Reports Found : 378
Number Pages : 19
First Name : Debra
Last Name : Zervas
State : WV
Approx. Age : 61
Tags : East Coast Network
Debra Louise Zervas (DOB: 01/06/61, Sucks for her that the alt-right crashed her birthday) attended the Charlottesville Unite the Right counter-protest. She runs some sort of masonry business and took out a pandemic loan from the Small Business Administration. She pleaded no contest to some sort of felony charge related to welfare in 1986. She filed for bankruptcy in 2009. Zervas lives in Norfolk.
First Name : Brendan
Last Name : Orsinger
State : DC
Approx. Age : 40
Instagram :
Twitter :
Tags : East Coast Network
Brendan "Brenda" A. Orsinger, AKA Riley Rosenberg, (DOB: 11/14/81) attended the Charlottesville Unite the Right counter protest and was allegedly one of the organizers. He later complained about being traumatized by the rally and complained about being doxxed. He seems almost border-line paranoid and claimed a man followed him around D.C. He also claims that seeing a white guy in a polo shirt triggers memories of the rally. Orsinger is the co-founder of, a website that no longer seems to exist. Facebook took down his group's page for their online behavior. He was a knuckle baller at James Madison University. He wrote a baseball article on his blog titled, "No Longer Playing Ball With Toxic Masculinity" and said, "For men, playing college & youth sports means intensive exposure to an echo chamber of white supremacy, homophobia, transphobia, islamophobia, misogyny & rape culture." He claimed in another blog post that "toxic masculinity" causes pitchers to pitch fast balls to pursue speed/power/control/aggression. Even though he doesn't look it, he may be trans based on his Twitter feed which has a Star of David in the symbolic trans purple color and that he allegedly uses "Brenda Orsinger" as an alias. Orsinger worked as a consultant at Primcorp and may still work there. He lives with about six roommates in a nice row house in the Columbia Heights neighborhood in D.C.,
First Name : William
Last Name : Roberts
State : VA
Tags : East Coast Network
Rev. William Roberts participated in a 2017 protest against Richard Spencer's residence in Alexandria, Virginia. A group of Christians harassed Spencer by standing outside his apartment holding signs. This was prior to the Unite the Right rally and Spencer wasn't exactly a household name at the time. It's unknown if Roberts attended the actual Unite the Right protest. He isn't on the semi-official list of participants compiled by alt-right sources. He's a Professor of Church Music and Director of Chapel Music at Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria. Roberts is seen in a video playing with his huge organ in church. He's affiliated with Christ Church (Episcopal) in Alexandria but he's probably not a priest there since he's a full time professor. He's believed to live in northern Virginia.
First Name : David
Last Name : Hoover
State : VA
Tags : East Coast Network
David L.R. Hoover is a self-hating WASP who attended the Charlottesville Unite the Right counter-protest. Earlier, Hoover harassed alt-right leader Richard Spencer by co-organizing a protest with fellow parishioners in front of Spencer's apartment in Alexandria, Virginia. This was in January 2017 before Spencer obtained notoriety for organizing Unite the Right. Hoover held a sign saying, "God is Love" while protesting against Spencer's residence even though the left assures us that housing is a human right. Hoover participated in at least one other anti "white supremacy" protest in Virginia. He's a member of Christ Church Episcopal in Alexandria, Virginia and at least one other member of his parish attended the Spencer protest. He has a degree in social work and works as a supervisor at Inova Health Care. He also has a side gig as some sort of therapist, possibly counseling homos. Maybe they call him Hoover because he sucks.,
First Name : Phillip
Last Name : Wilayto
State : VA
Approx. Age : 73
Twitter :
Tags : East Coast Network
