Reports Found : 13022
Number Pages : 652
First Name : Marcus
Last Name : McDonald
State : SC Marcus Tyler McDonald bonded out Wednesday morning after paying $1349.50 for his violation of permit requirements and disorderly conduct charges.
First Name : Kayla
Last Name : Hill
State : SC
Approx. Age : 21 Jail records show Noah Serre Shue, 23, and Kayla Elizabeth Hill, 21, were charged with third-degree assault and battery. Both were released from jail on $1,087 PR bonds.
First Name : Noah
Last Name : Shue
State : SC
Approx. Age : 23 Jail records show Noah Serre Shue, 23, and Kayla Elizabeth Hill, 21, were charged with third-degree assault and battery. Both were released from jail on $1,087 PR bonds.
First Name : Laura
Last Name : Czarniecki
State : OR
Tags : Portland Antifa Occupy
She was part of a rowdy, unpermitted Occupy Portland march in November 2012 that disobeyed police orders and attempted to march up a closed street. Police dispersed the mob with tear gas. Carniecki isn’t believed to have been tear-gassed or arrested at the protest. She's a certified elementary education teacher who may work as a pre-school teacher.
First Name : Kari
Last Name : Koch
State : OR
Approx. Age : 40
Twitter :,
Youtube :
Tags : Portland Antifa Leadership Occupy
Full name Kari Suzan Koch. Kari Koch is a communicator and organizer with We Are Oregon and a City of Portland employee. She was arrested at the Portland N17 Occupy riot in November 2011 where she was a spokesperson for the event. Koch was charged with criminal trespassing but the charges were dismissed. She has been active in social justice movements for more than a decade in Portland, working on housing justice, Latin America solidarity and climate justice. Koch appears to be one of the founders of Rise Communications, LLC, a group that develops communications strategies for movement building with unions & organizations around the Pacific Northwest. In September 2020, she claims Portland riot police threatened her while she was in her yard in the Mill Park neighborhood in Portland. She claims to have a "brown" partner. DOB: 12/15/80
First Name : Bradley
Last Name : Beach
State : OR
Approx. Age : 38
Twitter :
Tags : Portland Antifa Occupy
Full name Bradley Clair Beach. Despite his effete middle name, he doesn't appear to be re-gendering. He was arrested in Jamison Square in Portland in October 2011 after refusing to leave prior to the PPD crackdown on the Occupy encampment at the park. He was charged with criminal trespassing, disorderly conduct and interfering with a police officer. He was convicted of criminal trespassing but the other charges appear to have been dropped. His Twitter feed still has a lot of old Occupy tweets. He still lives in Oregon and appears to work in Tech. DOB: 11/22/82
First Name : Kira
Last Name : Bunkholt
State : MN 6 Arrests from Saturday BLM event in #Minneapolis. All for public nuisance
First Name : Allison
Last Name : Riebel
State : MN
Facebook : 6 Arrests from Saturday BLM event in #Minneapolis. All for public nuisance
First Name : Janerio
Last Name : Taylor
State : MN 6 Arrests from Saturday BLM event in #Minneapolis. All for public nuisance
First Name : Rachel
Last Name : Lawrence
State : MN 6 Arrests from Saturday BLM event in #Minneapolis. All for public nuisance
First Name : Matthew
Last Name : Norby
State : MN 6 Arrests from Saturday BLM event in #Minneapolis. All for public nuisance
First Name : Dominae
Last Name : Kunza-Quist
State : MN 6 Arrests from Saturday BLM event in #Minneapolis. All for public nuisance
First Name : Carlos
Last Name : Benavides-Montes
State : OR
Approx. Age : 28
Tags : Portland Antifa Occupy
Full name Carlos Gabriel Benavides-Montes. He was one of the plaintiffs in a 2012 Oregon Circuit Court motion to dismiss charges against Occupy protesters who were arrested by police at the October and November 2011 Occupy protests in Portland. The exact nature of the charges against Benevides-Montes have been lost to time. He was later arrested at a May Day riot in 2012 in Portland and charged with disorderly conduct and resisting a police officer for trying to pull a cop off another Occupy Portland protester who was under arrest during a May Day demonstration. He was convicted of his May Day crimes. DOB: 3/18/93
First Name : Joshua
Last Name : Potash
State : NY
Twitter :
Attends activities in Seattle area as driver. Friends with @Gatoraidfairy and Christine Boese. Self proclaimed supporter of antifa activities. Uses the twitter account @jpbackitup also. I have photos of him at the Seattle anti Israel protest in May 2021. DOB: 05/27/76. This guy may be based out of Brooklyn even though he hangs out in Seattle. His Twitter feed claims he resides in NYC and people finder services show him living in Far Rockaway, Brooklyn. He's an adjunct lecturer at both Hunter College and Borough of Manhattan Community College. He signed a statement of solidarity with the Atlanta Forest Defenders in 2023.
