- 31 May 2020 : Got a great video of you gassing children. pic.twitter.com/FZ422pW8ne
- 31 May 2020 : Can we activate the juggalos now? #dallasriots #DallasProtests
- 31 May 2020 : It didn’t have to be this bad. If @DallasPD only had the competency to manage a peaceful protest today. @ChiefHallDPD is Directly complicit. #DallasProtests https://twitter.com/central_track/status/1266932958901997569
- 29 May 2020 : Not enough. By any means necessary. #MinneapolisRiot #GeorgeFloydWasMurdered #GeorgeFloydprotest #icantbreathe #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd pic.twitter.com/CyNRJeZ258
- 29 May 2020 : Fuck this white trash noise. @DfwAntifa @AntiFascistNetw @Iron_FrontUSA pic.twitter.com/nn2Rq6pu1T
- 28 May 2020 : There is no polite rebellion. #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd #minneapolisriots #blacklivesmatters pic.twitter.com/zt6UmXw3v2
- 28 May 2020 : #Looting https://twitter.com/cnbc/status/1263510923056164870
- 27 May 2020 : I hope he feels just as scared as #GeorgeFloyd felt in his final minutes. #icantbreathe pic.twitter.com/sW07va4Mj7
- 15 May 2020 : #solidarity https://twitter.com/people_texas/status/1260678717585711104
- 14 May 2020 : Today @michaelcburgess proved once again he does not value your freedom. #bootburgess @caroltx26 #PatriotAct https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/116-2020/h98 pic.twitter.com/9wkSW7mGGD
- 30 April 2020 : #Capitalism . That’s it, that’s the tweet. https://twitter.com/ShaneClaiborne/status/1255235435279912965
- 25 April 2020 : Shock. The sheriff’s office who shot an unarmed underwear clad man in the back last year needs five deputy’s to work a traffic stop #livepd Stay classy West Baton Rouge #livepdnation https://twitter.com/BerkCoSheriff/status/1253853468818845696 pic.twitter.com/z37Y1KiK2o
- 11 April 2020 : I’ll bite on #KeepTexasRed , probably not the red you want though. pic.twitter.com/EfB1VZXi7g
- 11 April 2020 : #acab https://twitter.com/phillysra/status/1248947884940238850
- 11 April 2020 : Me when death to America is trending. #DeathToAmerica pic.twitter.com/vCmutCUyNf
- 30 March 2020 : Chairman Daou FTW #Coronavirustruth https://twitter.com/peterdaou/status/1244749570015363072
- 30 March 2020 : ICE is non essential say it back #Coronavirustruth
- 29 March 2020 : Must be dehydrated after napping through Virginia. @NRA is just gun @peta say it back. https://twitter.com/nra/status/1244055933401137154
- 29 March 2020 : Remember when Twitter was trying to convince itself snake emojis were borderline sexual assault? ðŸ ðŸ ðŸ pic.twitter.com/GwsFefms3i
- 28 March 2020 : Biden can have a little rape, as a treat
- 28 March 2020 : When anyone in a position of power starts holding the executive branch responsible. Don’t hold your breath. https://twitter.com/semperdiced/status/1243657563062718464
- 28 March 2020 : Comrade @TeenVogue coming through again. #rentfreeze #CoronaLockdown https://twitter.com/teenvogue/status/1243885595606351880
- 28 March 2020 : The lesser of two evils is still evil say it back #trumpgenocide
- 28 March 2020 : Rape is rape. ðŸ
- 9 March 2020 : Bold move talking about HIV epidemic with Pence on stage. #coronavirus #Trumpdemic
- 9 March 2020 : Let us be dissatisfied. @austintexasgov #InternationalWomenDay2020 https://twitter.com/pwm_mfp/status/1236841383257952257 pic.twitter.com/pTJfgOWAaC
- 26 February 2020 : “"WE NEED TO STOP ATTACKING EACH OTHER. ALSO FUCK BERNIE AND WARREN" Thanks for your input @amyklobuchar . Please disappear Tuesday #DemDebate2020
- 24 February 2020 : 💪🻠https://twitter.com/iron_frontusa/status/1231736236840226816
- 20 February 2020 : Yet to hear an actual plan from @PeteButtigiegso far. #DemDebate words devoid of substance
- 20 February 2020 : @amyklobuchar cemented her status from someone whom I did not care about to someone completely out of my radar. #DemDebate
