Reports Found : 13022
Number Pages : 652
First Name : Sharon
Last Name : Claitor
State : CA
Facebook : sharon.claitor
Instagram : sharon.claitor (Private)
Twitter : @arcticfoxcolor (Business)
Tags : Direct Action Everywhere
She's a member of the radical animal rights group Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) who was arrested at a Sonoma County (CA) "direct action" in the late 2010s. Claitor was also active in DxE's protests against Whole Foods. She was the SF Bay Area chapter's member of the week in June 2020. Claitor runs a Vegan beauty products business called Arctic Fox. Her fake nails are so pretty they make me want to transition to a fake woman and buy them. She has a huge tattoo of eagle or angel wings across her chest and upper arms. Claitor lives in the Bay Area, possibly near Berkeley.
First Name : Ernesto
Last Name : Lopez
State : WA
Approx. Age : 44
He was arrested at a June 2020 George Floyd riot in Brooklyn. Lopez says he was hit on the head with a baton and complained about his tight zip ties and lack of a mask. He claims to have collapsed in tears on a flight back to Washington the next day. His criminal charge was later dropped. Lopez later filed suit against the NYPD. Lopez is a travelling respiratory therapist who was working in NYC during the Chinese Coronavirus pandemic. He took a leave of absence from Virginia Mason hospital in Seattle and may have returned to Tacoma after the pandemic. We couldn't find a verifiable photo of Lopez.
First Name : Alex
Last Name : Gutierrez
State : NY
Approx. Age : 31
He participated in a June 2020 George Floyd riot in the Mott Haven neighborhood of the Bronx. He was later one of the lead plaintiffs in a lawsuit against the NYPD over their tactics. Like the other plaintiffs, he was awarded $21K although it's unclear if he was injured or even arrested. He's now buds with his other plaintiffs: Amali Sierra (, Samira Sierra ( and Ricardo Nigalioni ( but they may not have known each other at the time of the riot. Gutierrez lives in the Bronx.
First Name : Ricardo
Last Name : Nigaglioni
State : NY
Approx. Age : 33
Ricardo "Luss" Ariel Nigalioni (born Apr. '90) participated in George Floyd riots in NYC and later was one of the plaintiffs in a class action lawsuit against the NYPD. He was awarded over $21K. Nigalioni is an R&B singer-songwriter who lives in an apartment down the street from Yankee stadium.
First Name : Amali
Last Name : Sierra
State : NY
Approx. Age : 25
Facebook : amali.sierra
She was one of the lead plaintiffs, along with her older sister Samira ( and a few others, in a class action civil rights lawsuit against the NYPD for the department's actions at 2020 George Floyd riots. She was arrested at a June 2020 riot in the Bronx. The rioters who sued were mad the NYPD was using efficient crowd control methods. The city later settled with the rioters, awarding each over $21K. That's a nice scam if you can find it. She works as a doula (midwife) and claims to have multiple sclerosis and to be disabled but looks healthy in photos. She lives in the Bronx.
First Name : Julius
Last Name : Walton
State : NC
Approx. Age : 26
Tags : Assaulting Police
Julius Jaleel Walton (DOB: 03/03/97) was arrested at an October 2020 BLM protest of a Confederate monument. He was charged with assaulting a public official and resisting a public officer. This fine young man has a long list of prior arrests for crimes including possession of marijuana, injury to personal property, failure to appear, attempted breaking and entering, assault on a female, preparation to commit burglary, larceny of motor vehicle, reckless driving to endanger and trespassing. He lives in Mebane with his parents.
First Name : William
Last Name : Traynor
State : NC
Approx. Age : 66
William Joseph Traynor (DOB: 06/01/57) was arrested at an October 2020 BLM protest in Graham. Traynor resisted officers who were trying to move protesters off a road and he was charged with resisting a public officer. His charges were later dismissed. Traynor has worked mostly for non-profits and lives out in the country near Graham.