First Name : David
Last Name : Ortiz
State : NY
Approx. Age : 28
AKA David "Shaman" Ortiz. He's the organizer and instigator of the politically charged weekend bacchanalias at Washington Square Park in Manhattan. He founded the "Be Outside Crew" or "We Outside Crew" which seems to be a loosely organized gang more intent on partying than hardcore crime or political activities. Ortiz' revelries in the park include unsanctioned prize fights, rampant drug abuse and the general trashing of the park and surrounding neighborhood. He attended many of the BLM rallies / riots in 2020 and claims to be the person who convinced the NYPD chief to take a knee at a BLM protest/riot in 2020 in Manhattan. He's quoted as telling residents “If you have an issue with amplified sound and you live in the downtown area, you live in the Washington Square Park area, then you should move. I'm not letting anyone steel our joy." Of course, he lives in Queens so he gets to go home to his nice quiet neighborhood. Ortiz also referred to concerned residents as "Kens and Karens" in an interview. At a community meeting in July 2021 to discuss the lawlessness in the park, Ortiz ran up to a table of city officials and called them "racist pieces of sh*t". He may be more BLM than Antifa but the lawlessness he promotes makes it easier for Antifa to operation in New York City.
First Name : Jessica
Last Name : Miller-Suchet
State : CA
Approx. Age : 23
Facebook :
She's a former student and left-wing activist at Johns Hopkins University. While at JHU, she was one of the primary fundraisers for a GoFundMe campaign to raise money for a protester arrested at a 2019 sit-in at the JHU main administration building. It's unknown if Ms. Miller-Suchet was one of the many participants at the sit-in but its probably likely. The protesters were opposed to the creation of a Johns Hopkins police force, ICE contracts with JHU as well as the shooting of Tyrone. She got her degree in Psychology, Women, Gender & Sexuality from JHU. She's now believed to be working as a paralegal in northern California. Postings to her Facebook page imply she's a lesbian and she poses with her not so bad looking lesbian lover. Other social media posts show she's a member of Kappa Alpha Theta ("KAT" seriously??), an all women's "fraternity". DOB: 9/28/97
First Name : Kushan
Last Name : Ratnayake
State : MD
Approx. Age : 27
Tags : East Coast Network
Full name Kushan Bandara Ratnayake. He participated in a Johns Hopkins University sit-in at the main administration building in 2019. The protesters were against the creation of a Johns Hopkins police force, university contracts with ICE and the shooting of some guy named Tyrone. He was also one of the chief fundraisers for a GoFundMe campaign to benefit the protesters who were arrested. He has degrees in biophysics and mechanical engineering from JHU and is currently working on a PhD in mechanical engineering. DOB: 2/21/94
First Name : Rasha
Last Name : Anaya
State : MD
Approx. Age : 24
Tags : East Coast Network
She's a Johns Hopkins PhD student who participated in a 2019 sit-in at the main JHU administration building. In an interview, she was quoted as saying, "We began to transform Garland Hall into a space that actually served students and community. The sit-in created gender-neutral bathrooms, held morning group stretches, offered free coffee and food for all, as well as free bathroom supplies." I wonder how well the gender-neutral urinals worked? She's apparently anti-Semitic. According to Canary Mission, on November 15, 2020, Anayah tweeted: “ethical dilemma: if you have to grade a zionist student exam, do you still give them all their points even though they support your ethnic cleansing? like idk." Anayah added a Twitter poll with the options: “yes a good ta," which received 22.2% of the votes and “free palestine! fail them," which received 78.8%. On November 16, 2020, Anayah responded to the poll results, tweeting: “like i agree but also too many of you want me to get fired." According to the "Forward", Johns Hopkins launched an investigation into Anayah's grading practices. Some more Twitter gems courtesy of Canary Mission: On November 20, 2020, Anayah tweeted “y’all allah looking out for me. The majority of undergrads in chem here are white and i was blessed enough to be paired w a black woman to mentor who has good race analysis. Didn’t get pinned with an israeli or some b**ch white boy to have to share my knowledge with.alhamdulilah [Thank God]." Age is a guess
First Name : Karter
Last Name : Burnett
State : MD
Approx. Age : 23
Tags : East Coast Network Leadership
He was one of the organizers of a 2019 month-long sit-in protest at a Johns Hopkins University administration building. The protesters were against the establishment of a private JHU police force, JHU contracts with ICE and the shooting of some dude name Tyrone. Burnett is quoted as saying, "I care because I'm black, I care because I'm queer, I care because I understand the implications that a private police force would have on black, brown and queer bodies."
First Name : Cyril
Last Name : Creque-Sarbinowski
State : MD
Approx. Age : 26
Tags : Leadership
He's a physics graduate student and was one of the organizers of a month-long student sit-in at Johns Hopkins University in 2019. The students were protesting the creation of a JHU police force, ICE contracts with the university and the shooting of some dude named Tyrone. Although seven students were arrested in an act of civil disobedience in May 2019 when they refused to leave the building, good ole Cyril appears to have high-tailed it before the police cleared the building. Believe it or not, his attached photo isn't a mugshot, rather it comes from a Johns Hopkins roster of graduate students. He appears to have done his undergrad at MIT where he graduated in '17 and competed in Taekwando. His age is approximate.