First Name : Jessica

Last Name : Krug

Approx. Age : 41

State : New York

Tags : Black Identity Extremists  


Jessica Anne Krug, aka Jess La Bombalera, aka Jessica Cruz (born Apr. '82) is a former radical history professor. She's a Jew from Overland Park, Kansas who attended an elite private school. She posed for many years variously as half-black, Dominican or black Puerto Rican. She told one friend she was conceived after her black mother was raped by a white man. An undergrad noticed discrepancies in racial self-descriptions on her resume and various biographies she had submitted and brought it to the attention of a professor who outed her as white in September 2020. She was accused of darkening her social media selfies to make herself look blacker. She's known as a race baiter and stirred up racial unrest or many years. She posed as Jess La Bomalera during the George Floyd rioting cycle in New York and testified to the NYC city council about her experience at New York riots while pretending to be a Puerto Rican from the Bronx. Even though she's a radical BLMer, she spent much of her activist time attacking black people for not being radical enough. Krug is an abolitionist who wants to get rid of the police. She earned her B.A. from Portland State which may have been where she became radicalized. Krug taught history at George Washington University for a while but resigned after she came out as white. She lives in an apartment in Spanish Harlem with genuine Puerto Ricans. We're tagging her as a black identity extremist even though she's really white.,

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