First Name : Katrina
Last Name : Turner
Approx. Age : 53
State : Virginia
TWITTER : (Inactive)
Tags : East Coast Network Leadership
Katrina Lynn Turner (10/30/68) is a BLM activist who participated in the Charlottesville Unite the Right counter protest with her son Timothy Porter where she claimed they "fought white supremacy". In 2020 she lead a victory rally in Charlottesville celebrating Trump's defeat. Turner was also at the anniversary of the UTR. She was a member of the Charlottesville Civilian Police Review Board for a while. Turner accused Charlottesville police of assaulting her son. She's an associate of fellow radical Rosia Parker ( with whom she's organized several protest marches. She's from Texas and was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon in 1995 but was no-billed by the grand jury. She also has an arrest for theft by check. She filed for bankruptcy in 2000. Turner lives with her husband and several of her sons in a small house in Charlottesville. Turner is more radical BLM than Antifa but she's an Antifa ally.

Posted By : Anonymous in March 2022
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