 2020 : Philly MAGAts attack leftist activitsts&journalists under the guise of protecting a Columbus statue while cops watch. Proud Boys & Tiny Toese cross state lines to attack ppl at CHAZ. A right-wing militiaman shoots protester at confederate monument in NM. This was the last 24 hrs.
- 9 June 2020 : 🖤â¤ï¸ðŸ´ https://twitter.com/AWKWORDrap/status/1270361898333208577
- 8 June 2020 : RT @IdentifyDixie: Will the School Board of Dorchester School District Two address racist Jacob Kirtley's employment or will they sweep it…
- 7 June 2020 : RT @ErnestWilkins: Y’all backed the wrong children’s book series it seems because the lady who wrote Animorphs been RTing and posting BLM a…
- 2 June 2020 : RT @jason_a_w: SPLC puts the case against a terrorist designation for Antifa in a nutshell https://t.co/66SlkosUJy
- 28 May 2020 : Lol Samantha Kutner blocked me because she knows I think she’s a lying, grifting, disingenuous roach. Sucks to suck, Sam. 💋 https://twitter.com/cosantifascists/status/1265393164283777024
- 21 May 2020 : Good morning to everyone except Nazi trash and this fucking guy: Vincent Delaney - also Nazi trash. https://twitter.com/antifashgordon/status/1263475382558380039
- 19 May 2020 : For your viewing pleasure, Comrades. 🖤â¤ï¸ https://twitter.com/IGD_News/status/1262564918013726720