Phillip "Phil" Henry Wilayto (DOB: 01/08/49) is a fake journalist who attended the Charlottesville counter protest. He referred to the counter-protest as a tremendous victory over fascists. He later called the Jan 6th riot a violent takeover of Congress by a fascist mob. He was previously arrested for trespassing at a 2011 protest over a slave burial ground which was turned into a Virginia Commonwealth University parking lot (Didn't the VCU administration watch Poltergeist?). Ole Phil seems to be total Putin fanboy. In March 2022, he participated in a rally where he blamed NATO for causing Russia to invade the Ukraine. He also appeared on a Facebook video discussion where he criticized U.S. policy toward the Ukraine. His recent Twitter feed is filled with Tweets critical of the Ukraine and U.S. policy in Eastern Europe. He's another left-wing advocacy "journalist" who writes for the Virginia Defender, a "progressive" newspaper that's only published once a quarter. He's also the co-founder of the Virginia Anti-War Network and a board member of the Campaign Against Sanctions & Military Intervention in Iran. During the Vietnam War he worked with GIs in what was probably a peace group. Wilayto may be retired now but he owned a commercial art installation business. He lives in an apartment in Richmond.,
First Name : Vanessa
Last Name : Bolin
State : VA
Tags : East Coast Network
Bolin has paramedic training and acted as a street medic at the Charlottesville Unite the Right counter protest and put band-aids on Antifa boo-boos. She also worked as a medic at the Standing Rock protests. She protested a Columbus statue in Richmond in 2019 and again in 2020 when the natives succeeded in dumping Chris in a lake. She claims to be a native American artist, singer, activist and street medic/ trainer. She is or was affiliated with the left-wing Woodhull Freedom Foundation. Interestingly, her team member profile on the group's website describes her as a "white" woman. She looks much darker in recent pictures, I guess she's been hitting the tanning beds. Is she another person posing as an Indian? Even more interesting, the Woodhull Foundation is sponsored by Chaturbate! Bolin is affiliated with the River City Medic Collective in Richmond. She's believed to live in Virginia, probably the Richmond area. Don't confuse her with a senior USAF officer with the same maiden name who also lives in Virginia.,,
First Name : Max
Last Name : Hess
State : NY
Tags : East Coast Network
He's an attorney who participated in the 2017 Unite the Right counter-protest in Charlottesville. He was the interim executive director of the Fellowship for Reconciliation, an interfaith pacifist group which seems to have recently morphed into an anti-police group. A delegation of the pacifists traveled to Charlottesville to attend the violent counter-protest. He's quoted in an interview as saying, “We blocked their (the right's) attempt to form some kind of larger political unit. If they are prepared to meet in the future, we have plans to resist those meetings if they are violent.” According to his bio, Hess has been deeply involved in criminal justice reform work, campaigning against the death penalty, working for the rights of LGBTQ people, and working for free and fair elections. Hess is an Episcopal church layman and has sung in several church's choirs. He's from the Atlanta area but moved to Nyack, New York where he was living at the time of Unite the Right. He may have moved back to Atlanta.,
First Name : Daniel
Last Name : Gottlieb
State : VA
Approx. Age : 44
Tags : East Coast Network
Daniel "Dan" Alexander Gottlieb (DOB: 10/07/77) attended the violent counter-protest at the Unite the Right rally in 2017. He was near the scene of the car incident and was quoted: “When you saw the different white supremacist groups together, they all had different flags and they were flying them. I’d never seen that all out in the open before… There was that… feeling where you were witnessing something big in a sense. Now, all of a sudden, what was hidden is now not.” He was formerly an associate psych professor at tiny Sweet Briar College, a private women's university. He claims to be self-employed now (2022) so he may have lost his position when Sweet Briar nearly shut down due to financial troubles. Gottlieb owns a house in Crozet, Virginia near Charlottesville, with his significant other.
First Name : Connor
Last Name : Douglas
State : NY
Approx. Age : 29
Tags : East Coast Network
Connor Hicks Douglas, AKA Connor Douglas Hicks, (DOB: 12/30/92) is a left-wing activist who claimed to have been attacked by Trump supporters in 2016 in NYC after leaving an organizing meeting for Decolonize This Place. He was arrested in 2016 at a rally where his boyfriend Caleb Perkins elbowed a cop in the face. Hicks attended the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville. He's also a member of Bash Back NYC.