First Name : Kelly
Last Name : Skahan
State : WA
Approx. Age : 34
Skahan is a lawyer who felt the need to travel from Seattle to participate in a BLM protest of a Confederate monument in Graham, NC in October 2020. She was arrested for failure to disperse but charges were later dropped. Skahan was supposedly in Graham to work as a Democratic party poll watcher in upcoming elections. She works as legal counsel for the Washington State Nurses Association and lives in Seattle.
First Name : Jensen
Last Name : Roll
State : NC
Approx. Age : 29
Facebook :
Instagram : @jroll6
Twitter : @JensenRoll (Inactive)
Jensen Holland Roll (DOB: 09/15/93) was arrested at an October 2020 BLM protest in Graham and charged with impeding traffic. The protesters were pissed off about a Confederate monument at the courthouse. He seems to have jumped on the BLM bandwagon as early as 2016, before it was trendy. Roll attended Elon University where he majored in social entrepreneurship and works as a building contractor. He lives in a modest old house in Graham. Strangely, he's seen as the groom in two wedding photos; one with a half-Asian chick and another with a black chick. He may have dumped the Asian so he could be woke and marry a black girl.
First Name : Avery
Last Name : Harvey
State : NC
Approx. Age : 32
Tags : Assault Weapons
Avery Markel Harvey (DOB: 07/08/90) is a criminal thug who was arrested at an October 2020 BLM protest of a Confederate monument in Graham. Harvey is described in media reports as a frequent protester and was arrested at six protests in 2020 and 2021. He was arrested at an April 2021 protest in Graham and charged with failure to disperse and violating a city ordinance and was charged with defacing a public monument at another protest. He has prior and subsequent charges for assaulting a female, simple assault, possession of cocaine, possession of marijuana, attempted robbery, breaking and entering, carrying a concealed gun, unsafe movement and carrying a weapon on educational property. The last charge occurred when he was in high school. Harvey was one of the plaintiffs in a 2020 suit against the city of Graham and the Alamance sheriff's office. He lives in either Burlington or Graham.
First Name : Olivia
Last Name : Davis
State : NC
Approx. Age : 21
Olivia Cabral Davis (DOB: 03/03/01) was arrested at an October 2020 BLM protest of a Confederate monument in Graham and charged with resisting a public officer. She was later acquitted of the charge. She was living in Burlington at the time of her arrest but may have moved to Chapel Hill.
First Name : Samson
Last Name : Asiyanbi
State : DC
Approx. Age : 41
Samson Oluwasegun Asiyanbi (born Nov. ’81) is a Department of Justice federal trial attorney who travelled to a BLM protest in Graham, North Carolina in October 2020. He was arrested and charged with failure to disperse on command. He’s originally from Nigeria but his family moved to Texas when he was young. He has a law degree from UC-Berkeley. He lives in a nice rowhouse in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Washington, DC.
First Name : Sarah
Last Name : Hewson
State : CO
Approx. Age : 38
Facebook : sarah.v.hewson
Twitter : @sjhewson
Tags : Direct Action Everywhere
Sarah Vowell Hewson, aka Sarah Joy Hewson, (DOB: 08/18/83) is an organizer for the Denver chapter of the radical animal rights group Direct Action Everywhere (DxE). She was arrested at an "action" on a Sonoma County (CA) farm in the late 2010s, but charges appear to have been dropped. She has a 2017 trespassing charge in Denver that may be protest related. She works as a teacher and won a teacher appreciation award in 2018. Her son is autistic, and she brought him to several protests. Hewson claims to live in Centennial but may live in Parker, just south of Centennial.,,
First Name : David
Last Name : Alvey
State : WA
Approx. Age : 43
Tags : Portland Antifa
David Zachary Alvey, aka Riot Dad, (born Feb. '80) is a self-proclaimed Antifa from just across the Columbia River from Portland. In June 2023, he attempted to get Antifa riled up by claiming Andy Ngo would attend a TERF (anti-trans women) rally at the Olympus Spa in Lynnwood, Washington. The spa had been forced by a Washington court to allow fake women to use the women's locker room. From Alvey's social media posts, it's obvious he isn't normally sexed as he's seen wearing a dress several times. He also posted a pic of his dic painted in the gay rainbow colors or possibly with a rainbow sock on it. He doesn't have any serious crimes on his record, but he does have a juvi charge for possession of marijuana and minor in possession of alcohol. He had a federal tax lien as well as what appears to be a child support judgement against him. He lives in a fairly nice house that's painted an extreme dark grey, nearly black, in the Orchards neighborhood of Vancouver with a person with a woman's name. It could be another tranny with a made-up name, or he may be in a tranny/lesbian relationship. Alvey works as a superintendent for a construction company.
