First Name : Zachary

Last Name : Ackermann

Approx. Age : 31

State : New Jersey



Zachary Ackermann is a member of NJ Trans Queer Defense, an Antifasciist LGBT group in NJ that associates with Daryle Lamont Jenkins a prominent Antifascist. This group attends Antifascist fundraisers and sells Antifa stickers as seen in these pictures here ( In a youtube video Zach identifies himself as a member while being interviewed at a tabling event ( He was connected to this group via Jersey Shore Food Not Bombs where he was interviewed as a member by name ( ) he is also clearly seen wearing the same jacket as in the censored NJ Trans Queer Defense posts on instagram ( ). He's also connected to an Antifa extremist blog named Jersey Counter Info which has posted numerous acts of vandalism and guides on how to commit arson; His connection to this blog is through Laura Borschel who he runs NJ Trans Queer defense with and was uncovered as having connections to Jersey Counter Info, this was detailed in a previous submission of mine. Additional info can be found on the page supplied here including webpage archives, images, videos, etc

Posted By : Anonymous in July 2024
Is this report missing info? Has there been an update? Please submit any additional info (Social media, arrests, articles, etc).
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