First Name : Lisa

Last Name : Fithian

Approx. Age : 63

State : Texas

FACEBOOK : lisa.fithian.1
Tags : Leadership   Occupy  


Lisa S. Fithian, aka "Professor Occupy", (Born Apr. '61) is described by the left-wing Mother Jones magazine as the nation's best-known protest consultant. She appears to have been a radical for 50 years and receives $300 / day for her consulting work. Fithian has supposedly been arrested nearly 100 times but the only charge that appears to have stuck was a Texas charge for obstructing a highway. She organized a blockade of the CIA's headquarters in the mid '80s which resulted in the arrest of 600 people. Fithian was at the '99 WTO riots in Seattle with her "smashy smashies" which is her term for black bloc Antifa types. She was involved with the Occupy Wall Street movement in the early 2010s and taught workshops to Manhattan occupiers. In the early 2010s she coordinated a Take Back the Capitol union occupation of D.C. and she flew in professional occupiers to help the cause. She was active at rallies to push states to unconstitutionally remove Trump's name from 2024 ballots. Her latest gig was at Columbia University in April 2024 where she instructed radicals who illegally occupied Columbia's quad and took over a building. Fithian graduated from prestigious Skidmore College where she was the Student Body President. Some sources place her residence in Austin while others have her living in upstate New York near Chatham.,,,

Posted By : Anonymous in May 2024
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