First Name : Morgan
Last Name : Hopkins
State : VA
Approx. Age : 39
Tags : East Coast Network
Morgan Dionne Hopkins, AKA Morgan Freegan, (DOB: 01/14/82) attended the Charlottesville Unite the Right counter protest and took her shirt off and flashed her boobs (Sorry, no pics). Hopkins was later acquitted on the indecent exposure charge but was convicted on a public swearing / intoxication charge. She later filed suit against the cops who arrested her for indecent exposure. Hopkins has additional arrests for failure to appear, obstruction of justice and destruction of property. Hopkins used to date pothead protester Jordan McNeish but from his Instagram posts it appears he dumped her for someone marginally less ugly. Back when she and McNeish were a happy drughead couple, they started a group called Jefferson Area Harm Reduction which distributed overdose rescue drugs to fellow druggies. It may be a coincidence but the group used a red and black logo which are anarchist colors. He employer is unknown but she may work in IT. Hopkins lives in a fairly nice rental home out in the country near Scottsville.
First Name : Brandon
Last Name : Soderberg
State : DE
Approx. Age : 37
Twitter :
Tags : East Coast Network
Brandon Andrew Soderberg (DOB: 06/23/84) attended the Charlottesville Unite the Right counter-protest in 2017, allegedly as a journalist. He appears to pose as some sort of journalist but he's really a de-fund the police advocate and an Antifa apologist. Soderberg complained on social media about his inclusion in the list of leftist/Antifa members who participated in the Charlottesville riots. He claimed Antifa doesn't exist which is technically correct because as far as anyone knows, there's no formal Antifa charter or membership, but in reality denying Antifa is simple-minded gaslighting. He co-authored a book titled, "I Got A Monster" about a supposedly corrupt Baltimore police unit. He has ties to a Maryland address but probably lives in his parents $500K house in Delaware near the coast, quite a ways from Baltimore where he works.
First Name : Evan
Last Name : Nesterak
State : MA
Approx. Age : 35
Twitter :
Tags : East Coast Network
Evan Ross Nesterak (DOB: 08/06/86) attended the Charlottesville counter protest and took photos and videos. He described the rally as "a battle for human nature". He's not a journalist, rather he claims to be some sort of "behavioral scientist". Nesterak is Editor-in-Chief of The Psych Report. He's originally from Colorado and played the manly game of Soccer for Swarthmore College. Nesterak may be an ethnic Czech with ties to his homeland. He lived in Prague for a while. He now lives in the Boston exburb of Hopkinton although he lived in Charlottesville at the time of the rally. (Old)
First Name : Robert
Last Name : Gibson
State : VA
Approx. Age : 72
Twitter :
Tags : East Coast Network
Robert "Bob" Ryder Gibson (DOB: 02/05/50) attended the Charlottesville counter protest and was at the Friday night church service. He appeared on a podcast with radical CRT theorist Ibram X. Kendi and claimed the tiki torch-bearers reminded him of Nuremberg in the 1930s. He's Communications Director for the Cooper Center for Public Service at the University of Virginia. He's a long-time Charlottesville resident who got his degrees from UVA. His wife is a public radio producer. Gibson and his wife live in a house in Charlottesville valued at over $500K. They have enough money to afford what appears to be a rental investment apartment too.
First Name : Jeffrey
Last Name : Pugh
State : VA
Approx. Age : 69
Tags : East Coast Network
Jeffrey Carter Pugh (DOB: 06/19/52) is a retired left-wing professor and theologian who attended the Charlottesville Unite the Right counter protest. He referred to the rally as "Unite the Unrighteous". In a 2021 podcast he compared the Jan 6th protesters to the Nazis. Pugh is Professor Emeritus (i.e., Old Fart) of Religious Studies at Elon University in North Carolina. He's written several books on religion and his wife is a retired Methodist minister. The couple moved to Charlottesville and live in a house valued at over $850K. I guess he only has to show up once a year at Elon to prove he's still alive.
First Name : Brian
Last Name : McLaren
State : FL
Approx. Age : 65
Tags : East Coast Network
Brian Douglas McLaren (DOB: 05/04/56) attended the Charlottesville Unite the Right counter-protest and gave an interview on the things he saw. He later attended a 2018 protest in front of Wendy's to protest the treatment of farm workers although I'm not sure Wendy's burgers come from cattle. This Florida man is a former priest and a religious author. I guess he quit the priesthood because he wanted to get laid. Something tells me he doesn't get laid much now. He's written at least twenty books and claims to be a best-selling author. He owned a business called Biorthythm Sports Predicting LLC which sounds like some sort of gambling business. Prior to that, he was CEO at Cedar Ridge Community Church which must make a lot of money to need a CEO. He was charged with breeding wood turtles without a permit in 2006. He lives in a modest house on Marco Island, south of Naples.
