Reports Found : 299
Number Pages : 15
First Name : Alayna
Last Name : Joyner
State : LA
Approx. Age : 25
Facebook : alayna.joyner
Instagram : @laynibby
Tags : Assaulting Police
Alayna Elizabeth Joyner was arrested at a Baton Rouge riot in 2016 held in honor of Alton Sterling, a criminal who was reaching for a loaded gun in his pocket when police shot him dead. She was charged with battery of an officer, obstructing a highway and resisting an officer although the charges may have been dismissed. Joyner was living in the Baton Rouge suburb of Prairieville when she was arrested. She's in a lesbian relationship.
First Name : Danyele
Last Name : Callaway
State : FL
Approx. Age : 20
Tags : Assaulting Police Assault
According to reporting by Andy Ngo, Danyele Amira Callaway (Born May '04) was arrested in July 2024 for making online death threats against Florida governor Rick DeSantis. She was charged with making written or electronic threat to kill or inflict bodily injury. After her arrest she was taken to a mental institution for an evaluation. She had priors for battery, battery on a law enforcement officer and resisting an officer. She lives in Riverview in the Tampa area.
First Name : Elijah
Last Name : Lane
State : PA
Approx. Age : 29
Tags : Assaulting Police Assault
Elijah Michael Lane (Born April '95) is a convicted drug dealer who was arrested at a May 2024 Antifa occupation of the Portland State University library. He was charged with assaulting a police officer, burglary and resisting arrest. Lane appears to have been a thug Antifa brought in for muscle. He was on parole in Pennsylvania for conspiracy to possess and distribute fentanyl and heroin when he traveled to Portland for the library occupation. Parolees often have travel restrictions so Lane may have violated his parole by leaving Pennsylvania. He had an additional prior for possession with intent to distribute fentanyl and heroin within 1,000 feet of a school. Lane's criminal career appears to have started at age 19 when he robbed a Philly liquor store, taking a bottle of Wild Turkey and a bottle of port. He was charged with assault, robbery, receiving stolen property, theft, resisting arrest and harassment. He appears to be a different person from the transsexual Elijah Lane in this database who lives in Tacoma.,
First Name : Christina
Last Name : Kittle
State : FL
Approx. Age : 34
Facebook : @kitfightsback
Twitter : @call_me_Kit_
Tags : Assaulting Police Assault
Christina "Kit" Elizabeth Kittle (Born Dec. '89) is a member of the radical Freedom Road Socialist Organization, a group allegedly funded by the Chinese Communist Party. She was one of the "Jacksonville 5" who was arrested at a 2017 anti-war rally in Jacksonville. Kittle was charged with inciting a riot, battery on a law enforcement officer and battery. She was convicted on the battery charge but the disposition of the other charges is uncertain. Kittle works as a teacher in the Jacksonville system, which is surprising given her conviction for a violent offense. She's a trained martial artist who fought off an armed robber who was trying to steal her credit card as she was buying classroom supplies for Black History month. As a committed communist, she should have just given the robber her card because he obviously needed it more than she did. She's a notable enough activist that she gave an online TED talk in 2020. Kittle is married to fellow Jacksonville radical David Schneider who was arrested at the same anti-war rally as Kittle. She lives in the Jacksonville suburb of Middleburg.,
First Name : Conor
Last Name : Poull
State : WA
Approx. Age : 39
Facebook : conor.poull
Instagram : @personalgrind
Twitter : @personalgrind (Inactive)
Tags : CHAZ CHOP Assaulting Police
Conor Patrick Poull (born Feb. '84) is a cyclist who joined the Antifa "Bike Brigade" which illegally blocks streets at riots. He participated in a July 2020 Seattle riot and was manhandled by cops. He was arrested on charges of assaulting a police officer. Poull was held for two days but was released without charges. While in jail, he underwent an anal cavity search which I'm sure he enjoyed. Poull later sued the city. He worked as a barista for years and won some sort of coffee making competition. He now works in coffee distribution which I guess means he drives a coffee truck. Poull lives in an apartment a block from Cal Anderson Park in the former CHAZ/CHOP zone. (pp. 182-184)
First Name : Jesse
Last Name : Hughey
State : WA
Approx. Age : 37
Tags : CHAZ CHOP Assaulting Police
Jesse T. Hughey (Born Aug. '86) participated in a Capitol Hill neighborhood riot the night before CHAZ/CHOP was established. He claimed to have been hit by non-lethal ammo. He was arrested for assaulting an officer with his bike and was gang tackled by police. His assault charge appears to have been dropped but he had an arrest for criminal trespassing and appropriating property earlier in 2020 which may have been protest/riot related. He later sued the city. He works as a musician. He's from Alaska originally but his last known address was in Seattle. (pp. 127-129)
First Name : Ash
Last Name : Williams
State : NC
Tags : Assaulting Police
It's a tranny organizer and a member of the Charlotte Jail Support group who was arrested for kicking a cop in the neck and chest at a George Floyd riot in 2020. He bitched in an interview about how it's tough to find a job with charges on his record. The Charlotte DA appears to be dragging his feet in prosecuting rioters. As of May 2022, William's criminal charges were still unresolved. He participated in a 2020 sit-in outside the Mecklenburg County jail although he doesn't appear to have been arrested.
