Reports Found : 9
First Name : Dereoc
Last Name : Molina
State : CA
Approx. Age : 19
Arrested during 2020 Los Angeles George Floyd/BLM Riots. 4060 total arrests. Data obtained from here - Name,Date of Arrest,Gender,Descent,DOB,Age,City of Residence ,Crime,Booking #,Narrative, W/C Sig,10.10,FI,In Custody?,PCD Granted,Cite Date Molina, Dereoc Angel,6/3/2020,M,H,10/14/02,19,Los Angeles,Curfew (M),G189924,,,,,,,
First Name : Javier
Last Name : Molina
State : CA
Approx. Age : 24
Arrested during 2020 Los Angeles George Floyd/BLM Riots. 4060 total arrests. Data obtained from here - Name,Date of Arrest,Gender,Descent,DOB,Age,City of Residence ,Crime,Booking #,Narrative, W/C Sig,10.10,FI,In Custody?,PCD Granted,Cite Date Molina, Javier Jr.,5/29/2020,M,H,07/12/95,24,Los Angeles,Fail to Disperse (M),G188283,N,N,N,N,N,N,9/11/2020
First Name : Ezinio
Last Name : Molina
State : CA
Approx. Age : 22
Arrested during 2020 Los Angeles George Floyd/BLM Riots. 4060 total arrests. Data obtained from here - Name,Date of Arrest,Gender,Descent,DOB,Age,City of Residence ,Crime,Booking #,Narrative, W/C Sig,10.10,FI,In Custody?,PCD Granted,Cite Date Molina, Ezinio,5/29/2020,M,B,12/04/97,22,Los Angeles,Fail to Disperse (M),E654091,N,N,N,N,N,N,9/8/2020
First Name : Tracy Lynn
Last Name : Molina
State : OR
Approx. Age : 48
Facebook :
Already in your database. Arrested 7 times this summer for rioting-related activities. Adding this for her FB page
First Name : Tracy
Last Name : Molina
State : OR
Approx. Age : 47
Tags : Portland Antifa Federally Charged Tracy Molina, 47, of Portland - Interfering with a Peace Officer, Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree
First Name : Tracy
Last Name : Molina
State : OR
Approx. Age : 47
Tags : Portland Antifa *Molina, Tracy Lynn, 47-year-old, of Logsden, Oregon, Resisting Arrest, Trespass II, Disorderly Conduct II, Interfering with a Peace Officer
First Name : Tracy
Last Name : Molina
State : OR
Approx. Age : 37
Tags : Portland Antifa *Molina, Tracy L., 37-year-old, Interfering with a Peace Officer, Resist Arrest, Disorderly Conduct II
First Name : Tracy
Last Name : Molina
State : OR
Approx. Age : 47
Tags : Portland Antifa *Molina, Tracy, 47, of Portland, Oregon, Interfering with a Peace Officer, Disorderly Conduct II
First Name : Tracy
Last Name : Molina
State : OR
Approx. Age : 47
Tags : Portland Antifa INTERFER PEACE OFF (A Misdemeanor) Molina was arrested at previous antifa violent protests, including just last week.