First Name : Chelsea

Last Name : Glass

Approx. Age : 35

State : Tennessee

FACEBOOK : Chelsea Glass for Collierville School Board Position 4


Chelsea is the most dangerous candidate for school board in Collierville history. She is an uneducated social justice warrior with a vivacious potty mouth who wraps herself in the cloak of victimhood. She wears that hammer and sickle and her pronouns with great pride. In the Commercial Appeal she is quoted "This is a racist town, big trucks with confederal flags saying, heritage, not hate". We do not understand why she wants to run for school board when she hates the town so much. Chelsea is a fulltime anarchist protester who likes to see her picture in the press. She doxes Collierville taxpayers and businesses, chases our elected officials, and is a regular at town hall meetings, screaming at public speakers that they are white supremacists and Nazi's. She is a regular in the dark web giving information on people she disagrees with. Her demands are that schools teach CRT, Gender Fluidity and Anti-Christianity. She wants 300 books advocating homosexuality and transgender perversions back on library shelves so that children can read them. Collierville, please pay attention. We don’t need her kind around children, and certainly not on the school board. Can you image, her making a list of parents attending a meeting she does NOT like, only to dox them and send their information to her sinister comrades in Memphis to do her violent bidding?

Posted By : Anonymous in September 2022
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