First Name : Jessica

Last Name : Trimble

Approx. Age : 37

State : Washington

FACEBOOK : seattlepolenerdJT
TWITTER : @rtbadwolf (Inactive)


Jessica Ann Trimble (DOB: 06/18/86) is a pole dancing instructor who admitted in an affidavit to having attended protests / riots against the police. She claimed to have only attended day riots because she has limited mobility and can't run even though she's a pole dancer. Trimble was watching a live stream of a July 2020 riot when she saw a rioter get maced in the face. This inspired her to buy three jugs of milk (for tear gas) and join in the fun. She says she had trouble running from police as they were shooting flash bang grenades at her. Trimble seems to work as a school teacher but also owns an "inclusive" pole dancing studio in the Capitol Hill neighborhood where CHAZ/CHOP once stood. She was living in the Capitol Hill neighborhood at the time of the 2020 riots but may have moved to Kirkland. In addition to pole dancing, she's into cosplay and Dr. Who. There is another Jessica Trimble living in the Seattle area but she's a forest ranger, not an Antifa pole dancer.

Posted By : Anonymous in February 2024
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