First Name : Michael

Last Name : Dusek

Approx. Age : 47

State : Oregon

Tags : Portland Antifa   """Journalists"""   Assault   Weapons  


Michael "Mike" Evert Dusek (born Sep. '76) was arrested at a May 2024 occupation of the Portland State University library and was charged with criminal trespassing. Unlike some of the Gaza encampments across the country, which don't always fit neatly into the left-right axis, the PSU takeover was an Antifa project. He appears to have been a thug Antifa brought in the protect their scrawny vegan asses. Dusek seems to be semi-homeless felon and has some serious felony priors on his record including charges for manufacturing / delivering a controlled substance, possession of meth, possession of a controlled substance, possession of MJ, criminal trespassing priors x2, multiple fugitive warrants, unlawful possession of a firearm, assault on family member impeding breathing / circulation, assault on family member after a previous conviction, attempt to commit a Class C felony, possession of burglary tools, criminal mischief x2, unlawful possession of a firearm, giving false information for issuance of a warrant, theft and interfering with an emergency call. See pic for backup. We ran out of room to list all his offenses in the pic. Dusek appears to fancy himself as an amateur journalist and was seen streaming from one of the many George Floyd riots in Portland. However, he was wearing a motorcycle helm and football shoulder pads, gear not worn by most real journalists. He was also charged with unlawful possession of fireworks in Sep. '20 which is probably riot related. He seems to earn a living selling newspapers for an outfit known as Street Vendors. PSU appears to have been in his territory.

Posted By : Anonymous in May 2024
Is this report missing info? Has there been an update? Please submit any additional info (Social media, arrests, articles, etc).
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