First Name : Jennifer

Last Name : Oberholtzer

Approx. Age : 58

State : Maryland



Jennifer Oberholtzer lives in Annapolis, Maryland. Operating under the YouTube name GloryBeeFreedom she films and publicizes Antifa events, like the Palestinian takeover of the George Washington University campus. By doing so, she encourages their antifa activities by showing them to her audience. She has a fake press pass that she bought online and uses it to gain entry to events and garner sympathy. She wants to be mainstream media and claims to be reporting on events though her coverage provides valuable operational info to antifa cells around the country. Oberholtzer has also infiltrated J6 events like the "Freedom Corner" vigil outside the DC Jail. At these events, she records January 6th prisoner calls, which frequently incriminate January 6th prisoners. For example, she filmed Antony Vo, a January 6er at the Corner, resulting in him getting a longer sentence. She is also a known associate of Brianne Chapman aka Anarchy Princess who is listed in this database. Oberholtzer is, at the very minimum, antifa and possibly a fed spying on J6 groups.

Posted By : Anonymous in August 2024
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