Reports Found : 1850
Number Pages : 93
First Name : Griffin
Last Name : Malone
State : OR
Tags : Portland Antifa """Journalists"""
He's a fake journalist who identifies as anti-capitalist. Malone attends riots and pretends to be a neutral observer. Left-wing Newsweek called him a cheerleader for Antifa. At a Tacoma riot, he helped out his Antifa buddies by alerting them to the presence of a Fox News reporter. Malone was complimented by prominent Portland Antifa figure Shane Burley. Malone is also a contributor to the notorious doxxing site Left Coast Right Watch. He may be queer based on his Tweets. Malone is believed to live in Portland.
First Name : Jean-Jacques
Last Name : Michell
State : OR
Approx. Age : 40
Tags : Portland Antifa
Jean-Jacques Bernard Michell (DOB: 11/21/81) is a prominent Portland homeless advocate who's homeless himself. Michell founded the Houseless Radicals Collective, a group whose Twitter header has an AK-47 with writing on it saying, "This fag kills fascists". He's a New Orleans native and was busted in 2016 for breaking into a New Orleans police cruiser and stealing its computer system. Michell has a lengthy rap sheet for crimes including possession of heroin, possession of marijuana, DUI, theft, theft of services, graffiti, burglary of a law enforcement vehicle, public drunkenness and criminal damage to property. Notwithstanding his criminal record and drug use, Michell may be homeless by choice. He seems to come from a New Orleans family of means. His elderly mother was an investment manager who used to own a house valued at nearly $2 mil. in the high-rent Audubon neighborhood. Michell claims to be non-binary. His last known "address" was the Kelly Butte homeless encampment in Portland but he seems to move around. He goes by "Bernard" on the street.
First Name : Alex
Last Name : Zielinski
State : OR
Approx. Age : 33
Twitter :
Tags : Portland Antifa """Journalists"""
DOB: 06/10/89. She's the news editor for the left-wing alternative paper the Portland Mercury. During rioting in 2020, she alerted Antifa to Andy Ngo's location. Zielinski Tweeted "Heads up all, it looks like Andy Ngo is here, wandering around with KOIN News reporters. She's also well-known for defending her fellow Antifa members in her reporting. In 2020 Zielinski falsely linked Aaron Danielson's murder to right-wingers. She has a journalism degree from the University of Oregon. Her real first name is probably Alexis or Alexandra but we have no proof. She now works for Oregon Public Broadcasting pushing her far left propaganda.
First Name : Mateen
Last Name : Shaheed
State : OR
Approx. Age : 26
Tags : Portland Antifa
Mateen Abdul Shaheed (DOB: 01/04/96) was arrested for vandalizing property in November 2016 while celebrating Trump's great victory. He was seen vandalizing a car with a baseball bat, smashing an electrical box and setting a fire in the street. Shaheed was charged with five counts of criminal mischief. The rioting caused at total of $1 million in damages. Shaheed was captured after a manhunt and received at thirteen-month prison sentence for his crimes. He was previously charged with domestic violence in the summer of 2016. Shaheed was gainfully employed holding a sign in front of a furniture store at the time of the riot. He lives in an apartment in northeast Portland.
First Name : Shayne
Last Name : Sellers
State : OR
Approx. Age : 28
Tags : Portland Antifa
Shayne Reanne Sellers (DOB: 04/17/94) was arrested at a January 2017 Portland protest march that was intended to force the police chief to resign. The protest was also related to the cancellation of the annual City of Roses parade. The Sellers was charged with disorderly conduct. She was arrested again in April 2017 protest at Montavilla park and charged with criminal mischief and theft x2. She lives in a crappy house on a street with a lot of industrial / commercial buildings in the Mt. Scott neighborhood of Portland.
First Name : Jeremy
Last Name : Salmon
State : OR
Approx. Age : 46
Twitter :
Tags : Portland Antifa
Jeremy David Salmon (DOB: 08/12/76) is allegedly connected on social media to the Isaac gang within Rose City. He's likely a member of the DSA as he signed an official DSA statement on Blackness. He has a B.S. from the University of Michigan and works as an electrical engineer for Daimler. He lives in what appears to be a multi-family dwelling in the Buckman neighborhood. Salmon seems to be into Legos and pug dogs.
