First Name : Clayton

Last Name : Solberg

Approx. Age : 22

State : Wisconsin


Aka "Sofie Solberg", "Sofie Fordo", “Slutty Step Sister", he's a Wisconsin Tranifa who was arrested in May 2024 on child porn charges. He was caught distributing kiddie porn on the dropbox site. Solberg had posted memes for years joking about possessing child porn. After he was released on only $2K bail, police found another account trading illegal porn and busted him again. He has a tiny penis and enjoyed posting images of it to various internet sites. Solberg called for violence against police and Republican women and posted an image to Instagram of a man in an Antifa shirt physically abusing a woman under the #PunchWhiteWomen tag. Solberg lived in Galesville prior to his arrest.

Posted By : Anonymous in July 2024
Is this report missing info? Has there been an update? Please submit any additional info (Social media, arrests, articles, etc).
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