First Name : Laura

Last Name : Borschel

Approx. Age : 31

State : New Jersey



Laura Borschel is a member of South Jersey Antifa, and an admitted member of NJ Trans Queer Defense which is an Antifascist LGBTQ group that attends Antifascist events hosted by Daryle Lamont Jenkins a self proclaimed NJ Antifascist, they also sell OnePeoplesProject Antifa Stickerw and other materials whole proudly displaying an Antifa flag with a large 'A' on it ( Extensive archives were collected, including a video of her tabling for NJ Trans Queer Defense along with Zachary Ackermann ( ). Information linking her to the NJ Antifa extremist website Jersey Counter Info was also found, as this website regularly posts activism which coincides with events that were hosted by Laura and her partner Rita Yelda, such as a cleanup in the NJ Pine Barrens which had an uncensored article written about it that included their names as organizing it (, the exact quote from the article was, "Borschel – who described to Pemberton council trying to work with the PPA to address the matter as best as possible even though the ”excellent” organization is “underfunded,” described to Pemberton council on Feb. 15 that since this past September, she and her spouse have been “hauling out trash” from there, estimating that, to date, they have “hauled out over 200 pounds of trash.” The parallel Jersey Counter Info article which blurred their faces can be found here ( Jersey Counter Info also publicly posts terror threats, vandalism attacks, and a guide on how to commit arson.

Posted By : Anonymous in July 2024
Is this report missing info? Has there been an update? Please submit any additional info (Social media, arrests, articles, etc).
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