First Name : James

Last Name : Carlson

Approx. Age : 40

State : New York

Tags : Leadership   Arson  


Aka Cody Carlson, aka Cody Tarlson, aka Cody Tarlow, (Born May '84), he's a trust fund baby and heir to an ad empire who was one of the outside agitators at the Spring 2024 Gaza radical takeover at Columbia University. He was arrested inside an occupied building and hit with numerous criminal charges including burglary, criminal trespass, reckless endangerment, conspiracy and criminal mischief. Earlier in April, he stole an American flag from a counter-protester and burned it. He was charged with criminal mischief, criminal possession of stolen property and arson. Despite the extreme left-wing nature of New York's DA, the office continues to investigate the flag theft as a hate crime. NYPD described Carlson as a "longtime anarchist" who has a rap sheet going back to 2005 when he was arrested at a San Francisco anarchist protest. Sources consider Carlson to be a possible leader of the radicals who occupied Columbia. He works as an animal rights lawyer and has gone undercover at farms. He's one radical who doesn't need funding from George Soros. Carlson lives in a three-story home valued at over $3 mil. in the upscale neighborhood of Park Slope Brooklyn. His baby mama is a model and his step mother dates John Cougar Mellencamp. Carlson uses a large number of aliases, probably to evade his criminal past.

Posted By : Anonymous in May 2024
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