First Name : Mark
Last Name : Tinkleman
State : PA
Approx. Age : 34
Tags : East Coast Network ANTIFA Philadelphia
Mark S. Tinkleman (DOB: 05/15/87) is a communist and a member of the Antifa group Refuse Fascism who attended the Charlottesville counter-protest in 2017 with others in his organization. Shortly thereafter, he attended a candlelight vigil in Philly. In 2020 he attended an anti-Trump rally organized by Refuse Fascism, a group he's affiliated with. Tinkleman organized an August 2020 Refuse Fascism rally to protest the shooting of an armed man by Kenosha police. Tinkleman works as a line cook and likes to be referred to as "The Noddle Whisperer". He lives in a home in Glenside that's probably owned by his mother or step-mother.
First Name : Hector
Last Name : Alcala
State : NY
Approx. Age : 35
Instagram :
Twitter :
Youtube :
Tags : East Coast Network
Héctor Ernesto Alcalá (DOB: 02/11/87), is a left-wing professor who attended the Charlottesville Unite the Right counter protest. His Twitter feed is extremely left-wing and has many Antifa re-Tweets. Alcalá holds a PhD in Public Health from UCLA and works as Assistant Professor, Department of Family, Population and Preventive Medicine at SUNY - Stony Brook where he studies the impact of early life adversity on health. He wrote a strange research paper claiming that the travel ban on several majority Muslim countries led to Muslim women in the U.S. giving birth to low birth rate babies. Alcalá lived in Charlottesville at the time of Unite the Right but moved to Lake Grove, New York on Long Island where he lives in an apartment.,
First Name : Laura
Last Name : Cross
State : VA
Approx. Age : 26
Tags : East Coast Network
Laura Catherine Cross (DOB: 07/03/95) attended the Unite the Right counter-protest while a student at UVA. She was part of a group that included "hero" librarian Tyler Magill ( who surrounded the statue of Thomas Jefferson because "the Klan" was supposedly going to tear the statue down (silly leftists, it's Antifa who tears down statues). She was present at a 2015 BLM protest that shut down I-95. She snapped photos but wasn't arrested. Cross is an environmentalist who traveled to Paris in 2015 to protest global warming. She's described in an article on climate change as a "Hoo" (is that like a hoe?). She probably lives with her parents near Richmond. (p.4),,
First Name : Jamie
Last Name : Dyer
State : VA
Approx. Age : 60
Tags : East Coast Network
Jamie Kevin Dyer (DOB: 11/16/61) allegedly attended the Charlottesville counter-protest. He's friends with UVA librarian Tyler Magill who claims to have been attacked with a tiki torch. Dyer may have witnessed the alleged attack. He was interviewed later and voiced approval of Charlottesville's move to cover Confederate statues. He's a part-time musician who works in insurance and runs the Dreams of Life title insurance company. Dyer claims to be a "half-assed" Buddhist. He lives in a house out in the country near Covesville, Virginia in the Charlottesville area. He’s been arrested for drugs and has multiple PPOs for domestic abuse.
First Name : Rosia
Last Name : Parker
State : VA
Approx. Age : 49
Tags : East Coast Network
Rosia Yoland Parker, former name Rosia Franklin, (DOB: 04/29/72) is a BLM activist who was at the 2017 Unite the Right counter-protest. Parker claims to have witnessed the car incident and that is gave her mental problems. She was also seen at the anniversary protest in 2018. Parker claimed to be a UVA student in 2017 but she seems to be a bit old to attend college. She's had numerous run-ins with the law including arrests for assault and battery, assault, petit larceny, abusive language, resisting arrest, failure to appear and disorderly conduct. She lives in a dumpy looking apartment complex, probably public housing, in Charlottesville.