- 20 February 2020 : @ewarren in attack mode! #DemDebate Amy’s entire platform is a post it note. pic.twitter.com/152X9Lrwl2
- 8 February 2020 : My biggest takeaway is the #democraticdebate is run so much better when there isn’t a massive corporate bias against candidates. Fuck @CNN
- 4 February 2020 : #IowaCaucuses pic.twitter.com/rL92n6wRpU
- 4 February 2020 : I guess @MSNBC got a last minute of injection from the Biden campaign? Can’t explain the most blatant anti Sanders bias any other way. #changethechannel #IowaCaucuses
- 3 February 2020 : Happy #IowaCaucuses day! Are your senators watching? @SenTedCruz @JohnCornyn pic.twitter.com/UVaXTtoweR
- 1 February 2020 : I want to live in the parallel universe where Bobby Kennedy wasn’t killed. #AmericasGreatestPresident pic.twitter.com/Uj26MZ9Ebb
- 30 January 2020 : #trumprally : aftershocks pic.twitter.com/2hW6WudeIZ
- 27 January 2020 : Paging @JohnCornyn @tedcruz Y’all grow some balls yet? #WitnessesAndDocuments https://twitter.com/teapainusa/status/1221607187350462464
- 25 January 2020 : Let’s 👠do 👠this 👠. @caroltx26 @Mat4Texas #bootburgess #VoteBlueNoMatterWho2020 pic.twitter.com/CporcPt5gP
- 25 January 2020 : Mad props to @NPRKelly and @NPR for having the dignity to actually call these demons on their shit. @mikepompeo ‘s gonna go through some things. #npr #NationalComplimentDay #bluewave #ImpeachTrump #PompeoResign pic.twitter.com/t8IYhpifQd
- 24 January 2020 : I give the new #MoscowMitch drop a 0/10. Unlistenable. #MidnightMitch #VoteThemAllOut pic.twitter.com/Kd51YBPNjs
- 24 January 2020 : During an incredible conclusion of spiritual cleansing from @RepAdamSchiff , @foxnews up to the same bullshit. #ImpeachmentTrials #Rightmatters #MidnightMitch pic.twitter.com/I2HIpwgrQS
- 22 January 2020 : “They lie and they lie and they lie and they lie!†- @RepJerryNadler wiping the floor with the thicc tie. Somebody doesn’t mess around after midnight. #ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentTrial pic.twitter.com/QY7ARTk5sm
- 22 January 2020 : I don’t know how @RepAdamSchiff is still standing but I’m thankful he is. #ImpeachmentTrial pic.twitter.com/D1eMLuEOsP
- 22 January 2020 : So lyin @tedcruz either wasn’t paying attention or was hoping we weren’t paying attention. #GOPCoverup
- 22 January 2020 : Anyone else notice that during these debates about evidence and witnesses, they are providing evidence and witness testimony. @RepAdamSchiff I smell what you’re cookin. 💕 #ImpeachmentTrial #GOPCoverup #MoscowMitchCoverUp pic.twitter.com/UzXOYzHhhK
- 21 January 2020 : Word through the grapevine is @rihanna
- 21 January 2020 : You can tell whose afraid of losing this years election when they turn off their mic for the vote @JohnCornyn #MoscowMitchCoverUp #ImpeachmentTrial
- 21 January 2020 : I notice @RepAdamSchiff went the John Cena Route. What a beast. #ImpeachmentTrial pic.twitter.com/rwAHI0Lc1c
- 21 January 2020 : I was waiting to see if the big boi TV lawyers would have a compiled defense to explain away the presidents actions. I see they’ve gone with the “process†option. #ImpeachmentTrial #LevRemembers pic.twitter.com/mCoPnnL0r6
- 21 January 2020 : Lock the fucker up. #ImpeachmentTrial
- 17 January 2020 : #shotsfired https://twitter.com/rdangler/status/1218198903750709248
- 17 January 2020 : #perry hearing his name on msnbc. Lawyer up buttercup #Maddow #PerryKnew pic.twitter.com/nIuBO97Vrj
- 16 January 2020 : You up @michaelcburgess @tedcruz ? #LevSpeaks https://twitter.com/nycjim/status/1217630261845942273
- 16 January 2020 : Hi Tom! @TomSteyer https://twitter.com/drew4valpo/status/1217641749985857537
- 16 January 2020 : #Yavonovich NOT under surveillance, @rfhyde1 just a drunk dweeb (according to Parnas) #LevParnas #maddow
- 16 January 2020 : •Trump •Pence •Barr •Pompeo •Bolton #LevSpeaks #maddow Somebodies gonna get got.
