Reports Found : 322
Number Pages : 17
First Name : Urooj
Last Name : Rahman
State : NY
Approx. Age : 28
Tags : NYC Antifa Arson Weapons Federally Charged 'Rahman is also registered as an attorney in New York state, who was admitted to the bar in June 2019 after graduating from Fordham University School of Law.'
First Name : Matthew
Last Name : Rupert
State : IL
Approx. Age : 28
Tags : Weapons Federally Charged Passing out explosives, 2020 riot Charges: Civil disorder, 1 count Organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot, 1 count Possession of unregistered destructive devices, 1 count Before his arrest, he worked at Raff's Powerwash and also his sister’s bar doing inventory. He was engaged to be married prior to his arrest but his new prison boyfriend may have something to say about that. His father was mentally ill and died at a young age. Rupert lived in a run-down house in a rural Illinois town prior to his arrest.