First Name : Vanessa
Last Name : Marsot
State : CA
Facebook : vanessa.marsot
Twitter : @purplevelvethor
Tags : Direct Action Everywhere
She's a member of the radical animal rights group Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) who was arrested at a "direct action" on a Sonoma County (CA) farm in the late 2010s. Her charges may have been dropped. She runs the Ellora Vegan wellness center. She probably lives in the northern L.A. area where her wellness center is located.
First Name : Dominic
Last Name : Santana
State : FL
Approx. Age : 61
Dominic F. Santana (born Jun. '62) was arrested at Trump's arraignment hearing in June 2023 in Miami. He ran in front of Trump's motorcade and was manhandled by police and Secret Service officers. Santana said in an interview he came out to see Trump locked up "once and for all". He foreshadowed his arrest by wearing an old-fashioned jailbird uniform. Miami Antifa had called for violence against MAGA supporters, including the use of vehicles to run over Trump's fan club although the Antifa types were greatly outnumbered by Trump supporters. Santana is from New Jersey and moved to Miami on his retirement. He lives in a modest condo in the Little Havana neighborhood of Miami.
First Name : Stephen
Last Name : Walker
State : NC
Approx. Age : 39
Facebook : stephen.walker.9041
Stephen Morris Walker (DOB: 12/29/83) was arrested at a BLM protest of a Confderate monument in October 2020 in Graham. He was charged with failure to disperse. He's another Greensboro area fanboy of the Rev. Gregory Drumwright ( Walker attended HBCU North Carolina A&T. He claims to have been mentored by well-known attorney Ben Crump. He works at Moses Cone Memorial hospital.
First Name : Rion
Last Name : Thompson
State : NC
Approx. Age : 35
Rion Kelly Thompson (born Oct. '87) was arrested at an October 2020 Confederate monument protest in Graham. He's described in media reports as a local activist and has worked as a campaign manager for an Alamance County commissioner. Thompson is part of the Rev. Gregory Drumwright's ( little cult. His last known address was in Burlington.
First Name : Cierra
Last Name : Tate
State : NC
Approx. Age : 37
Tags : Weapons
Cierra Arnette Tate (DOB: 09/19/85) was arrested at a BLM protest of a Confederate monument in October 2020 in Graham. She was charged with carrying a weapon at a protest. She had priors for failure to return rental property and DUI. Tate lives in a dumpy house in the Woodmere Park neighborhood of Greensboro.
First Name : Samuel
Last Name : Pierre
State : NC
Approx. Age : 22
Facebook :
Samuel Pierre (born Apr. ’99) was arrested at an October 2020 BLM protest of a Confederate monument in Graham. He was charged with failure to disperse, resisting a public officer and public disturbance. He was a student at HBCU North Carolina A&T at the time. Pierre’s lawyer stood him up at his trial which had to be postponed. Pierre may have been one of the Antifa chasing Rittenhouse around. He had been previously arrested at the infamous Kenosha riot in Wisconsin in August 2020 and charged with failure to comply with an emergency management order. Pierre seems to be part of the Rev. Drumwright’s ( BLM cabal. His last known address was in Greensboro.