- 16 January 2020 : ‘Bolton 100%’ •Parnas isn’t messing around #maddow #Parnas pic.twitter.com/GrOJ0nEveL
- 16 January 2020 : #maddow time! My body is ready, Lev pic.twitter.com/5kNBY872ZJ
- 15 January 2020 : Rambling #IMPOTUS bumped by @foxnews in favor of #impeachment debate. Someone test his blood sugar https://twitter.com/davidnakamura/status/1217499109160095747
- 15 January 2020 : “Senator Sanders, why do you enjoy taking candy from small children?†- @wolfblitzer #feelthebern @CNN
- 15 January 2020 : Beer this kid that Nobel #gungirlpoopedherself https://twitter.com/sadgaljaz/status/1216913678718496768
- 15 January 2020 : I had .05% respect for @CNN . Anonymous sources reporting it’s gone. #DemDebate
- 15 January 2020 : Impressed with how lifelike these robots are moderating @CNN so nearly lifelike #DemDebate
- 15 January 2020 : Witch hunt huh @senatemajldr @michaelcburgess @JohnCornyn ? Smells like #treason . Hedge bets on if @CNN brings this up on the #DemocraticDebate or sticks to the infighting bullshit they’ve created pic.twitter.com/FccxP2B4CK
- 14 January 2020 : I always thought #VinceVaughan had a five-head. https://twitter.com/bubbaprog/status/1216914083192229890
- 14 January 2020 : Stop 👠perpetuating 👠@CNN 👠hitpieces 👠No need to fall into the loving embrace of the divisive wedge. https://twitter.com/podblesstexas/status/1216840731354181632
- 14 January 2020 : Who the hell is getting $300k in SSI?! https://twitter.com/teapainusa/status/1216909963488112640
- 14 January 2020 : PER YEAR #MedicareForAll #Medicare4All pic.twitter.com/ImnWER3c07
- 10 January 2020 : @TxStormChasers pic.twitter.com/rugWZuuE3O
- 10 January 2020 : @TxStormChasers FM1173 Krum pic.twitter.com/YrmjqsTjdX
- 7 January 2020 : You are complicit. @michaelcburgess Has your son enlisted yet? #bootburgess #NoWarWithIran https://twitter.com/ALT_uscis/status/1214694755239682048
- 7 January 2020 : How long before @realDonaldTrump starts funding ISIS in Iraq? #NoWarWithlran #NoWarForOil #NotMeUs #bootburgess #bluewave https://twitter.com/people4bernie/status/1213847076204736513
- 7 January 2020 : That booming Texas economy. Another dairy giant down. Thanks @JohnCornyn #latestagecapitalism #NotMeUs https://twitter.com/cnn/status/1214187380451790851
- 19 December 2019 : From my door knocking to get my seventeen years too-long serving congressman out, it’s opening peoples eyes. More and more die hard suburban Texans pulling the veil back and looking to the other side. That is an achievement to me, and a direct result of the last three months.
- 13 December 2019 : “Repeating a fact over and over doesn't make it true.†- @tommcclintock , Republican of California, not understanding how facts work #ImpeachmentHearing #ImpeachAndConvict
- 10 December 2019 : People still care about this pizzagate nobody?