First Name : Reyna
Last Name : Kuhlmann
State : OR
Approx. Age : 19
Twitter :,
It's a self-professed antifascist, Satanist and tranny originally from Nevada who moved to the freak show that is Oregon. It's currently trying to raise funds for sex change procedures. Its job at Starbucks doesn't seem to bring in enough cash to pay the bills much less fund tranny surgery. Kuhlmann was kicked out of a firearms training class when the instructor saw the Antifa pin it was wearing. Kuhlmann claims on its LinkedIn page that it's a student at Cal State - San Luis Obispo but if it's living in Oregon, it must have quit or taken a semester off. Its pre-tranny name may have been "Rey" but there's no proof. It's from Linden, Nevada but its current Oregon address is unknown, probably Portland, Eugene or somewhere else big enough to have a Starbucks. (Before & After pic) Grant Kuhlmann(or Rain, Raina, Kuhlio, and now Reyna all names of his D&D characters) son of Holly Kuhlmann, lived in the ranchos of Minden Nevada, and attended Douglas High School. In High School, he was on both the Tennis and Golf team, had a girlfriend, and was part of a project to build a plane at the Minden Airport. After graduating rank of 4-5 in 2020, Grant then moved to attend California Polytechnic for a degree in Astronautical Engineering but dropped out without a degree but still debt to achieve an easier goal of being a part of the alphabet club. Today Grant lives in an Airbnb near South Salem High School with a new detrans girlfriend. He works at Starbucks nearby and drives a Toyota shitbox. (scholarship)
First Name : Javier
Last Name : Reyes
State : OR
Approx. Age : 25
Tags : Portland Antifa
Javier Ivan Reyes (DOB: 02/25/97) is a Mexican national who made online threats against Biden before the President's visit to Portland in 2022. He's participated in several Portland riots dating back to 2017 and took a picture of a dumpster fire at one of the riots. Reyes was charged with failure to obey and rioting. He defended vandalism at riots during a 2021 town hall meeting with Portland's mayor. Reyes has a master's degree in IT from a Mexican university. He used to work as a production technician for AeroKraft Nort. Reyes conveniently lives in an apartment near downtown Portland to make it easier to attend riots.
First Name : Rachel
Last Name : Saint
State : OR
Twitter :
Tags : Portland Antifa
It's a supposedly homeless and transgendered, meth abusing, asexual Maoist. It's not trying too hard to be a woman and may only be posing as a tranny to get donations. Saint seems like a semi-pro grifter. It references panhandling in social media posts, and it's asked for money numerous times in its Twitter feed. It held a 2021 GoFundMe for Aspen, a "transgendered Latina Antifa supersoldier" but didn't raise much money. Its name is probably a fake tranny name but that's the one it uses. It chose an unusual moniker as the original Rachel Saint was an evangelical missionary who worked in Ecuador. There's a person of the same name who's an engineering student at Portland State but they seem to be different people.
First Name : Sarah
Last Name : Gilbert
State : OR
Approx. Age : 48
Twitter :,
Tags : Portland Antifa
Sarah Anne Gilbert (DOB: 09/11/73 pedals her ass on the streets of Portland as she runs bike tours of Portland that promote "antifascist" ideas. Her cannabis culture bike tour seems to be especially popular. Her tours would seem to be a fun outing for a group of Proud Boys to take. Gilbert's writings on her web site make her seem like a very bitter woman. She was a military wife who lost custody of her three children to her drug abusing ex. and she was forced to pay him child support. Gilbert wants her undergrad alma mater to change its name from Washington and Lee to something more polictically correct. Her web site has a lot of mystical posts so she's probably a Wiccan or neo-pagan. She graduated with an MBA from the prestigious Wharton School of Business at the U. of Pennsylvania and is probably Wharton's only alumnus who's giving Antifa bike tours. She's unrelated to the former child actress of the same name and the Sarah Gilbert who was arrested at J20, who's from Asheville. Gilbert doesn't have any major criminal charges but has several civil judgements.,
First Name : Hannah
Last Name : Kolbeck
State : OR
Approx. Age : 37
Twitter :,
Tags : Portland Antifa
Hannah Sylvia Hoffman Kolbeck, known pre-transition as Corey David Hoffman Kolbeck, (DOB: 02/15/85) is a tranny software engineer by day and anarchist sticker and jewelry maker by night. Kolbeck runs an online jewelry store called Laser Bloc that also sells radical stickers. One of the stickers it sells has and image of a milkshake and the wording "Anti-Ngo Action" which seems to threaten Andy Ngo. We found Kolbeck on Twitter and followed the links to its store's Google Drive account where it's listed as an admin on the account. We found its non-tranny name by searching for one of the patents on its resume. It co-owns a nice 3,500 sq. ft. home in the upscale Irvington neighborhood worth nearly $1 mil. with a person who appears to be a biological female. Kolbeck's partner, or whatever she is, is affiliated with a local Unitarian congregation that's been linked to several Portland radicals. (Resume) (Store's Google drive, not much of interest) (Part of the store) (Github)
First Name : Jacob
Last Name : Hanning
State : OR
Twitter :,
Tags : Portland Antifa
He claims to be an independent journalist but identifies as anti-fascist on his Twitter feed. Hanning made the news for harassing an Asian man he thought was Andy Ngo at a July 2020 George Floyd riot in Portland. He's the manager of Camas smoke shop in Portland. Hanning attended at least one Portland riot in September 2020 where he attempted to photograph police brutality. Hanning probably lives in Portland.
First Name : Shelby
Last Name : van Leuven
State : OR
Approx. Age : 26
Tags : Portland Antifa
Shelby Mae van Leuven (DOB: 09/15/95) was in med school at OHSU in 2020 and worked as a street medic during the summer 2020 riots in Portland. Van Leuven was a medical resident at the time of the riots, and she worked with other medics from OHSU to patch up Antifa. As of 2022, she was doing her residency in family medicine at Peace Health. She grew up in Milwaukie, Oregon and currently lives in an apartment near OHSU. Despite her heftiness, she's fairly athletic and played basketball in high school and likes to hike.