First Name : Keegan
Last Name : Kinzie
State : IA
Approx. Age : 23
Facebook : keegan.kinzie.9
Instagram : theres_lean_in_my_boot
Tags : Assaulting Police
Keegan Alexander Kinzie (born May 2000) was arrested at a May 2020 George Floyd riot in Sioux City and was charged with assaulting a police officer, failure to disperse, interfering with official acts and possession of marijuana. He had a prior for harboring a runaway. Judging by his social media, weed is a significant part of his life. Kinzie works as a washer at a trucking company. I guess he washes the trucks. He lives in a Sioux City.
First Name : Alvreez
Last Name : James
State : IA
Approx. Age : 26
Tags : Assaulting Police
Alvreez L. James was arrested at a May 2020 George Floyd riot in Sioux City and charged with assaulting a police officer, eluding a police officer and failure to disperse.
First Name : Kathy
Last Name : Coleman
State : OH
Approx. Age : 63
Facebook : editorkathywraycoleman
Tags : Assaulting Police
Kathy Wray Coleman (born Jul. '60) is a community activist and news editor who was arrested at the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland. She was charged with obstruction of a business and resisting arrest and had an outstanding warrant for assault on a police officer at the time. She had a ton of priors, some serious including assault on a police officer, aggravated disorderly conduct, disobeying an order, felonious assault and telephone harassment. ]She had a large federal tax lien. Coleman worked as a newspaper editor for the Cleveland Urban News, a black and Hispanic newspaper. She used to work as a biology teacher and then a realtor. She seems to have filed several lawsuits against various governments in the Cleveland area. A judge once ordered her to submit to a psychological test because she wanted to represent herself in court. A legal pleading in her case, which she appears to have prepared herself, is riddled with grammatical errors such as, "Realtor was beginning repairs on her home per a fire in 2013 an an affiliated fire insurance policy …" It's scary to think she taught school. She lives in the Cleveland suburb of University Heights., (legal pleading)
First Name : Dominique
Last Name : Knox
State : OH
Approx. Age : 31
Tags : Assaulting Police
Dominique "Dominic" Desean Knox was arrested at the 2016 Republican National Convention and charged with assaulting a police officer, resisting arrest and obstructing official business. His charges were eventually dropped. He was previously arrested at a 2015 Cleveland City Council meeting.
First Name : Gregory
Last Name : Johnson
State : CA
Approx. Age : 67
Tags : Assaulting Police Assault
Gregory Lee Johnson is a Revcom who really has a thing for flag burning. He burned an American flag at the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland. He allegedly assaulted two reporters during the rioting but wasn't charged. Johnson later sued the city of Cleveland and was awarded $250K. He was previously arrested for burning a flag at the 1984 RNC and took his case all the way to the Supreme Court. In 2019, he was arrested for burning a flag outside the White House and then assaulting a police officer. He's believed to live in the SF Bay Area.
First Name : Richard
Last Name : Newburger
State : IL
Approx. Age : 66
Tags : Assaulting Police
Richard M. Newburger (born Mar. '57) was arrested at the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland and charged with failure to disperse, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. He filed suit against the city of Cleveland and was awarded $50K. He was previously arrested in 2014 at a protest in Chicago in support of the Ferguson, Missouri riots and charged with mob action and aggravated battery on a police officer. He has additional arrests for burglary and obstructing the service of process. Newburger is described as a long-time activist. He lives in the South Shore neighborhood of Chicago.
First Name : Edicia
Last Name : Cruz
State : CA
Approx. Age : 50
Tags : Assaulting Police
Edicia "Diya" O. Cruz (born Mar. '73) was arrested at the 2016 RNC in Cleveland. She was charged with failure to disperse and aggravated disorderly conduct. She was later arrested at some sort of 2018 Chicago riot and charged with aggravated assault on a police officer, resisting arrest and posting bills. Most of her charges at the Chicago event appear to have been dropped. Cruz has a psychology degree and practices some form of alternative medicine called the Alexander Technique. She lives in Berkeley.