- 9 December 2019 : Parliamentary inquiry @RepJerryNadler . Can we affix a breathalyzer to @RepMattGaetz microphone? #ImpeachmentHearing
- 7 December 2019 : Still no defense. #ImpeachAndRemoveTrump NOW https://twitter.com/nytimes/status/1203070253921685506
- 6 December 2019 : Where’s your outrage @FLOTUS ? #ConcentrationCamps https://twitter.com/cnn/status/1202832822563672064
- 4 December 2019 : If not us, who? If not now, when? #ImpeachingHearings
- 4 December 2019 : “President Trump welcomes foreign interference in the 2016 election. He demanded it for the 2020 election. In both cases he got caught.†Say what you will about Nadler, that’s a powerful opening statement. #ImpeachmentInquiry
- 30 November 2019 : 3% of land in Texas is public. Let’s stop ceeding more to habitat fragmentation and the danger of continual epa deregulation. Hard pass, do something @tedcruz @forestservice pic.twitter.com/rr8RYlFviO
- 23 November 2019 : "You can't promote principled, anti-corrupt action without pissing off corrupt people." -George Kent #NunesResign #ImpeachmentHearing https://twitter.com/jeff_foster21/status/1198273173378105344
- 20 November 2019 : @realDonaldTrumpis gonna go through some things this morning #ImpeachmentHearings
- 19 November 2019 : GOP ignoring the subject of the inquiry and going after the witnesses now. Great defense. #ImpeachmentHearings #VindmanTestimony
- 19 November 2019 : What else could we possibly need. #ImpeachmentHearings #VindmanTestimony pic.twitter.com/YzIFWOgaRh
- 19 November 2019 : If the call transcript is released why is the call classified @VP Doesn’t look guilty at all 😑 #ImpeachmentHearings
- 19 November 2019 : Lt Col Vindman comparing Russian oppression to GOP goon tactics. Fuck, this guy is like likable. #ImpeachmentHearings
- 15 November 2019 : Not that it matters but, here’s the proof the smoking gun was smoking. #ImpeachTrump https://twitter.com/jaketapper/status/1195485862424907776
- 13 November 2019 : As the basis of Republican defense, @DevinNunes wants three things. 1 for the whistleblower to testify. 2 information about Ukraine meddling in US elections. 3 Why Burisma hired Hunter Biden. If this is the bulk of the defense, this will be a home run. #ImpeachmentHearings
- 13 November 2019 : Bill Taylor underlining how Trumps actions have a ripple effect through the entire world. #ImpeachmentHearings pic.twitter.com/ftiLVeXb2J
- 13 November 2019 : Thank god for Patriots like Mr. Taylor and Kent. Looking forward to questioning, these guys can take it. #ImpeachmentHearings
- 13 November 2019 : "We should not have any inquiry at all until we get answers to 3 questions..." ~ @DevinNunes , in his opening statement in the actual fucking inquiry where questions will be answered. What a chucklefuck pic.twitter.com/q3g8EJvu7r
- 13 November 2019 : Jesus, @GOP actually greenlit this dumpster fire of a speech @DevinNunes #ImpeachmentHearings
- 31 October 2019 : From a traitor. #CountryOverParty https://twitter.com/michaelcburgess/status/1189729267678097408 pic.twitter.com/ysqvM6a6wJ
- 28 October 2019 : Boo this man ⦠@ChrisCoons ⩠BOO #BOO https://www.theepochtimes.com/democratic-senator-slams-world-series-crowd-for-booing-trump_3129710.html
- 21 October 2019 : Wild night #dfwwx pic.twitter.com/j1LRVtAIsj
- 18 October 2019 : You must be starving if you’ve been asleep for two years
- 4 October 2019 : Waiting on a @michaelcburgess #TownHall to be scheduled pic.twitter.com/E4BNHbpOZ5
- 3 October 2019 : When the tinder date claimed to be beautiful and perfect. #Trumpmeltdown pic.twitter.com/dFcvNDtBLC
- 2 October 2019 : Make sure she gets in the right cell.
- 2 October 2019 : I shot a series in Sand Branch, TX, a small corner of #Dallas that has not had access to clean water in thirty years. https://bit.ly/2ohO9TY #filmphotography pic.twitter.com/jsyKdDx7ZA
- 29 September 2019 : FUCK EM BOBBY https://twitter.com/cnn/status/1178444383756140545
- 29 September 2019 : Like 20 DPD at 5225 Maple apartments last night, what’s the deal @DFWscanner
- 25 September 2019 : I guess you could say things are a little.. sticky. https://twitter.com/dfwscanner/status/1176649258738638848
- 25 September 2019 : Yes Madame Speaker #ImpeachTheMF pic.twitter.com/Zhbo4wvyC3
- 24 September 2019 : #Deepellum looks a lot different in the daylight. #dallas #filmphotography #mediumformat pic.twitter.com/COXK2Ivd8p
- 24 September 2019 : Just #Deepellum things pic.twitter.com/8RfvidHdmm