First Name : Najee
Last Name : Gow
State : OR
Approx. Age : 24
Tags : Portland Antifa
DOB: 10/03/97. He's a radical BLM member who attended a BLM/Antifa protest at Ted Wheeler's condo in 2020. I think it was the one where Antifa occupied the lobby and shot fireworks at the building, and they definitely set a table on fire outside and vandalized windows. Gow led chants of "F*** Ted Wheeler" at the protest. Even though he's a radical, he doesn't have any love for Antifa and said he wanted to beat them up. Gow also attended a protest at the Federal courthouse in Portland where he yelled at cops through a megaphone. Gow said the indictment of a Portland cop for use of excessive force during a protest was a step in the right direction. Gow works as a nurse and probably lives in the Portland area.
First Name : Myka
Last Name : Wilde
State : OR
Instagram :
Twitter :
Tags : Portland Antifa
She self-identifies as a radical genderqueer anti-capitalist on social media. Her pronouns are they/them/theirs. Wilde works as a union rep in Portland.
First Name : I.G.
Last Name : Frederick
State : OR
Twitter :
Tags : Portland Antifa
Aka Korin I. Dushayl, she's a professional erotica writer (literary whore) who expresses solidarity with police and ICE abolition. She implies she's a radical on her blog and Twitter and claims GoFundMe supports white supremacy and racism. She describes herself as a transgressive, anti-fascist, SJW, queer, feminist, gun-carrying, FemDom Jew. Despite her self-identification as a lez, she keeps a male submissive with her, even taking him to her parents' house. Dushayl writes wholesome books, mostly of the BDSM genre, which I'm sure many elementary schools are ordering for their libraries. She may never get a Pulitzer, but she won the National Leather Association Cynthia Slater Nonfiction Article Award in 2014. She's the author of such literary classics as "Cougar Conquests", "Paddles" and "When Two's Not Enough". Dushayl encouraged Portlanders to take to the streets and riot (like they need any encouragement) during the 2020 Summer of Love. On her web page she claims a fascist coup began in June 2020 when Trump ordered Federal troops to Portland to prevent the city from burning. On her Twitter feed she claims to live in Portland. She has a B.A. from the University of Washington. I.G. Frederick may be a pseudonym.
First Name : Michelle
Last Name : Ozaki
State : OR
Approx. Age : 28
Tags : Portland Antifa
Michelle Kayoko Ozaki (DOB: 06/18/94) is an Oregon Health and Sciences University (OHSU) PhD student who worked as a street medic during Portland's 2020 Summer of Love. She claims police trashed her group's supplies and made "belittling" comments. She later bitched on Twitter about rioters being injured at a riot. OHSU had officially recognized the medics from their school but disassociated itself in July 2020 over liability concerns. Ozaki re-Tweets a lot of stuff from gay alphabet soup accounts so she may be a lez. She probably lives in Portland during the school year but she's from Pasadena, California.
First Name : Adrian
Last Name : Baris
State : OR
Approx. Age : 27
Twitter :
Tags : Portland Antifa
Adrian Melissa Baris (DOB: 04/26/95) is a Portland street medic who admitted volunteering at the George Floyd cycle of riots in an interview with the Portland Mercury. Her medic buddy Michael Martinez ( was arrested but Baris managed to avoid arrest. She later accused Portland police of stealing medical supplies. Baris is a PhD student at OHSU and works as a researcher at the National Cancer Institute. She said in her OHSU bio that she likes playing with her pussy (cat) in her spare time.
First Name : Lucas
Last Name : Hubbard
State : OR
Approx. Age : 31
Tags : Leadership Socialist Rifle Assocation
Lucas Ariel Hubbard (DOB: 01/29/91) is the SRA's Communications Director. Hubbard helped the Southern New England chapter of the SRA shill for donations to build an indoor shooting center. Hubbard works as a sound engineer at Sprout City Studios. He lives in the Eugene suburb of Springfield.
First Name : Dakota
Last Name : Schee
State : OR
Approx. Age : 28
Twitter : (Inactive)
Tags : Portland Antifa Federally Charged
Dakota Paige Schee (DOB: 07/25/94) is an eco-terrorist who was arrested at a 2019 Greenpeace occupation of a bridge over the Houston Ship Channel. Schee was charged with impariing critical infrastructure (Federal) and obstructing a highway. She works for Greenpeace as a supporter mobilization assistant in Portland. Schee wrote an article for Greenpeace criticizing the left's traditional emphasis on population control as "racist". I wonder where she stands on abortion? She participated in a support campaign for a black tranny organizer who was fired by Greenpeace. During the pandemic, she participated in an online cancel campaign to coerce Citibank to defund the petroleum industry. She was living in Kansas City, probably with her parents, at the time of the protest but moved to an apartment in Portland.