Reports Found : 10
First Name : Omar
Last Name : Rashan
State : WA
Twitter :
Youtube :
Tags : Weapons Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club
Omar Rashan is a leftist "gun youtuber" and a "friend" (possible member) of the violent far left group Puget Sound JBGC, a group that has carried out a terrorist attack in the PNW. PSJBGC - Gofundme's where he begs for sex change money - Band pictures (pre name change) - Likely (former?) workplace
First Name : Randy
Last Name : Cherland
State : WA
Tags : Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club
Member Puget Sound JBGC Found via CanYouIDMe - "visual match for a Randy Cherland on linkedin. He has a nazi stomping song on his Facebook."
First Name : Vyacheslav
Last Name : Arkhangelskiy
State : WA
Tags : JBGC Infiltrator Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club
Vyacheslav Arkadyevich Arkhangelskiy, born David Alan Capito II, is a politically motivated violent extremist in Seattle, Washington. He is extensively involved with an armed leftist militia with connections to domestic terrorism, resulting in death. In 2017, Arkhangelskiy changed his legal name from David Alan Capito to Avenir David Capito. Then, in March 2022, he changed his name again to Vyacheslav Arkadyevich Arkhangelskiy. For the sake of simplicity, we will refer to him as David Capito for the rest of this article. A Seattle Antifa account (likely alt for Nicholas J Armstrong) claims he was outed for being a "serial domestic abuser" and has been exiled for "various fucked up conduct". It seems that even Capito's conduct is too far for the Antifa community in Seattle. This supports the argument of Capito's stalkerish behavior including hacking, vandalism of people's property, trespassing on people's homes, and just being a general creep. Makes you wonder if Torch, Unicorn Riot, and the SPLC endorse his behavior since he (and his WANaziWatch front blog) were the source for their Patriot Front leaks.
First Name : michael
Last Name : o'dell
State : WA
Tags : Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club
Big League Politics reported that on May 11, 2019, an unidentified member of the John Brown Gun Club showed up outside the home of an nationalist who had come to one of their meetings. Seattle Police arrested the man for felony harassment, however, neither Seattle PD nor Big League Politics named the man. Links: his name is Mike O'Dell, AKA Georgetown Mike a graffiti vandal. He was not a John Brown member, they called him in for help. a stalking protection order was made by the family (including a 10 year old child)
First Name : Seth
Last Name : Hemond
State : WA
Tags : JBGC Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club
A former governor of anarcho-terrorist group Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club a "Chief People and Culture Officer" at the SEIU
First Name : ERIK
Last Name : STINSON
State : WA
Facebook :
Tags : JBGC Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club
Former governor of the PSJBGC nonprofit in Washington
First Name : NACIM
Last Name : BOUCHTIA
State : WA
Tags : JBGC Leadership Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club
The incorporator, and initial board of director for the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club He gives quotes in Andy Ngo's book so he's not with the JGBC anymore probably
First Name : Shannon
Last Name : McMinimee
State : WA
Twitter : SMMcMinimee
Tags : JBGC Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club A lawyer and PSJGBC member who was close friends with now dead terrorist willem spronsen Full name: Shannon Marie McMinimee, DOB: 02/15/78. She's worked mostly in education law. She has ties to area school districts and served as Assistant Superintendent for Yakima School District #7. She was also General Counsel for the Tacoma school district. Additionally, she was an adjunct professor at the University of Washington - Tacoma. She lives in a rather dumpy house near the water that's nevertheless valued at over $700K. Rumor has it that she's changing her surname to "McMaximee" because there's nothing mini about this porker:) Maybe Mini mee refers to the dog she's holding. (Protected)
First Name : Duke
Last Name : Aaron
State : WA
Tags : JBGC Leadership Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club Founder Duke Aaron greets members of the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club. In 2017, van Spronsen was the club's first recruit.
First Name : Willem
Last Name : Spronsen
State : WA
Approx. Age : 68
Tags : JBGC Weapons Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club Spronsen who was reported to have been carrying a rifle "attempted to ignite a large propane tank and set our buildings on fire", and "continued throwing lit objects and firebombs at the buildings and cars" Attempted to shoot up an ICE facility. Associated with JBGC