First Name : Clark
Last Name : Richman
State : ID
Approx. Age : 53
Tags : Arson Assaulting Police Assault
Clark Edward Richman (DOB: 09/01/69) is a licensed counselor who walked onto an Idaho gun range wearing a MAGA-like hat that read “MAGGOTS” and an AOC t-shirt in April 2023. Richman stated that he wanted to learn how to use pistols, “to shoot racist Trump-er fuckers. We have to be ready when the enemy comes.” He also said he couldn’t wait to give transphobic people the death penalty. The range officer, a former NYPD police Lieutenant, told Richman to leave. Police investigated Richman and found he believed white nationalists were out to get him and that he texted “Operation Elimination will commence in 2024.” For some reason the Cour d’Alene police department determined he wasn’t a threat, and he doesn’t appear to have been arrested. Richman spent time in a mental hospital in 2013 for bi-polar disorder. He’s a felon with convictions for aggravated assault and arson. He also has charges for assault and battery on a police officer, theft and taking a motor vehicle without permission. He set a trailer on fire after he was released from the mental hospital and then assaulted the arresting officer. It’s amazing that a mentally ill, convicted felon can work as a counselor in Idaho. Richman lives in an apartment in a subdivided house in Cour d’Alene. His next-door neighbor flies an American flag and a Don’t Tread on me flag which must drive Richman nuts.
First Name : Krystal
Last Name : DiPippa
State : PA
Approx. Age : 40
Tags : Assaulting Police Weapons Federally Charged
She's a domestic terrorist who was federally charged in 2023 for dropping smoke bombs and shooting fireworks at police at a Michael Knowles event on the University of Pittsburgh campus. Several officers were injured in the attack. She was charged with conspiracy, obstruction of law enforcement during civil disorder and using an explosive device to commit a federal felony. Her husband, Brian, was indicted for the same crimes. The couple faces up to 10 years in prison and a $750K fine.,, (Indictment)
First Name : Brian
Last Name : DiPippa
State : PA
Approx. Age : 36
Tags : Assaulting Police Weapons Federally Charged
Brian D. Dipippa, aka “Peppy”, (born Oct. ’86) is a domestic terrorist who was federally charged in April 2023 for dropping smoke bombs and shooting fireworks at police at a Michael Knowles event on the University of Pittsburgh campus. Several officers were injured in the attack. He was charged with conspiracy, obstruction of law enforcement during civil disorder and using an explosive to commit a federal felony. His wife, Krystal, was indicted for the same crimes. The couple each face up to 10 years in prison and a $750K fine. He was under FBI surveillance when he triggered an explosives alarm while attempting to board a flight. He was arrested shortly thereafter. The DiPippas are long-time radicals and belonged to a now defunct radical group known as the Pittsburgh Organizing Group. The group picketed a Marine Corps recruiting station in 2007 which was vandalized later that night. His only prior was an old disorderly conduct charge in 2006, probably related to an anti-war protest. He works (worked?) as a software engineer at UST Global. He lives in a fairly nice house in the Greenbriar neighborhood of Pittsburgh., (Indictment) He was one of the founders of the "It's Going Down" radical media outlet. He plead guilty and received a 5 year prison sentence.
First Name : Joesph
Last Name : Brown
State : NY
Approx. Age : 40
Tags : Assaulting Police
He was arrested at a violent counter-protest to a Back the Blue rally in Bayside Brooklyn in July 2020. Brown threw an egg at a police officer. He was charged with assault, tampering with physical evidence, resisting arrest and menacing. Despite numerous assaults by BLM on the pro-police group, only two people were arrested. BLMers claimed the Blue Lives Matter group started fights but that appears to be untrue.
First Name : Robert
Last Name : Bolden
State : NY
Approx. Age : 44
Tags : Assaulting Police
Robert Charles Bolden (DOB: 01/13/79) is a felon who threw a helmet at either a cop or pro-cop rally-goers and got tased and his arm broken at a Brooklyn Back the Blue rally in July 2020. He was initially charged with assault, reckless endangerment, obstruction of governmental administration and disorderly conduct. Charges were later dropped by New York's left-wing D.A. Despite numerous assaults by BLM supports on the pro-police crowd, only two people were arrested. Bolden claimed to be unable to walk even though it was his arm that was injured and later filed a $10 mil. claim against the city. Bolden had priors for firearm possession by a felon, criminal trespassing, shoplifting, theft by deception, probation violation and marijuana possession. His last known address was in the Bed-Stuy neighborhood of Brooklyn.
First Name : D'Aireus
Last Name : Stokes
State : AZ
Approx. Age : 31
Facebook : daireus.stokes
Twitter : @DAireusStokes (Inactive)
Tags : Assaulting Police
D'Aireus Latraveus Stokes (DOB: 12/04/89) was arrested at a Phoenix Trump rally in 2017. He was charged with aggravated assault on police x3, threatening and intimidating x3, disorderly conduct x3 and one count of resisting arrest. He didn't have many priors but his arrest at the rally seems to have launched his life of crime. Stokes has subsequent arrests for attempted trespassing, resisting arrest with risk of physical injury, possession of drug paraphernalia, unlawful flight from law enforcement, criminal damage and possession of dangerous drugs. He works as a photographer. Some news reports appear to have gotten his age wrong by a decade. Stokes lives in the Amber Ridge Heights neighborhood of Phoenix with his grandmother.